The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 704 The momentum is like a rainbow

Chapter 704 The Momentum Like a Rainbow ([-])

Although the water army in the Jiangdong Yuzhang base camp was defeated, Lu Fan at least had some bargaining chips in his hands, and immediately sent some small and medium-sized ships placed behind the water village to attack.The surrounding wall of the water village was almost completely cleaned up by Quan Cong's navy, so this also created some conditions for Lu Fan to send a new army to attack.

Lu Fan's desperate resistance was indeed beyond Quan Cong's expectations.He immediately separated two groups of troops from his own fleet to clean up the enemy warships that suddenly attacked.

The reason why Quan Cong thought he used the word "cleaning" was entirely because the strength of the opponent was too small, and it was not worth mentioning for such a huge navy in his hand.The role of these small and medium-sized warships is nothing more than to cause some disturbance to Quan Cong's actions, and to buy some time for Lu Fan's navy to regroup or rearrange their formation.Therefore, the warship he sent out was not to stop their attack in the past, but to clean up those little shrimps.

However, after Quan Cong's fleet completely sealed off the lake outside the base camp of the Jiangdong Navy, and truly made them a catch in a urn, they managed to arouse some fighting spirit of the Jiangdong Navy.The ships of the two sides immediately started a relatively dangerous fight on the south bank of Poyang Lake.

After all, this battle was delayed by Lu Fan for another day and night.The time was not too long, and it fully met Quan Cong's expectations.

In fact, when Quan Cong and Shi Guangyuan made the attack plan, it was estimated that it would take at least three to four days to completely wipe out all the resistance forces of Lu Fan's navy.Otherwise, in such a short period of time, why would he ask Zhou Cheng's navy to seal off the Yangtze River waterway to prevent news from leaking?
In the end, except for those who died in battle, more than one-third of Lu Fan's navy was captured on the water.Of course, the ships they were driving were also captured.Moreover, most of these captured ships were relatively large buildings and warships, of which the largest buildings accounted for the majority.

The reason why this happens is actually not complicated.The reason why the scorpions are called scorpions is because of their own speed.Therefore, these ships are often used for surface raids and storms against the enemy.

However, due to the large size of the building boats, and the fact that the water surface for their activities has been successfully blocked by Quan Cong's navy, their range of activities has been greatly reduced.Therefore, in shallow water, they cannot move at all, so that some large boats were captured by Quan Cong's warships because they were stranded in shallow water.

And the remaining more than half of Lu Fan's navy began to abandon their ships and land, and fled into Yuzhang City to hold on.But they did not abandon ship in vain.After they abandoned the ship, they set fire to all the ships, even those that were still hoarded in the dock and had no time to go out for use.

So, for a while, in addition to the ships on the lake that were set ablaze due to the battle, there were more ships set ablaze by the Jiangdong army themselves, and the flames soared into the sky, which actually caused the temperature on the lake to rise sharply on this cool autumn day A lot, people can't help but think of the summer weather.

The fire was so great that a thin mist began to appear on the lake.In addition, the current wind is northwesterly, which helped Quan Cong's navy a little bit, causing the thick smoke from the burning to drift towards the land on the south bank of Poyang Lake.

Even so, Quan Cong's navy was annoyed to find that they were still unable to land at the wharf of Yuzhang Water Village.There are burning warships everywhere, and the high temperature is everywhere, and they can't get close at all.

Therefore, it can also be seen from this that although Lu Fan was defeated quickly, he was not an idiot after all, it was only because Quan Cong's navy attack was too sudden and too powerful.Therefore, Lu Fan's tail-docking survival is indeed very tragic, but in fact, the result seems to be considered a success.This move successfully bought enough time for his retreat, and did not let too many ships fall into the hands of Quan Cong's army.

Quan Cong looked in amazement at the raging fire on the water, and the soaring tongues of flame piercing through the tall hulls standing on the water.Their brightness is so high that even the rays of the autumn day cannot cover their tracks!
Quan Cong never imagined that Lu Fan would choose such a way of eternal doom. He did not let the navy in the base camp fight to the death with his own fleet, or even burn everything together.He actually chose to set fire to the warship. Facing so many large ships and all kinds of small and medium-sized ships, he was able to do it.
And another situation that was not too optimistic appeared immediately.As the warship burned, the pier also started to catch fire, and the fire continued to spread southward along the wind, and finally ignited the base camp.This base camp has been built since Zhou Yu's time, and it has been a few years now. No one would have thought that it might eventually be destroyed in the hands of their own people.

Since it is impossible to break through the firewall now, it is impossible for Quan Cong to immediately send people to find a new login location, and then immediately build a pier, that is simply not realistic at all.

Therefore, Quan Cong didn't hesitate any longer. Apart from leaving some of the ships as preparations to deal with any unexpected situations, he gave orders to the ships of the participating troops to go forward and put out the fire.He did this for two clear purposes. The first is to put out the fire so that Shi Guangyuan's marines can land as soon as possible; Out of the battleship.

Quan Cong is a master at using time!

However, Quan Cong was not able to extinguish the fires on many ships in the end.Moreover, even for warships that were successfully rescued, the hull was damaged to a certain extent.

After more than an hour, Quan Cong ordered to stop putting out the fire, and all the ships that stepped forward to put out the fire retreated and regrouped.Then, Quan Cong actually gave the order to attack, which is really unbelievable.

Then, all the boats of the Quan Cong Navy moved forward, and all the rackets were activated.

For a moment, there was roaring and thundering on the lake.All kinds of flying rocks continued to rise into the sky, and soon smashed the hulls of many burning ships.Those ships soon sank to the bottom of the water, and some of the tall ones only exposed the top part of the mast above the water.

Quan Cong is very correct in doing so.Those warships have been burning for such a long time, even if all the fires on them are extinguished, there will only be a pile of wreckage left in the end, which is equivalent to being useless.Therefore, in order to buy time to land, it is better to dispatch ships, let's clean up those ships that can be sunk quickly!

So, following Quan Cong's decisive move, his fleet cleared the burning ships on the periphery of the fire scene as quickly as possible, and successfully approached the dock.However, at this time, it is not very effective to use the attack method to deal with it.The water level on the side of the pier is relatively shallow. Even with flying stones, the warship cannot sink.

Therefore, Quan Cong had no choice but to adapt to local conditions.He sent his ships up again to put out the fire.

Quan Cong's sailors worked hard for another half day, and finally almost cleaned up the ships at the pier.At this time, Shi Guangyuan's marine troops, who had been on Poyang Lake all this time, also got the news of Quan Cong's victory, and rushed to the water village on a battleship.

Shi Guangyuan stood at the bow of the boat.He was still a little seasick, still felt uncomfortable in his stomach, and still had an unsightly complexion.However, he also widened his eyes, looking at the messy and tragic scene on the water in surprise: floating templates everywhere, charred black wood that was burned by the flames, and countless people in Jiangdong clothes. Corpses of sailors in military uniform.

These corpses were all wearing the uniforms of the Jiangdong Navy, and there must be soldiers from the Quan Cong Army among them, but they did not change to the uniforms of the Shu Han Army at this time.As a result, the identities of all the corpses of those who died in this battle could not be distinguished at all.

The shore still burning in the distance, and the shore still billowing with smoke, once again let Shi Guangyuan know the cruelty of water warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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