Chapter 707 Viper Attacks ([-])

Just when Zhou Cheng's fleet was about to start its first battle with Dong Xi's Ruxukou navy, Deng Ai, who had been dormant in Liling County, finally started to make some moves.

For all the troops under Liu Chan's command, Liu Chan only assigned them corresponding tasks that should be completed.However, because the scope of this battle is extremely wide, and the troops participating in the battle are unusually scattered, in this era of extremely backward communication means, it is impossible to give them a time to prepare for the battle.

Although it is said that Liu Chan does have a relatively convenient communication tool such as carrier pigeons, the use of carrier pigeons has great limitations, and it is impossible to actively find troops in motion.The breeding of homing pigeons is not a big problem, but it is not easy to train them for long-distance communication, and many necessary facilities must be built along the way.Therefore, in the war, the carrier pigeon is not a suitable communication tool.Therefore, Liu Chan is only using carrier pigeons as a tool to convey various information.

After all, no matter it was Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, or Quan Cong, Zhou Cheng and Shi Guangyuan, they had already fought several battles, only Deng Ai still remained motionless.Of course, there is still one of Liu Chan's troops that has not yet moved.That is the most secret latent army, the army of Fan Zong who landed in Sha Xian by water from Lukou Port.This army was used to secretly intercept Han Dang's army coming out of Jiangxia.Therefore, if Han Dang's men don't move, of course they can only continue to wait.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, although Deng Ai is the youngest, he is actually the most calm person.And a person with such a character is often very scary, like a lurking poisonous snake, can stare at the enemy closely for a long time, but still does not see any movement of attacking, seems to be deliberately fighting with the enemy, to see who To be able to persist until the end.

But since Deng Ai is a poisonous snake, it will be fine if it does not move, but if it moves, it will definitely be as swift as thunder and lightning.Once the enemy encounters this type of enemy, he will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.They are definitely more willing to meet a general like Gai Meng who is steady but extremely daring, but they absolutely hate an enemy like Deng Ai who always makes people feel dangerous anytime, anywhere.

In fact, Deng Ai did not do nothing during his stay in Liling City.He took advantage of this time to wantonly expand his troops in the Liling City area.In fact, Liu Chan didn't give it to him at all, and he didn't even know what he did. Deng Ai really dared to do this.

The residents of Liling County were not many, and with the recent wars, the population has become even smaller.But Deng Ai didn't care about these at all. He knew better that the enemies he was going to face next - Bu Zhi and Lu Dai, the total number of soldiers and horses of these two people should be [-] times that of his.Although the number of Jiaozhou righteous men in Bu Zhi's hands has been reduced, they have definitely been supplemented accordingly in Yichun City.

Lu Dai holds Luling County in his hands, and there is a vast area south of Luling County, and he can also get some military support from there.Therefore, there is still a lot to be done for Lu Dai to retreat into Luling County.At least, his troops should be able to reach more than 6000 people.

On the other hand, on Deng Ai's side, there are only 1 people on hand.No matter how strong their fighting power is, it is impossible for them to easily defeat so many enemy troops with tall cities as defenses!Therefore, Deng Ai must expand his army now. Even if he will get absolute assistance from Peng Qi's Shanyue in the future, he also intuitively believes that he must expand his army

Therefore, Deng Ai's conscription in Liling City seemed a bit exhausted.Almost all young people in Liling County were forcibly recruited into the army by Deng Ai, but even so, their number was actually only a mere 3000.In fact, this has seriously hindered the livelihood of the local people, and even made it impossible for the local residents to survive.

It was precisely because of such consequences that of course Deng Ai did not dare to explicitly ask Liu Chan for orders.Judging from Liu Chan's temperament, not only would it be impossible to agree to Deng Ai's local conscription, but he might be given a severe reprimand.

Deng Ai's lieutenant, Zhou Tao, obviously had some insight, and he had already seen that Deng Ai's conscription could cause extremely serious consequences.Therefore, he had to remind Deng Ai that he shouldn't do this.

But of course it was impossible for Deng Ai to accept Zhou Tao's suggestion.Therefore, Deng Ai issued the order to forcibly recruit troops in the local area, and let Zhou Tao once again see Deng Ai's decisiveness in doing things-in fact, it is more accurate to say that he is unscrupulous.

In the end, a new army of 3000 people was formed, and the training of recruits was conducted by Deng Ai himself.

This newest army should be said to be different from the army that Deng Ai brought out from the Public Security City. This is a force formed by himself.The troop brought out from the Public Security City was actually the same troop that Zhang Fei entered Xichuan when he was there.Therefore, Deng Ai's feelings for this new army are absolutely extraordinary, and he will become a member of his headquarters in the future.

As a result, as the training of the new army was almost done, information from all over the place was gathered to Deng Ai's side at the fastest speed.Moreover, the person Deng Ai secretly sent out to contact Peng Qi also brought back news at this time, saying that Peng Qi could act at any time.

In addition, after Deng Ai saw that his actions had fallen far behind other troops, he was finally about to start taking action.

Lu Dai has always been a very stable person, and he is even more unhurried when doing things.Such a personality is probably one of the most important reasons why he can live a very long life.

But even such a person, if he wants to be more patient with Deng Ai, he can't match him.In the case of all aspects of the battle, Liling City, which is still silent, finally made Lu Dai lose his patience.

These days, Lu Dai has been sending out scouts to try to enter the boundaries of Liling City to collect intelligence.But Deng Ai had already taken the best precautions against this. The scout team under him was never idle, and successfully intercepted the scouting activities sent by Lu Dai.But even so, the movement of Deng Ai's conscription activities in Liling City was so loud that it was impossible to prevent the news from leaking, and it was finally learned by Lu Dai's scouts.

The news of Deng Ai's conscription in Liling City immediately put a lot of pressure on Lu Dai.Although he didn't know how many new troops Deng Ai could recruit in Liling City, but now that Bu Zhi, Deng Ai, and him, Lv Dai, were three of them standing together, he, Lv Dai, had the least number of troops.

Therefore, Lu Dai can predict based on common sense: when his Luling County and Yichun, where Buzhi is located, form a corner, blocking Deng Ai's way to send troops, once Deng Ai wants to send troops, he will definitely He can pick and pinch soft persimmons.And the softest persimmon is of course his Lu Dai's troops.

Therefore, Lu Dai immediately did three aspects of work.First of all, Lu Dai continued to send additional scout teams to conduct reconnaissance activities in the direction of Liling City; secondly, he shrank the army and tightened the city defense to resist the attack of Deng Ai's troops; Send some more reinforcements here, even county soldiers with weak combat effectiveness.

It seems that Lu Dai is really in a state of panic now.

(End of this chapter)

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