The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 701 Amazing Foresight

Chapter 701 Amazing Foresight ([-])

On this day, it was dusk.The slanting light of the setting sun shone on the top of the city wall of Moling, casting a yellowish reddish light.

These sunshines are very selfless, and they also shot into the prison of the Zongzhengfu Yamen in Moling.At this time, it is already late autumn, the weather has turned cold, and the sun sets exceptionally early.The sunlight formed a faint light spot on the prison floor, bringing a ray of light and warmth to the dark and damp prison.

At this time, the trial of Lu Xun was coming to an end.But judging from the foreseeable situation, Lu Xun is afraid that the capital crime can be avoided and the living crime is inevitable.

Lu Xun was sitting in the prison at this time, and sitting across from him was a young woman who was no older than 26 or seven years old.This woman is very beautiful, dressed in a gorgeous dress, with a faint aura of wealth on her body.Such a woman, people only need to take a look, you can know that the background is extraordinary.

This woman is actually Lu Xun's wife, Sun Shi, who is Sun Ce's daughter and Sun Quan's niece.

On the ground between the two were some food, wine jugs and wine glasses. Lu Xun was eating slowly with a pair of chopsticks in his hand, while Mrs. Sun would refill him wine from time to time.

The atmosphere between the two seemed very quiet, Lu Xun just ate quietly, his expression was very indifferent, but Sun's face was full of worry.Mrs. Sun is not a person who likes to talk very much. In addition, she was born in a prince's family, so her personality is even more withdrawn.Therefore, she was actually very worried about Lu Xun's current situation in her heart, and even went to Sun Quan to intercede again and again, but when she came to Lu Xun, she seemed a little taciturn.

It can be seen that the relationship between Lu Xun and the couple is deep, but it is not deep. The combination is only a kind of marriage obligation.

At this time, Sun finally couldn't help but said: "Husband, I have been asking for help everywhere, and I believe that uncle will release you soon. You continue to be wronged here for a while, Zongzheng The people in the government office are all relatives, and the concubine has also given them an account, asking them to take more care of you in daily life."

Lu Xun just hummed, but he didn't put down the chopsticks in his hand, and he didn't want to answer Sun with anything.

In fact, Mrs. Sun is looking forward to her husband, so don't always be so silent in front of her, and she can open up her heart and talk more about what is in her heart.So, she couldn't help raising her head, looked at Lu Xun's handsome face with a pair of eyebrows, but only saw Lu Xun chewing food slowly, staring at the plate with food, looking very absent-minded, and didn't know Did he treat Mrs. Sun like this deliberately, or was he thinking about something.

Mrs. Sun has been married to Lu Xun for ten years, and she couldn't help sighing inwardly. After ten years of companionship, the two are still just like strangers.Thinking of this, Mrs. Sun couldn't help feeling sore, and tears almost came out of her eyes.

After all, the Sun family was born in a duke's family, and the family education he received was very strict since childhood.He held back the sadness in his heart, and asked gently: "Husband, my concubine will come to deliver meals to you every day. I wonder if you need anything else here? When I come over tomorrow, Let me bring you here together."

Lu Xun absent-mindedly hummed again, then looked up at Mrs. Sun, and said, "Send food? No need, this prison is dirty and smelly. You can't get used to it, so you don't have to come here every day." Yes. Just let the servants at home bring me meals every day. By the way, let the servants bring me more bedding and clothes tomorrow."

Of course, Mrs. Sun was looking forward to Lu Xun's acceptance of her proposal. Now that Lu Xun refused for a long time, only she knew how she felt.

In fact, Sun's family background is too high, and he is not very good at words, even with his own husband, it is very easy to create a feeling of estrangement.She had never really opened her heart to Lu Xun. It would be difficult for a person like Lu Xun to put his mind on such a wife.

Sun obviously couldn't figure out why Lu Xun suddenly asked for so many things.Although the weather is cold now, it shouldn't be necessary for so many bedding and clothes.Sun looked at the dirty and messy prison, and thought it was because it was too gloomy and cold, and Lu Xun was a scholar himself, obviously he couldn't bear it anymore.

Sun said: "The prison of the Zongzheng government office is really cold, and I'm afraid it will be even more difficult at night. It's really hard for my husband to stay here for such a long time."

Lu Xun gave Sun a completely unexpected answer, saying: "Ma'am, it's not that the nights here are cold, nor is it that life in this prison is hard. Just preparing for winter."

When Sun heard this, she was shocked and asked, "Husband, why do you think so? My uncle should let you out soon."

Lu Xun smiled lightly, looking so handsome, but in fact there was not much emotion in the smile, only a bit of bitterness.

Lu Xun suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand and stood up from the ground, the light of the setting sun from the window just shone on the top of his head.He was facing the west at this time, which was the direction of Jingzhou, the place where he became an extremely powerful minister overnight, and even fell from the top of Mount Tai to the abyss overnight.

Lu Xun sighed and said, "My lord wants to end the war in Jingzhou before this winter, but it's not easy! The war in Jingzhou should end, and I will never be able to get out of the prison of the Zongzheng government."

Sun's expression changed when he heard the words.She is just a woman who doesn't understand war, let alone politics, but she also understands the helplessness and sigh in Lu Xun's words.

Sun wanted to continue to comfort Lu Xun, but she had never been good at such things. She wanted to open her mouth a few times, but she couldn't talk about it at all.

So, the two faced the western window, each speechless.

At this moment, there was movement on the corridor outside the prison, followed by the sound of light footsteps.Lu Xun and Sun turned around to look, but it turned out that Kan Ze and Kan Derun had come again.

Kan Ze has suddenly become the most frequent visitor here except for Lu Xun's family since Lu Xun was imprisoned in the prison here. He came to visit Lu Xun almost every other day.

Seeing that the princess was here, Kan Ze quickly entered the cell to greet him.Lu Xun's face at this time has changed, the original silence has turned into a bright smile.

Knowing that the two people must have something to talk about, Mrs. Sun didn't stay here any longer, and then told Lu Xun to take care of herself, and said goodbye to Kan Ze.

Lu Xun smiled at Kan Ze: "Derun, you came early today!"

Kan Ze also smiled, he has always had a sense of humor, and said with a smile: "Why, did I bother you to have dinner with the princess?"

Lu Xun let out a sigh, waved his hands and smiled, "How could this be so! But you came just in time, and there happens to be wine here, let's talk while drinking."

Of course Kan Ze would not be polite, the two immediately sat down on the floor, Kan Ze picked up the flagon and poured a glass of wine for Lu Xun.

After the two drank a glass of wine, Lu Xun immediately said to Kan Ze: "Derun, I've been thinking about it recently, and I always feel that the situation is not quite right!"

Kan Ze put down his wine glass, and said curiously, "You've been trapped in this prison all day, and you've seen something wrong again?"

Lu Xun said: "I'm talking about the direction of Jingzhou."

Kan Zeqi said: "Jingzhou? Thousands of miles away in Jingzhou, Governor Sun Jun is now leading an army to confront the Shu Han army. I believe our army will launch an attack soon. But, how long have you been suffering there? Are you starting to care about things there? Don’t you know the so-called ‘you don’t want to be in the position’?”

Lu Xun smiled wryly, and said, "Why don't I know this? But didn't you tell me about Quan Cong last time?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with Quan Cong? This man really can't tell that he is really loyal to the lord. You also know about his mother. After he learned about the situation, he immediately gave the lord a lesson. A letter of guilt. My lord is very satisfied with Quan Cong's performance, and it is estimated that after the war in Jingzhou is over, Quan Cong will definitely be promoted to a higher rank. Compared to Quan Cong, Bo Yan, you..."

Lu Xun seemed quite indifferent to Kan Ze's emotion, and said with a smile, "Quan Cong is Quan Cong, and I am me. How he behaves is naturally irrelevant to me. It's just that he actually helped Bu Zhi to give him a hand from behind. I cut it, but I still remember it fresh! However, I am not going to tell you these things now."

Kan Zeqi said, "Then what are you going to say?" After speaking, he filled Lu Xun's glass with wine again.

"What I want to say is that the recent performance of Quan Cong's Lukou Port is really different from usual, so I even doubt in my heart whether Quan Cong's confession is just a strategy to confuse the lord."

(End of this chapter)

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