The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 705 The momentum is like a rainbow

Chapter 705 The Momentum Like a Rainbow ([-])

At this time, some of Quan Cong's navy ships began to dock, and the soldiers on board landed one after another.These people had already received the latest order from Quan Cong, and first landed on the fire site in the front base camp to put out the fire.

Because Quan Cong's navy was not able to force Lu Fan's army to submit obediently with a strong offensive power, although they successfully captured the landing port.However, the water village in the base camp was burned, making the most convenient foothold of Quan Cong's navy in Poyang Lake temporarily unusable.It's definitely a pity.

In addition, Lu Fan also successfully retreated the navy with about 8000 people into Yuzhang. Compared with Quan Cong's current desire for revenge, such a result must be insufficient, even worse than unsatisfactory. .

Therefore, Quan Cong had no choice but to become more active, so that Shi Guangyuan's army could pass through the fire scene as quickly as possible.Before that, they need to rest a little on land.Therefore, the job of putting out the fire could only be left to Quan Cong's men.

The movement of the Yuzhang naval base camp was too loud. The black smoke from the fire could be seen clearly from the mountains hundreds of miles away.At night, the soaring flames lit up the night sky again.

As a result, even though many places in Yuzhang County were not close to here, they quickly discovered that something was wrong.Therefore, they immediately sent people over to investigate the situation as quickly as possible, and reported the situation to Sun Zhen, the governor of Moling and Haihun.Then, almost all counties in Yuzhang County took action, and some sent hundreds of soldiers, at most eight or nine hundred, to Yuzhang County to support Lu Fan in defending the city.

In fact, at this time, Lu Fan's documents were almost reaching Haihun.

Shi Guangyuan's troops finally landed, and Quan Cong's troops have opened up a passable passage for them from the fire scene.

Shi Guangyuan stepped on the ground under his feet, and felt relieved immediately.After resting with his army for half a day, he began to send people to load and unload various siege equipment from Quan Cong's warship.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Fan's melancholy eyes were already bloodshot.Since the day when Quan Cong attacked, he had never closed his eyes.He looked in the direction of the south bank of Poyang Lake, except for the unclear lake surface, and in the water village of the original base camp, there were figures of Quan Cong Army swarming everywhere.They soon succeeded in cutting off the water source of the moat of Yuzhang City.

Then, Shi Guangyuan's army appeared, and the black mass came over like a swarm of ants.Some of the various siege equipment behind the entire army formation have been assembled, and the tall figure left a faint black figure on the ground, and also made various loud noises.There are more siege equipment, which are still being assembled at the back.

Lu Fan was really surprised at this moment.

He was not only surprised by the appearance of those tall siege machines, these can only show that Quan Cong's rebellion had already been fully prepared.He couldn't help but admire Kan Ze very much.Kan Ze's secret report was sent to Lu Fan a few days ago, but at that time Lu Fan's navy had already suffered a crushing defeat.

In fact, even if Kan Ze's news could be delivered in time, Lu Fan probably wouldn't care too much about it.After all, Quan Cong made an indictment to Sun Quan, and successfully confused most Jiangdong people, making them all mistakenly believe that Quan Cong was indeed loyal to Sun Quan.

Moreover, what surprised Lu Fan even more was that the uniforms on the troops who came to attack the city were all the uniforms of the Jingzhou Army.So, the problem is clear.Quan Cong's rebellion was not just a simple rebellion, he had already led the army to surrender to the Shu Han side.

Lu Fan was so angry that he almost passed out.Lu Fan knew very well in his heart that he could actually retreat his army, but he couldn't do that, he had to stick to the city of Yuzhang.Because once this place falls, it means that the army of the Shu Han has successfully entered the mainland of Yangzhou.

Yuzhang County is almost located in the middle of Moling and Yichun, and it is also the rear of Sun Zhen's army.Once this place is captured, and Shi Guangyuan's army successfully builds a front line, it will cut off the retreat of Sun Zhen's army in one fell swoop.When the time comes, Sun Jun's army can only wait for the fate of being surrounded and wiped out.

Moreover, Lu Fan's resourcefulness is not weak, and he soon realized that the reason why the Shu Han army could choose to land in Yuzhang County so accurately, instead of landing directly in Lukou Port, was definitely because they had seen through Sun Wukong. Ji's army is deployed.

Thinking that Sun Zhen's [-] to [-] elite Jiangdong Army would be surrounded and wiped out by Shu Han's army, Lu Fan really panicked.Therefore, he knew that even if he died here this time, he would still have to defend Yuzhang County.

Shi Guangyuan did not lead the army, and immediately launched a fierce attack on Yuzhang City.He just used the army to surround the whole city.Then, Shi Guangyuan sent envoys to persuade Lu Fan to donate the city.But the result was completely predictable, and Shi Guangyuan's strategy of "peace is the most important" failed.At the same time, this almost cut off Lu Fanjun's room for turning around.

An hour later, Shi Guangyuan's men and horses began to attack the city, and all the siege equipment started mercilessly.For a while, flying stones and arrows rained all over the top of Yuzhang's city wall, and later even the charging cart was used.

Quan Cong was a little anxious and annoyed at Lu Fan's vicious style of setting fire to the warship, so he actually went ashore to Shi Guangyuan's place to watch the battle for a day.

Then, Quan Cong left part of the navy to build a simple navy base camp, which could temporarily provide a foothold for his navy.Most of the remaining warships will go north to the Yangtze River waterway. He needs to join forces with Zhou Cheng's fleet, and then use the most powerful momentum to completely block Zhu Zhi's navy at Ruxukou, preventing them from entering the Yangtze River. waterway.

Then, Quan Cong's navy will spread out on the most downstream waterway of the Yangtze River, completely sealing off the waterway of the Yangtze River, and isolating the Jiangdong army north of the Yangtze River from returning to the mainland of Yangzhou on the south bank!

And all of this is part of the strategic plan made by Liu Chan, the prince of Hanzhong.

After doing all this, when Sun Jun's army is wiped out, it will be the time for Moling to suffer, and it will be the time for Quan Cong to avenge his mother.

After Quan Cong's fleet joined forces with Zhou Cheng's fleet, since the worries of the Yangtze River waterway and Poyang Lake in the west have been completely eradicated, Zhou Cheng has also followed Quan Cong's suggestion to send him in The troops who came to cut off the waterway west of the Yangtze River to prevent Lu Fan's warships from fleeing in that direction all shrank back.

Therefore, the reassembled mixed force immediately headed towards Ruxukou with Zhou Cheng's fleet as the vanguard.The reason why Zhou Cheng's fleet took the lead this time is that after Quan Cong's fleet fought a big battle with Lu Fan's navy, if they went on a high-intensity raid mission, they might not be able to do it.Therefore, the task of taking the lead was handed over to Zhou Cheng to complete.

Zhou Cheng's vanguard, along the way, just aimed at the direction of Ruxukou and struggled forward, not caring about some Jiangdong ports along the way.However, Quan Cong's fleet, which was catching up behind, was different, sweeping all the ports on both sides of the strait while advancing.In some places, when necessary, they will simply burn down the ports there.In this case, the possibility of sending troops between the south bank of the Yangtze River and the north bank is completely cut off.

However, after a great battle in Poyang Lake, these two huge fleets of the Shu Han are now operating on the Yangtze River waterway belonging to the Jiangdong boundary, and it is impossible for them to hide their tracks as before.

Therefore, the news was quickly sent to Zhu Zhi who was guarding Ruxukou.After Zhu Zhi saw the news, he was shocked, and then furious.He immediately sent people to Moling to convey the news that Quan Cong had defected to the Shu Han and led his army to capture the naval headquarters of Yuzhang to his lord Sun Quan.

In fact, Zhu Zhi knew very well that with the fall of the Yuzhang naval headquarters, there must have been an unknown number of documents in Yuzhang, which had already been sent to Moling early.The reason why he wants to write a book again is purely a routine.

Therefore, Zhu Zhi immediately invited Xu Sheng to discuss.After Xu Sheng heard the news, he immediately lost control of his emotions. He was so angry that he immediately jumped up from his seat and shouted loudly: "How could that bastard Quan Cong do that, how could he do that! Damn, he Didn’t you just submit a petition to the lord? Why did you suddenly betray and surrender to the Shu Han in the blink of an eye!”

(End of this chapter)

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