The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 702 Amazing Foresight

Chapter 702 Amazing Foresight ([-])

Kan Ze became agitated when he heard the words, but lowered his voice and said, "Be careful with your words! What are you talking about! Why did Quan Cong confuse the lord? Your words don't make any sense at all. If others listen Go, and if the word reaches the ears of the lord, won't you be punished again?"

However, Lu Xun waved his hand and said, "But I have a faint feeling in my heart that the various news sent back from Lukou Port recently are really too positive and positive, and almost none of them are bad news worth worrying about. What do you think? Think, since our army launched a reactionary raid on Jingzhou, when has such an optimistic situation appeared? What's more, now the Jingzhou army dominates the offensive situation. Although our army is still strong, it is still in a strategic defense."

Of course Kan Ze still didn't believe it, and asked, "Then what do you think will happen to Lukougang, or Quan Cong?"

Lu Xun said in a low voice very mysteriously: "The worst case for Quan Cong now is that he may raise his troops to rebel; the worst case is that he will directly lead the navy in Lukou Port and join the Shu Han!"

Kan Ze jumped up from the ground when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Lu Boyan, Lu Boyan, I think you have lost your mind today, otherwise how could you say such a thing?" He immediately wanted to turn around leave.

Lu Xun immediately reached out and grabbed Kan Ze's wide sleeve, and said kindly: "De Runmo is going to be angry, you sit back and talk about it. What I said just now was just out of a common sense speculation, not that there is already one. It may be a conclusion, or it is deliberately trying to frame Quan Cong."

Kan Ze then sat down opposite Lu Xun again, picked up the wine glass on the ground, and drank the wine inside in one gulp.He is Lu Xun's close friend. Although he just refuted Lu Xun, but perhaps out of trust in Lu Xun, he still asked at this time: "Then what do you think Lukou Port should do next?"

Lu Xun knew that Kan Ze would ask him this question, and said solemnly, "In private, you must immediately notify General Lu Fan of the Yuzhang Navy Base Camp, and let him prepare for any sudden attack from the enemy!"

Kan Ze asked strangely, "Why don't you let me tell the lord immediately, and let the lord convey the order to General Lu Fan?"

"Are you stupid? My lord is at the time when he has the most trust in Quan Cong. Besides, Quan Cong is Mrs. Bu's son-in-law. Will my lord believe your words and doubt Quan Cong?"

Seeing Lu Xun's solemn expression, Kan Ze agreed, "Okay then, let me pass the news to General Lu Fan for you. But I hope that what you said is all wrong, otherwise this matter will be wrong." Things were really a bolt from the blue.”

Lu Xun smiled again, and said, "I also hope that I am not a crow's mouth."

Seeing that Lu Xun was so humorous, Kan Ze couldn't help laughing.

After the two laughed, Lu Xun then said to Kan Ze: "Derun, I still want to talk to you about the war in Jingzhou."

Kan Ze hastily put down the wine glass he had just picked up, and said, "What else?"

Lu Xun nodded and said: "The ability of Commander-in-Chief Sun Yi is indeed obvious to all in Jiangdong. I, Lu Xun, are absolutely convinced that he will replace me as the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies. But even so, the health of Commander-in-Chief Sun Hao is really worrying." , and I don’t know what kind of impact it will have on the war. Furthermore, the implementation of Sun Jun’s strategy is too slow, and it is very likely that the generals of the Shu Han have seen through it. I'm afraid the situation of the Great Governor's army is worrisome."

Kan Ze said: "This should not be possible. Commander Sun Jun has always been very cautious in deploying troops. According to the news sent back, his army has been lurking in the mountainous area of ​​Luoxiao Mountain, and now only General An Dong, Sun Huan's 1 An army of ten thousand people."

Lu Xun immediately said: "Counselor Sun Jun's move is nothing more than two purposes: first, to relieve worries about the appearance of Sun Huan's army, to put necessary pressure on Zhang Fei's army, and force Zhang Fei to immediately march into Jiangxia County; second, to lure the enemy to go deep. Run, is my analysis correct?"

Kan Ze was stunned for a moment, then his face was full of admiration, and he said, "That's right! Boyan is truly amazing!"

Lu Xun waved his hand and said: "The intention of this plan is too obvious, and it will only be used to confirm the various intentions of Commander Sun Jun's dispatch of troops this time. Therefore, I can now assert that Commander Sun Jun's intention of using troops is It has already been seen by the Shu Han army!"

When Kan Ze heard this, he was startled again, and said, "Is this really the case? Then what should we do?"

After Lu Xun nodded resolutely, he told Kan Ze: "At this time, apart from making amends, it is time to take necessary precautions for the danger after the defeat of Commander Sun Jun."

Kan Ze was obviously terrified by Lu Xun's words, and quickly asked Lu Xun to help him.

Lu Xun said: "Derun, you can immediately advise the lord. First of all, you should immediately select a person who can speak eloquently and is a Blizzard, and be on standby at any time."

Kan Zeqi asked, "Standby for what?"

Lu Xun immediately replied: "Of course I am on standby to send an envoy to Chengdu to meet Liu Bei. In fact, in the next war, no matter whether we win or lose, it is necessary to send envoys to Chengdu. And the worst The situation is that our army is defeated, and in order to prevent the Shu Han army from invading our Jiangdong mainland, the role of the envoy will be particularly important."

Kan Ze nodded, and said: "Bo Yan said that, although he is a little frustrated, he is also considerate. I will suggest to the lord tomorrow morning that Zhang Wen and Zhang Huishu should be the emissary. Moreover, he can be appointed After that, he immediately set off to the border to wait for orders. Once there is a need, he can set off."

Zhang Wen, courtesy name Huishu, was born in Wu County, Wu County. He called himself "the first mouth of Wu State".If you don't practice moral integrity, you will have a magnificent appearance.Historically, in the third year of Huangwu, Sun Quan sent him as an envoy to Shuhan as Fuyi Zhonglang General.Zhuge Liang and others admired Zhang Wen's talent very much, and even sworn brothers with him.And the confrontation between him and Qin Mi was even recorded in the annals of history.However, Zhang Wen, the "No. [-] mouth in the Wu Kingdom", was no match for Qin Mi's eloquence.

Lu Xun nodded. Kan Ze was always so clever in handling these matters, and Zhang Wen was indeed a very suitable person.

Then, Lu Xun said: "Then..."

Now Kan Ze really lost his composure, and shouted loudly: "And then..."

Lu Xun smiled and comforted him: "Derun, you are a sage, and those who can do more work! After that, almost all the elite troops in Yangzhou have been transferred out to fight against the Shu Han army, leaving the local defense empty. I'm afraid it's already ready to move. In addition, if the governor Sun Jun is unfortunately defeated, the army of the Shu Han will cause great harm to Yangzhou."

Kan Ze sighed and said, "Bo Yan, don't imagine things so pessimisticly."

"If you don't want to, you can't do it! The current situation is absolutely not allowed to be overly optimistic. Therefore, you must make a suggestion to the lord tomorrow, and ask the lord to order a capable person to recruit troops in Danyang nearby. I believe the lord will not object to you. This proposal."

Kan Ze nodded, and said: "I don't want to recruit troops in Danyang. Anyway, Danyang has always been the main source of troops in Jiangdong. In addition, recruiting troops from there can also weaken the strength of the local Shanyue people. This move is okay. Ensuring the safety of Moling is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone."

Lu Xun thought for a while and said: "I can recommend a talent to you. Zhuge Ke has always been famous in Jiangdong. I thought he was a bit misnamed, but when I saw that he was able to do things with ease, I said I retired from the Wuxi barbarians. Only later did I know that this person's intelligence is really extraordinary. Therefore, if this person is recruiting troops in Danyang, there must be no problem."

Kan Ze was a bit unsure about who to choose. From his point of view, the lord Sun Quan would either choose his relatives, or choose Xun Jiu to carry out this task. For example, he might use Zhu Yi, but this is anyone Unwanted results.Now that Lu Xun said this, it immediately solved a big problem for him.

So, of course, Kan Ze agreed immediately.

After discussing the business, Kan Ze stopped staying and left.

The next day, Kan Ze followed Lu Xun's instructions and wrote a letter to Sun Quan.Sun Quan was obviously shocked that Kan Ze would think so carefully about the situation in Jiangdong.He didn't dare to be negligent, after all, this was a major matter related to the fate of the country, so he immediately summoned all the ministers to discuss it.

In the end, both of Kan Ze's proposals were passed.Therefore, Zhuge Ke finally started to rise strongly in Jiangdong early, and was sent by Sun Quan to Danyang to recruit troops.

(End of this chapter)

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