Chapter 706
The reason why Xu Sheng loses control of his emotions is apparently because of his loyalty to Sun Quan, which made him hate Quan Cong's betrayal.But in fact, the more important reason in his heart was because he felt very wronged in his heart.

Xu Sheng's consecutive defeats at the hands of the Shu Han's army, in fact, needless to say, although the losses were not too miserable.But the problem is that in this war with the Shu Han, he missed the coveted position of the commander-in-chief of the three armies twice in a row.So, he simply ran to Ruxukou.Although he said in his letter to Sun Quan that this move was to assist General Zhu Zhi, but in fact he wanted to temporarily stay away from Moling, stay away from the battles in the court, and let himself regain his mentality.

But Quan Cong, who is the god of death, suddenly rebelled at this time, and also led the Jiangzhou navy and the Lukou port navy together with another Jiangdong army's surrender Zhou Cheng, and killed Ruxukou at the same time. coming.

Ruxukou's naval forces are powerful, but they are not necessarily afraid of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng's fleet.But for Xu Sheng, what was unacceptable was that he had only been in Ruxukou for a few days, so why did he want to start fighting with the Shu Han army again?Not only did he hate such things, but he even had no interest in them at all.

In fact, if he wanted to continue fighting with the Shu Han army, Xu Sheng only needed one word, and Sun Zhen would definitely welcome him very much.Why did he invite himself to this Ruxukou to help Zhu Zhi manage the water army?

Xu Sheng's unhappiness was completely conceivable.

Although Zhu Zhi didn't understand why Xu Sheng's emotions suddenly lost control, he got up from his seat immediately and comforted Xu Sheng with kind words.Then, after Xu Sheng's mood stabilized, Zhu Zhicai and Xu Sheng began to discuss countermeasures.

Due to the sudden appearance of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng's joint fleet in his rear, the most important task for Ruxukou is actually to carry out the confrontation task with Cao Wei's army.So if this is the case, the Jiangdong navy in Ruxukou is actually facing the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

Therefore, after discussing with Xu Sheng, Zhu Zhi and Xu Sheng believed that Ruxukou could only send about half of its troops to fight against the combined fleet of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng.But if this is the case, the strength of the Jiangdong navy in Ruxukou will be far less than that of the opponent.

In addition, Quan Cong is a famous general, and has always been known for his potential and good use of troops. If Ruxukou's navy wants to defeat such an enemy with weak forces, it is simply as difficult as heaven.

Therefore, Zhu Zhi is now facing a dilemma: whether to take the initiative to attack the Shuhan fleet.

Although Xu Sheng was very war-weary now, since those bastards from Shu Han stepped on his head again, it was impossible for him not to fight back.Therefore, Xu Sheng once again showed his talent.

Xu Sheng bowed his hands to Zhu Zhi and said, "General Zhu, our army should take the initiative to attack, and we must choose to attack actively. Even if we can't defeat the fleet of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng now, we must do so."

Zhu Zhi nodded, Xu Sheng's choice was actually not beyond his expectations, but he still asked Xu Sheng to explain in detail why the Jiangdong navy in Ruxukou had to do this.

Xu Sheng said confidently: "General Zhu, my navy village in Ruxukou is located in Chaohu Lake. There is no way to go north, only a winding waterway in the south to enter the Yangtze River waterway. Such a geographical location is doomed for us to We can't give up the Yangtze River waterway easily, otherwise we will be cut off from the rear passage, and we can only sit and wait in Chaohu Lake."

If this is the case, Zhu Zhi, as the general here, already knew it well.

Ruxukou actually refers to the water mouth between Ruxu Mountain and Qibao Mountain.Ruxu Mountain is located in the border of Dongguan Township in Hanshan County today, with a pass near the river called Dongguan; Qibao Mountain is in the border of Huanglong Township in Wuwei County today, and the pass near the river is called Xiguan.The two mountains confront each other, and the situation is dangerous. It is the exit of Chaohu Lake and was once an ancient battlefield where Wu and Wei fought.

Ruxushui flows southward from Ruxukou to the mouth of Huangluo River, passes through Cangtou Town to Makou Gate, enters the Makou River between the upper and lower Jiulianwei, and enters the Yangtze River at the mouth of Shentang River.

The Ruxukou here refers to the camp of the navy.But in fact, the correct name for Ruxukou should be Ruxuwu.There are tens of thousands of troops from Jiangdong stationed here, including land troops and a large number of navy troops.Among them, the number of marine troops should be at least 2, and the number of naval forces should also exceed 2.Therefore, the place of Ruxukou should be said to be a super important place combining water and land, both offensive and defensive.

This is why, when Quan Cong was advising Liu Chan, he would faintly reveal his fear of the fighting power of the Jiangdong Army in Ruxuwu in Ruxukou.

Xu Sheng went on to say: "It is precisely because Quan Cong is very familiar with the situation here, so his intention should not be too complicated, that is to use part of the troops to block the waterway that enters the Yangtze River behind us, and completely isolate me from Ruxuwu. The possibility of a large-scale frontal war between the navy and their fleet."

Xu Sheng's words were beyond Zhu Zhi's expectation.Zhu Zhi asked, "Why does General Xu think so?"

Xu Sheng cupped his hands and explained to Zhu Zhi: "The reason is actually not complicated. Although the combined strength of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng's navy fleet is strong, it is not strong enough to completely suppress our navy. In addition, Jingzhou is still engaged in a large-scale war with Governor Sun Jun, so they don't have the strength to use it to conquer my army in Ruxukou. Therefore, the last general can assert here that Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng's army is not attacking as the main force of the current Shu Han army. Therefore, it is true that their strategic goal is to make us feel ashamed, but in fact, what Quan Cong wants to achieve must be limited."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhi let out a long sigh, nodded, and said very approvingly: "What General Xu said is very reasonable. Judging from the current battle situation, only the original Jingzhou Army has been fighting with our Jiangdong Army. and the Jiangzhou Army led by Zhang Fei. However, the Jingzhou Army still has to face the pressure from Cao Wei, so it must be able to attack with only a part of its troops. That is to say, no matter how you say it, the Shu Han’s participating troops are in the In terms of scale, it is much larger than our Jiangdong Army. So from this point of view, Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng attacked suddenly. Although they achieved good results, it is impossible to completely overthrow our Jiangdong Army's enemy Advantages. Therefore, the war between our army and the Jingzhou army may only end in the area south of Jingzhou. Our army needs peace now, and the Shuhan army has no spare power to attack our Jiangdong mainland. General Xu, I analyze it this way Right?"

Xu Sheng said with admiration: "General Zhu's insight is brilliant, and the general admires it. Therefore, since Quan Cong's army does not have much fighting spirit, our army should not show weakness even now, but should respond with a strong attack. At that time, Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng's fleet will be even more afraid of our army. Besides, it is almost winter, and the wind direction has begun to change to the north wind. Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng's fleet is located south of Ruxukou, If our fleet attacks with the wind, we have the advantage, and our army still has the advantage."

In fact, no matter whether it was Xu Sheng or Zhu Zhi, since they were not on the front line of the southern Jingzhou battlefield, the situation on the battlefield could be said to be changing rapidly.Now, the army of Shu Han should say that it has obtained enough support from the allied forces. As long as it successfully encircled and wiped out Sun Zhen's attacking army, and then invaded the Yangzhou mainland in Jiangdong, it would be possible to sweep Jiangdong.Therefore, the judgments on the current situation that these two people talk about are based on outdated information, and the judgments they make are of course one-sided.

Of course, the fleet of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng could not attack as the main force of the Shu Han army.But their strategic goals are actually quite grand, and they are not just targeting Ruxukou, they are targeting the entire Yangtze River waterway, and all channels on the south and north banks of the Yangtze River.

Of course, such a huge strategic goal of Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng has completely surpassed the imaginable scope of Zhu Zhi and Xu Sheng.

After Zhu Zhi listened to Xu Sheng's analysis, he became happy in his heart, and secretly sighed that this Xu Sheng is really a talent, but it's a pity that some bad luck.

Therefore, Zhu Zhi asked: "If that's the case, then I will immediately mobilize half of the fleet out of Shentangkou. Will General Xu be willing to lead the troops to fight against Zhou Cheng's fleet on my behalf?"

Xu Sheng was a little discouraged at this time, and he didn't really want to go out to fight, so he declined: "It's a great honor for the general to offer advice and advice for General Zhu. How can he dare to lead the army? From the point of view of the general, General Dong Xi Dong Yuandai is not only familiar with water warfare, but also extremely brave, he is the best person to lead the army to attack."

In fact, Zhu Zhi wanted Xu Sheng the most in his heart, but after hearing Xu Sheng's refusal like this, he couldn't keep pushing.

So Zhu Zhi immediately sent someone to pass on Dong Xi, asking him to come to his mansion immediately to receive the order to attack and fight.

Half an hour later, Dong Xi hurried to see Zhu Zhi.

Dong Xi is also somewhat related to Liu Chan.He was the one who protected Kan Ze back then and went to meet Fuyun Futianyuan, which eventually led to Liu Chan being kidnapped by Sasaki Kojiro.Then by chance, Liu Chan was rescued by Han Long, and thus got acquainted with Zhang Fangping and Hua Tuo.And Zhao Feng's wife, Shi Hui, who was Sasaki Kojiro's subordinate, was captured by Zhao Feng at that time, and finally got married under Liu Chan's arrangement.

Dong Xi had no reason to not want to lead the army to fight like Xu Sheng did. For him, such an opportunity to start an incident was relatively rare, and it was a good opportunity to make contributions.So, of course, he immediately and happily accepted Zhu Zhi's order.

Then, Dong Xi immediately went straight to the water village to organize an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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