711 - One hit

At noon the next day, the siege equipment transported from Liuyang City was finally delivered in time.

Deng Ai was not polite either, and allocated part of the siege equipment to Peng Qi's Shanyue Army. The two troops began to use various equipment from all directions to storm the city of Yichun City.

The reason why Deng Ai wants to do this now is not a joke, he is sincerely planning to launch an attack on Yichun City.Moreover, such a real attack can cause Lu Dai a misjudgment, thinking that Deng Ai's side is really attacking Yichun City wholeheartedly, completely leaving his Luling County aside.Correspondingly, it gave Lu Dai a greater sense of anticipation to attack the Shanyue troops.

Therefore, no matter how stable Lu Dai is, he will eventually lose his composure in the face of such a huge temptation.

Deng Ai's battle was completely through his own series of actions, gradually luring Lu Dai to follow the steps he imagined, and gradually fall into the trap set by him.This kind of tactic is almost to maximize the grasp of the direction of people's hearts.This, in fact, is the strangest part of Shi Guangyuan's use of troops.

Perhaps, after this battle, Deng Ai is really ready to serve under Shi Guangyuan.

Facing the indiscriminate bombing by Deng Aijun and Shanyue Army at the same time, Yichun City began to show a precarious state after two days.

For the past two days, Bu Zhi personally supervised the battle on the top of the city every day, and he also sent his son Bu Chan to the east of the city, while the west side of the city, where the enemy's attack was most fierce, was handed over to him to take care of himself. .

It only took two days, and the city wall of Yichun City, which was originally reinforced by Bu Zhi, has become scarred and scarred.Moreover, due to the fierce battle at the top of the city and the great power of the enemy's various siege equipment, his top of the city was attacked by the enemy one after another.The result of this is that his defensive troops suffered a lot of casualties. After all, even the guards of the Buzhi were paid for, and finally held the top of the city.

Facing the attack of the still imposing enemy army, looking at the broken weapons scattered everywhere on the top of the city, the fallen corpses scattered all over the ground, and the choking smell emitted by the blood of human beings flowing everywhere. In addition to wanting to vomit, Bu Zhi felt even more uneasy because of the stench of the stench.He kept praying in his heart that Lu Dai's army must come quickly to rescue him.

Even if Lu Dai didn't dare to come over, but Governor Sun Jun should at least send troops to save him!If they don't come to rescue, then the first source of Jiangdong Army's failure in this war will probably start from the south of Linchuan County!

In fact, the number of troops dispatched by the Shu Han to besiege Yichun City this time definitely exceeded the expectations of all Jiangdong people.Therefore, judging from the current situation, Bu Zhi had already given up his naive idea of ​​defeating Deng Ai's army in Yichun City.The thoughts in his heart now are indeed as Deng Ai expected, he wants to immediately give up Yichun City to break through, and then rearrange his formation on the Yuanshui line to prevent Deng Ai's people from continuing to advance north.

Therefore, although the important town of Yichun City will be lost at that time, it will also make it possible for Deng Ai's army to give way to the hinterland of Yangzhou, that is, the main passage to the east.But in Bu Zhi's view, such a thing is not a problem for Jiangdong or Deng Ai now.Because Bu Zhi believed very confidently that the focus of the Shu Han army is definitely in Linchuan County in the north, and it is impossible to have spare power to rush eastward and enter the hinterland of Yangzhou.

You are right.As far as Deng Ai is concerned now, no matter how great his ambition is, it is impossible for him to go eastward crazily.A large part of the battle plan for this war is his handwriting.Therefore, he is much clearer than anyone else about how this war should be carried out step by step.It is impossible for him to divide his troops and move eastward now.

Therefore, for Bu Zhi now, he must do his best to hold on to Yichun City.Only in this way would he be able to live from here to Yuanshui to reorganize the possibility of defense.

After Lu Dai got the news that Bu Zhi had sent him there, the first decision he made was to immediately send a scout team to investigate the situation of Deng Ai's troops.

In fact, Lu Dai was extremely puzzled by Deng Ai's direction of sending troops.Because in Lu Dai's thinking, Deng Ai should first attack Luling County where he is located, and after eliminating his own troops, he can wholeheartedly deal with the larger army in Bu Zhi's hands.

Moreover, Deng Ai's swift dispatch of troops and decisive actions were definitely beyond Lu Dai's expectations.Therefore, facing these two strong doubts, Lu Dai had to act carefully.If you send troops, you have to wait until the situation is ascertained.

It can be seen that Lu Dai is too mature and prudent.

After more than two days, the scout team finally sent back the prepared information to Lu Dai.The appearance of Peng Qi's Shanyue Army shocked Lu Dai even more.Because, as far as she knew, the tribes of Youtu and Peng Qi had already been chased and killed by the troops of He Qi and Zhou Bing.So, how could this Peng Qi appear outside Yichun City at this time, and even brought a huge army over?

But in any case, after the situation has been ascertained, Lu Dai must act.In fact, just like Synchronous Stallion's thoughts, facing such a huge enemy army, Lu Dai only has a mere 6000 troops on hand. Let me ask, how could he use such a weak force to rescue Yichun City?

Therefore, what Lu Dai can do for Bu Zhi now is to do his best to allow Bu Zhi's army to break out of Yichun City.After making this decision, Lu Dai suddenly thought of an idiom sadly for Yichun City: bind yourself in a cocoon!

Lu Dai's army was dispatched and marching at the fastest speed.

Sure enough, as Deng Ai expected, Lu Dai did not dare to go directly to the north out of safety considerations.He first went east for a while, trying to avoid the detection of Deng Ai's scouts, and then turned and turned north again.

As far as Lu Dai's marching route is concerned, it is clear that he completely avoided Deng Ai's troops who distributed their forces in the west and north of Yichun City.After all, the only directions his army could reach in this way were the south and east of Yichun City.And those two directions are now distributed by Peng Qi's Shanyue troops.

Sure enough, Lu Dai had the intention of picking out the soft Nirvana, and aimed his spearhead at the Shanyue troops who he thought were weaker in combat effectiveness.

It seems that everything is in Deng Ai's expectation.Lu Dai is now a self-righteous elk, approaching the trap step by step according to the apple bait set by the hunter.Lu Dai is destined to be unable to escape Deng Ai's clutches this time.

In fact, no matter how much Lu Dai wanted to avoid the detection of Deng Ai's men, it was impossible.Because, the scouts dispatched by Deng Ai's side this time were not only his own scouting team, he also invited Peng Qi's side to send a lot of people to the east and south of Yichun City.These Shanyue people are actually the ones who know the local situation best.

As a result, Lu Dai's army had just left Luling and traveled eastward for less than [-] miles, when the Shanyue people's spies detected the situation.

The news was immediately delivered to Peng Qi as quickly as possible.Knowing the urgency of this matter, Peng Qi immediately sent someone to deliver the news to Deng Ai.

After Deng Ai learned the information, he was immediately overjoyed. This guy Lu Dai finally came out after a long-awaited call.Therefore, Deng Ai will start to withdraw 5000 troops from his own army, and hand over the command of the remaining 8000 troops to Lieutenant General Zhou Tao.

Then, according to Deng Ai's request, Peng Qi also drew 8000 troops from his own troops and handed them over to Deng Ai for use.In this case, Deng Ai will have a large army of 3000 people at hand, and the 6000-man army used to annihilate Lu Dai should be more than enough.

The reason why Deng Ai dispatched so many troops is because the number of Shanyue troops dispatched by Peng Qi this time is indeed large enough, so that he dispelled the idea that he had previously booked only to defeat Lu Dai's army, and instead wanted to send the army to Lu Dai. Moreover, Lu Dai still has a death-defying army with a strong combat effectiveness of about 4000 in his hands.It is not too difficult for him to defeat such an army.But if you want to encircle and wipe them out, it is not only a matter of spending a lot of effort, but also a matter of preparing the most sufficient strength.

Therefore, a huge army of [-] is what Deng Ai thinks is sufficient and sufficient.

So Deng Ai's army secretly sent troops to the south.When they set off, each soldier was required to bring something to light the fire.Then, they headed towards the preset ambush location as quickly as possible.

Half a day later, Deng Ai's army changed direction and suddenly thought of moving to the east.That's actually where Deng Ai wanted to ambush Lu Dai's army.

(End of this chapter)

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