Chapter 708 Viper Attacks ([-])

Life on Bu Zhi's side was actually not easy, not to mention that Yichun City where he lived was farther away from Liling City than Luling County where Lu Dai lived, so life seemed to be relatively leisurely.In fact, Bu Zhi was also very puzzled and depressed.

The news of the battle between Shuanghuan and Gai Meng's army had already reached him, Wuxi Man's army was also marching towards Shuanghuan's army, and even He Qi's army in the lower city also started to move.Of course, it is impossible to hide these news from Bu Zhi.

But those were all battles and enemies in the distance. Now that he was ordered by Sun Jun, the enemy he was going to face was the young but very mature-looking Deng Ai Deng Shizai.

But like Lu Dai, he also couldn't understand why Deng Ai had such strong patience. At this time, there was not even a little movement.But the news of his conscription in Liling City is like a curse, making Bu Zhi feel restless all the time.Bu Zhi didn't even know why a little-known Deng Ai was able to put such pressure on himself, a celebrity in Jiangdong.

Moreover, what makes Yi Zhi feel even more disturbed is that his scout team has detected a piece of news: Liu Yangcheng's Shu Han army has actually moved.

However, according to the news from the scout team, the number of Shu Han troops stationed in Liuyang City is only enough to protect themselves. Once they encounter an enemy attack, they will probably only be able to hold on until Zhang Fei joins forces to rescue them.Therefore, it is really strange that the enemy army in such a place has moved, and Liu Yangcheng is directly facing Yichun City.

Then, more detailed news continued to be detected by Bu Zhi's scouts.The Shu Han army in Liuyang City is busy assembling a series of large siege equipment.Of course, Bu Zhi has seen the power of the siege equipment in the Shu Han army, and it is indeed powerful.But the question is, what are the troops in Liuyang City going to use them for?Did they use it for their own siege?That is definitely a big joke.

Bu Zhi is a smart person, and immediately thought of a more terrifying aspect.The siege equipment being assembled in Liuyang City should be provided for Deng Ai to attack Yichun City where he is located!

Bu Zhi was indeed wise, and he had guessed Deng Ai's intentions completely.Therefore, Bu Zhi really didn't dare to relax. Although the large siege equipment used by Zhang Bao and Deng Ai in the siege of Liu Yang did not fully exert their strength, they had already caused fatal damage to the city.If those siege equipment came to Yichun City, it would be really hard for Bu Zhi to imagine how long his city could last, because it was absolutely impossible for Deng Ai to show mercy to the city this time.

So Bu Zhi immediately summoned his son Bu Chan, and gave Bu Chan the feeling to organize the residents in the city to strengthen the city.

And just five days later, Deng Ai showed his strong mobility.His move not only made Bu Zhi amazed, but also stunned Lu Dai who had been preparing to stand by in Luling County for help.

Deng Ai personally led the vanguard, and suddenly attacked Yichun City at a speed of hundreds of miles a day.Bu Zhi's scout team discovered the whereabouts of Deng Ai's army after Deng Ai's men and horses had completed half of the journey from Liling City to Yichun City.

The action of Deng Ai's army was too fast, which completely disrupted Bu Zhi's action steps.

So, Bu Zhi was shocked and immediately sent someone to report the situation to Sun Jun, the governor of Haihun.Then, he sent a post horse to bypass Deng Aijun's approach in the south, first go east, and then go south to Luling County to report the situation to Lu Dai and tell Lu Dai that it is time to take action.

The action Bu Zhi mentioned was of course not to ask Lu Dai to take the opportunity to copy Liling City and cut off Deng Aijun's retreat.In fact, if Lu Dai's army did that, it would be a waste of effort.Deng Aijun wants to retreat at that time, wouldn't it be easier to go directly in the direction of Liu Yangcheng?

Moreover, even if Lu Dai's army captures Liling City, it is almost useless now. Not only will it be unbearable in the future, but it will waste hard-earned troops to defend now.

Therefore, the action Bu Zhi mentioned was nothing more than asking Lu Dai to send troops from Luling County as soon as possible to help him defeat Deng Aijun.Anyway, these things were clearly determined in the original order of Sun Zhen: Yichun was attacked by Deng Ai's army, and Lu Dai's troops attacked from Luling County; Troops must be dispatched from Yichun City.Otherwise, the so-called "swinging horns" would be of no use at all.

However, Bu Zhi immediately acted nervously.It took time for his news to be sent to Lu Dai, and it also took time for Lu Dai's army to move over.During this period of time, he will have to rely on himself.

Bu Zhi immediately retracted his army and entered the city to hold on.The army he has now is much smaller than Deng Ai's. It is obviously not a wise move to send the army out to fight Deng Ai's army in a field battle.In addition, the order he accepted from Sun Jun was to prevent Deng Ai's army from entering the territory of Jiangdong, and to protect the southern wing of Sun Jun's army. Everything must be safe.

It can be seen that Bu Zhi's consideration is actually quite comprehensive.

After another day passed, Deng Ai's vanguard had arrived at Yichun City, blocking the west and south sides of Yichun City.

At nightfall that day, the rear troops led by Zhou Tao also arrived.Zhou Tao was instructed by Deng Ai to block the south side of Yichun City first.As for the east wall, Deng Ai decided to leave it alone for the time being.

Deng Ai did not intend to implement the siege strategy of "encircling three and missing one". The east and south were actually reserved for Peng Qi's Shanyue troops.As soon as Peng Qi's Shanyue troops appear, Deng Ai will take back Zhou Tao's troops.The reason why he wants to block the south of Yichun City now is to block the communication path between Bu Zhi and Lu Dai.

In fact, Peng Qi's Shanyue troops had been scattered in the mountains east of Yichun City long before Deng Ai's troops.Now that they learned that Deng Ai had sent troops, they all regrouped immediately.

Late that night, Deng Ai got a communication message from Peng Qi's person.

Early the next morning, Peng Qi brought an army of nearly [-] people from his tribe to the east of Yichun City.

The weather was fine that day, although the sun rose a little late, but when Peng Qi's troops appeared, the sun had already risen.

When Bu Zhi got the news that the enemy army appeared in the east, and the number of them was simply innumerable, he felt that this was simply impossible.He immediately went straight to the east of the city, and saw the huge army bathed in the morning sun, spreading like a cloud on the ground, slowly approaching Yichun City, and slowly spreading out!Their number definitely surpassed Deng Ai's men.

"Shanyue's army!" Bu Zhi couldn't help exclaiming on the top of the wall on the spot, and the man almost fell to sit on the top of the wall because of being too surprised.

Bu Zhi was really dumbfounded, he didn't understand why Shanyue's troops suddenly appeared in the east of Yichun City at this time, and it was such a huge Shanyue's army, why no one found their whereabouts.Also, what are Zhou Dory's troops doing to clear Shanyue around here now!
(End of this chapter)

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