The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 703 The Battle of the Navy

Chapter 703 The Battle of the Navy
In autumn, Poyang Lake seems to be calm and calm, but in fact, in such a peaceful atmosphere, there are endless turbulent murderous intentions hidden.

In the middle of the night, the two fleets of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng, who had undergone various disguises, finally appeared at the northern end of Poyang Lake.After discussing with each other, Shi Guangyuan, Quan Cong, and Zhou Cheng, they divided up the operations of the fleet.

Zhou Cheng’s fleet has fewer ships than Quan Cong’s, and their combat power is relatively weak, so their task is to guard the rear of Quan Cong’s fleet, that is, the east and west sides of the Yangtze River waterway, and prevent Quan Cong’s fleet from colliding with Lu Fan’s navy. The news of the battle was leaked to Ruxukou.

The mission of Quan Cong's fleet was first to seize all the strategic locations on the east and west sides of Poyang Lake, and firmly block Lu Fan's navy in the lake area of ​​Poyang Lake, and finally wiped out or recruited them all.

The arrangement set up by these three people should be said to be relatively careful.Lu Fan's Yuzhang naval base camp relied on the water village established in Yuzhang City. Most of the naval forces had already been transferred to Lukou Port, and the number of naval forces in the base camp was not very large.

Moreover, judging from the deployment of the Shu Han's fleet, it is equivalent to setting up two powerful directions. The first is the blockade of Quan Cong's huge fleet, and the second is the blockade of the Yangtze River waterway by Zhou Cheng's fleet. .Lu Fan's water army wanted to rush out of Poyang Lake, it was simply difficult for them to reach the sky.

After the strategy was finalized, Quan Cong's fleet immediately began to carry out combat missions.They immediately showed Shi Guangyuan their extraordinary fighting power, and swept all the strongholds of the Jiangdong water army on both sides of Poyang Lake at the fastest speed.

Within a day, all the important places on the east and west sides of Poyang Lake were stationed with various ships of the Quan Cong Army.Lu Fan, the captain of the Yuzhang Navy, was really shocked at this time, and had no way of knowing where this huge enemy fleet that suddenly appeared came from.

Soon, Lu Fan finally found out the identity of the enemy, and it was Quan Cong's navy in Lukou Port!Lu Fan was really dumbfounded, but he was not in a state of chaos, and immediately sent the news of Quan Cong's rebellion to Moling via the land route from Yuzhang as quickly as possible.

In fact, it wasn't until two days later that the news that Kan Ze wanted Lu Fan to guard against Quan Cong was secretly sent to Lu Fan.Lu Xun did have a very sharp eye and excellent intuition, but the news was still delivered late.

Therefore, the war between the two sides is inevitable after all.Lu Fan actually knew that his navy was not strong enough, but what could he do now?The only option is to resist desperately, hoping that after I send the news back to Moling, the lord will be able to send the navy from Ruxukou to save me.

In the early morning of the next day, as the first ray of sunlight hit the water surface, bursts of horns blared on the lake, which disturbed some water birds passing by from the north, and they flew up one after another, becoming spots in the sky.

The fleet of the Quan Cong Army located in the upper reaches of the lake suddenly roared with drums and roared loudly. Countless ships of all sizes lifted their anchors and sailed away from the shore one by one.

Quan Cong's army first attacked the Jiangdong Water Army Water Village in the north of Yuzhang Base Camp.This is mainly to knock mountains and shake tigers.Using the water army to attack the water stronghold, after taking it down, will undoubtedly put great pressure on Yuzhang City, which Shi Guangyuan's army will capture next.Therefore, Quan Cong's calculations were very precise. If his army could force-land the defenders in Yuzhang City at once with the momentum of pulling out the water fortress, it would naturally be the best choice, and his own merits would also be rewarded. Added a lot.

What's more, Quan Cong knew the situation of Yuzhang City well.

Yuzhang City is actually a city built near the water, surrounded by moats as water inlets connected to Poyang Lake.

This moat is also under the cover of this water fortress.Even if the capture of the water fortress could not deter the defenders of Yuzhang City and make them come down, they still had to attack the city in the end. After taking the water fortress, they could block the water inlet before filling the moat, thus cutting off the water source of the moat. , This is also extremely beneficial to the siege battle of Shi Guangyuan's marine troops.

With the dispatch of the Quan Cong fleet, Lu Fan's army is also making various preparations quickly.

Facing the dawn, Quan Cong's fleet quickly pressed towards the south bank. Quan Cong's flagship was in the center responsible for dispatching the entire army, and his two lieutenants led their respective troops to the front.

Lu Fan's navy was small in number and not as many ships as Quan Cong's. For the time being, he could only stay in the water fortress and wait for Quan Cong's army to attack.

As the Quan Cong navy ships approached rapidly, the soldiers of the Lu Fan navy sounded the alarm one after another.Their central battalion quickly responded, and the sound of horns and drums sounded immediately.

The ships of the Jiangdong Water Army received the order, and sailed to the entrance and exit of the water stronghold one by one, setting up an ambush and siege formation, just waiting to deal a head-on blow to the Quan Cong Army.

Quan Cong had other plans in his heart.He just ordered the navy fleet to continue moving forward.However, they did not concentrate at the entrance and exit of the water village of the Jiangdong Navy. Judging by their course, most of the ships would rush towards the wall of the water village in the base camp.

Lu Fan nervously followed the movements of Quan Cong's army. Although he was very angry at Quan Cong's shameless betrayal, he was also a little puzzled at this moment.The wall of his water village is not the kind of fence that can be opened when a ship hits it.

These fences were built from huge logs.Logs are driven into the bottom of the water one by one, which is very reliable.Although the size of the ship is large, if it collides with it, most of them will kill themselves.

Moreover, it was autumn at this time, and it was the dry season of Poyang Lake, which exposed a large part of the logs on the lake, and they could still be seen clearly even from far away.It is obviously not a wise move for Quan Cong's army to be so reckless, and Quan Cong's recent rise to fame as a famous general was wasted.

But soon, Quan Cong told Lu Fan with practical actions that he was indeed a famous general worthy of the name!

Quan Congjun's building boat broke down when it was about ten feet away from the wall of the Jiangdong Water Army's water village, and a large number of walking boats began to be dispatched immediately.One after another, the trained water ghosts jumped into the water from the walking boats and swam towards the wall of the village.

Then, on top of the row of boats in front of Quan Congjun, shooting poles suddenly rose up one after another, but there was a very long rope wrapped around the front end of these shooting poles.

The pole was turned towards the wall of the water village, and the rope at the top was thrown onto the water, and the water ghosts immediately tied the rope to the giant logs.

Quan Cong's attack method was almost exactly the same as Guan Xing's method of attacking Changhu Water Village.It can be seen that Zhou Cheng definitely helped Quan Cong make a plan.

Seeing this, Lu Fan couldn't help feeling anxious.He immediately dispatched a group of warships to prevent Quan Cong's water ghosts from destroying the wall of the village.Even, there were many archers on those warships, trying to shoot those water ghosts.

Seeing this, Quan Congjun quickened his movements, and all the poles on the boat began to rise upwards, and the ropes at the end became stretched immediately.

Just before the warships of the Jiangdong Navy arrived, the first batch of logs had been successfully pulled out of the water by the Quan Cong Army.It can be said that it was the first battle to attack the city, and Quan Cong couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.

At this time, Lu Fan's warships also launched an attack, and stone bullets and various arrows flew towards Quan Cong's ships and water ghosts.

Quan Cong immediately sent an order to fight back, and the battle between the two sides began.

Quan Cong Army's building ships were well protected, and the stone bullets did not cause much damage to them.

Those water ghosts operated against the arrows of the Jiangdong Navy. From time to time, someone was hit by an arrow and sank to the bottom of the water, and the blood surged up, leaving a bright red pool on the water surface.However, these people were all tough guys, and they continued to work meticulously, and no one was seen fleeing because of this.

Quan Cong saw that the losses of the water ghosts were not small, these people were all elites in his navy, and every loss was one less, and it was difficult to get replacements, so he couldn't help but feel very heartbroken.Therefore, Quan Cong immediately called out the boats and boats to cover the water ghosts.

However, the outcome of the battle was already preordained.The warships of the Jiangdong Navy were completely unable to prevent the collapse of the entire village wall. After an hour, all the logs were successfully pulled out by Quan Cong's army.

All kinds of ships of the Quan Cong Army immediately rushed in.

The Jiangdong navy's will to resist was not very strong, and soon showed signs of collapse.

Their first-line ships panicked first.They turned around and retreated one after another, but their own ships collided one after another, which aggravated the panic of the whole army.When Lu Fan saw this, he was furious, but he was powerless.He knew that the morale of his naval army had already fallen into disintegration because Poyang Lake was completely blocked by the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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