Chapter 709

With the appearance of Shanyue's army, their numbers were overwhelming, almost breaking all Bu Zhi's hopes in an instant, making Bu Zhi feel what is called real despair.

After Deng Ai learned that Peng Qi had led the army to arrive, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Peng Qi's men finally did not break their promises, and they arrived one day earlier than the time of the round agreed with him.

Deng Ai immediately took his own guards, and did not wait for Peng Qi to come to see him, so he went to see Peng Qi himself.Although Deng Ai is the most calm person, it does not mean that he is indifferent to the current situation in his heart.He just didn't show the anxiety in his heart.

Deng Ai quickly bypassed the south of the city, and soon came to the east of the city.At this time, he suddenly reined in his mount.His usually indifferent face was suddenly moved.

The clothes are messy, but the number of Peng Qi's army is innumerable. In the distance, Peng Qi's army slowly spread towards the two wings, forming a siege towards the east of the city.In their army formation, although the speed of movement was slow, they still produced a lot of smoke and dust. From a distance, it seemed that there were many platycodon stalks piled up and burning slowly.

Deng Ai had indeed imagined the scene of Shanyue's army spreading out on such a flat terrain, but he really couldn't imagine that it would be such a spectacular situation.He had to sigh in his heart, the number of people was over ten thousand, it was really innumerable.

Deng Ai didn't dare to rush over with people immediately.Just kidding, if you rush over when they are launching an army formation, it will definitely be considered that the enemy army suddenly came out to charge the formation.Facing Peng Qi's [-]-strong army, wouldn't he be looking for death?

Therefore, Deng Ai just sent people to slowly go over to find someone to announce Peng Qi's arrival in person.

Then, the twenty cavalry guards immediately left the team and headed towards Peng Qi's army formation.After Peng Qi's men discovered the situation, an army immediately stepped forward and surrounded the twenty guards.But soon, they dispersed again, and the guards of twenty cavalry slowly walked into the army formation.

About two quarters of an hour later, the figures of Deng Ai's twenty guards finally reappeared from Peng Qi's army.

When they approached, dozens of knights in blue armor followed behind the twenty cavalry guards.Deng Ai couldn't help secretly guessing in his heart, is there that Peng Qi among them?
Soon, those people came not far in front of Deng Ai, and at the same time slowed down the speed of their horses, and stopped slowly.After everyone dismounted, Deng Ai's guards came forward to report to Deng Ai.

Deng Ai immediately asked: "Did General Peng come with you?" Peng Qi and You Tu have now been temporarily awarded the title of General Shunyi by Liu Chan.

The guard immediately replied: "General Peng has come together." After speaking, he turned and looked at a middle-aged man who was about the same height as Deng Ai but looked a little thin.

Deng Ai followed the guard's eyes, and his own eyes also fell on Peng Qi.He himself has been imagining the appearance of this Peng Qi who is very famous in Jiangdong, but this person's appearance is like his army, which is beyond Deng Ai's expectation.No matter how you look at this person, it is impossible for this person to look like a vicious person. On the contrary, he looks like a relatively honest and somewhat kind little rich man.

Peng Qi was also looking towards Deng Ai.He has probably learned a lot about Deng Ai from the documents Liu Chan sent him.But Deng Ai's old age makes him look nothing like a young general in his 20s.Coupled with the slightly dark skin on Deng Ai's face, it seems impossible to be a pampered person.

Therefore, one of the two is a barbarian, but they look more like a Han.A Han general looked like a reckless barbarian.

Putting down these unnecessary thoughts, Deng Ai first stepped forward to greet Peng Qi, and said: "The last general, Deng Ai, has met General Peng Qi. General Peng's legs are really fast, compared to what we agreed on. The time has come one day earlier."

Peng Qi knew that Deng Ai was the attendant of the eldest son Liu Chan, and of course he did not dare to be negligent in terms of etiquette, so he immediately returned the courtesy and said: "Lieutenant Deng, don't be so polite. My troops have already arrived near Yichun. After your army came over, of course I didn’t dare to be negligent. Fortunately, my people were upbeat and came to Yichun in a hurry.”

When Deng Ai was in Jiangdong with Han Long, he also met a lot of Shanyue people.He knew that the Shanyue people had a very high degree of Sinicization, and many people could hardly tell whether they were Shanyue people or Han people from their words and deeds.However, if you just distinguish carefully, you can still see the slightest difference after all.

But this Peng Qi surprised Deng Ai again.This person's words are really authentic, humble, polite, and his tone is extremely gentle, almost like a person who has read many books.

Deng Ai intuitively came up with an idea: this Peng Qi is really not an ordinary person, and he should treat each other with courtesy.

Therefore, Deng Ai immediately put away the indifference that he had always led, and said with a smile: "General Peng is indeed too modest. Oh, although this place is in the wild, General Peng's army is currently being deployed. Follow the general back to the camp. The general came to see General Peng at this time because he had an important matter to discuss with the general, and general Peng should not take offense."

Peng Qi chuckled, and said, "It's not a problem. We are going on an expedition now, so there are so many things to pay attention to." Then, Peng Qi looked back, and immediately someone took out a piece of cloth from the horse. , and spread it on the ground, it seems to be a place for Peng Qi and Deng Ai to sit.

Sure enough, Peng Qi invited Deng Ai to sit down there before talking.

After the two sat down, Deng Ai said: "General Peng, the last general has just seen your army. The number should be much larger than mine. So, I mean, my side Zhou Tao’s army, which was used by the deputy general Zhou Tao to besiege the south of Yichun City, will be gathered back to my side, and General Peng will need to send troops to fill up the position in the south of the city.”

After Peng Qi nodded, he asked Deng Ai again: "I can understand this. But Captain Deng, do you have any other deeper intentions in doing this?"

Deng Ai cupped his hands and said with a smile: "General Peng is really smart. The last general did this to make an arrangement for the upcoming Lu Dai's army."

Peng Qi snorted, and said, "Lieutenant Deng didn't hesitate to enlighten me, what kind of arrangement is it?"

Deng Ai said quite confidently: "The army of the last general and Lu Dai's army still have a lot of contact in front, so they should be relatively clear about their strength. Luling County is south of Yichun City, and there are hills and mountains along the way. The purpose of Lu Dai's army's attack this time should be relatively simple. It is nothing more than to rescue Bu Zhi's army from the siege. It is enough for Yuan Shui to block our army on the front line and prevent our army from going north to threaten the southern flank of Sun Jun's army."

Deng Ai's analysis was very reasonable, and Peng Qi still admired it very much, and was even a little surprised that Deng Ai could analyze things so clearly.Then, he sighed in his heart again, why is there no one in his tribe who is like this?Peng Qi just nodded repeatedly.

Deng Ai went on to say: "Previously, General Gai Meng of our army once led an army to raid Yichun City, and on the Yuanshui line, encountered the former Jiangdong Army Governor Lu Xun and Lu Dai's army. It can only retreat temporarily. Therefore, there is such a precedent, which shows that the Yuanshui line is indeed enough to become the Jiangdong Army's second line of defense after losing Yichun City."

(End of this chapter)

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