The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 712 Absolutely Gorgeous Gu Shao

Chapter 712 Absolutely Gorgeous Gu Shao ([-])

A day and a half later, Lu Dai's army finally appeared.A full 6000 troops are advancing in an orderly manner at the fastest speed.Perhaps because of the rush of time, the marching ranks of Lu Dai's army have become a little scattered.

Half an hour later, most of Lu Dai's army had entered the ambush circle set by Deng Ai.

Two fierce and cold lights flashed in Deng Ai's eyes.He stood on a hilltop, watching Lu Dai's army move from below with murderous intent.

Then, Deng Ai nodded to the herald behind him, holding the hilt of the sword that Peng Qi gave him tightly in his hand, but he couldn't help but tighten it.In his heart, he was actually a little nervous.

As a result, the big banner behind Deng Ai was immediately erected.Deng Ai's troops in other directions immediately saw the signal, all the flags were erected, and the war drums were also thundered.

Then, countless people dressed in clothes of various colors appeared on the top of the mountain, it was really colorless and mixed.The bow and arrow team among them acted first, and the rocket in their hands was raised high.

The swishing sound continued, and all the rockets soared into the sky, drawing smooth arcs in the sky.

The fire starters that had been placed everywhere were quickly ignited by the rockets.Now it is the time of autumn and the weather is extremely dry. The fire immediately rose and burned towards Lu Dai's army quickly.

Lu Dai's army immediately became chaotic.

The fire had been burning for nearly two hours before it stopped.Lu Dai's army was burned to death a large number of people, but the worst thing was that their army had collapsed and their morale was gone.

So, it's time to clean up the mess.

Deng Ai immediately sent the whole army into the ambush circle to wipe out the remnants of the enemy.

After another hour passed, Deng Ai's army surrendered three thousand enemy troops.

But after an investigation, Deng Ai's people couldn't find Lu Dai's shadow, so they thought that Lu Dai had been burned to death on the spot.But in fact, Lu Dai escaped unharmed and was crushed by the corpses of several guards. Deng Ai's people didn't find him at all.

As a result, although Lu Dai was defeated again and completely lost hope of rescuing Bu Zhi's army, his old life was saved.Perhaps, he is destined to live a long life.

Deng Ai saw that his army had won a complete victory, and he didn't care about how much loot he had captured. He just passed on the order immediately, leaving some people to continue to clean up the battlefield and guard the Lv Dai army who had just been forced to surrender.

Especially those death-death soldiers with strong combat effectiveness. These people can fight in heavy armor. Although they may not be as tall as the Lujiang Shangjia Army, they are definitely not ordinary.Therefore, Deng Ai specially ordered the remaining troops to pay special attention to those who surrendered among the death-death troops, and he actually had a thought in mind, that is, these strong guys, he began to intend to It was compiled into his Sishun camp, which is the trap camp left by Gao Shun, which was later renamed.

Now, because of Deng Ai's own limited level, the Sishun Camp has limited access to various resources, so after the scale of the Sishun Camp has been expanded to a hundred people, it has reached its peak, and it is no longer able to expand it. bigger.

But now although Deng Ai has made a lot of contributions, but since the war is far from over and it's not time for rewards, aren't the resources in his hands as insufficient as before?
In fact, the resources Liu Chan has now are really different from before.This is not because the size of the army in his hands has become much larger, but because of the arrival of the Shanyue troops.

The original team of Sishunying, that is, the twenty or so guys under Gao Ye, all the heavy armor and heavy weapons equipped on them are the works of Shanyue people.Even though the size of the Sishun camp was expanded by about four times, their equipment was still purchased secretly from the Shanyue area by Deng Ai's people.

Therefore, now that Deng Ai has Peng Qi and Peng Qi's army by his side, and Peng Qi is very willing to donate weapons to the Shu Han army, it is obvious that Peng Qi will not refuse Deng Ai's request for their help. After the expansion of the Sishun Camp, it is required to build brand new heavy equipment.

It is precisely for this reason that Deng Ai came up with the idea of ​​expanding the scale of Sishun Camp at such a moment, otherwise he would only be faced with the dilemma of people without equipment.However, everything seems to be falling into place now.

However, since it is estimated that the size of Lu Dai's original death-death army before the war reached at least 4000 people, the number of surrendered and captured people now must be as many as 2000 people.After incorporating them all, together with Deng Ai's own army of 3000 forcibly confiscated in Liling City, the size of his army increased from 5000 to 7000 in a short period of time, nearly doubling in size. scale.This kind of thing, he can't hide it no matter what.

At least, with Huang Quan, who is in charge of logistics, Deng Ai's side can never hide it.Because the logistics supplies are all collected by Huang Quan, how many people should give how much supplies, it is clear and clear when you look over there.

Deng Ai on his side just wanted to deliberately conceal it for a long time, but he couldn't do it. In the short term, he might be able to rely on the spoils captured on the battlefield to support him.But in the long run, unless he wanted to starve some of his soldiers to death, he had to report the correct size of the army to Huang Quan.

Therefore, in the situation where Deng Ai is actually taking advantage of the war to continue to expand his army, no matter how clever his concealment methods are, it is impossible for him to escape Liu Chan's eyes.

However, Deng Ai has long been aware of it.Of course he knew that what he did in Liling City was definitely a matter for scolding, so he temporarily concealed it and did not report it.But the matter of recruiting the death-defying army into the Sishun camp is definitely a good thing, there is no need to deliberately hide it from the prince, and he did not secretly form an army to launch a rebellion.In fact, Deng Ai felt in his heart that Shizi would be happy because of the news.

Therefore, Deng Ai cleverly combined the above two pieces of news, one good and one bad, into one piece of news, and sent someone to report to the eldest son Liu Chan in the direction of Puqi City.Deng Ai's current intentions are not complicated. He wants to expand his army more than to be praised by the prince.What's more, after successfully taking Liuyang City and Liling City, and annihilating Lu Dai's large army, the results of the battle that caused Lu Dai's whereabouts to be unknown so far should have been enough to give him the absolute qualification to become a Marquis after the war.

The credit for the resistance against Xu Sheng and Lu Meng's army in Gong'an City is enough to make Deng Ai a general.Now that the title can be obtained, of course Deng Ai began to care more about the size of the army in his hand.

After doing this, Deng Ai immediately led most of the troops, turned around and returned to Yichun City as quickly as possible.At this moment, the coalition forces of Shuhan and Shanyue there are still launching a fierce attack on Yichun City.

Deng Ai even had an unrealistic and excessive expectation in his heart, that is, when his men returned to Yichun City, Zhou Tao and Peng Qi had already successfully captured Yichun City.And he, when the time comes, waits to accept the results of the battle, and then go to the famous Buzhi Buzi Mountain in Jiangdong for a while.

However, this is actually just a little unrealistic idea in Deng Ai's heart, who has always been practical. He just got a little cranky because he was in a good mood after successfully eliminating Lu Dai's troops.

On the road between Yuzhang County and Linchuan County, the army led by Gu Shao originally planned to take advantage of Shi Guangyuan's army to advance eastward by means of a surprise attack, and suddenly regain control of Yuzhang.However, as Shi Guangyuan returned to the army in time, he was forced to withdraw his army immediately to avoid the sharp edge of Shi Guangyuan's army for the time being.

Therefore, the army led by Gu Shao is actually on the way to withdraw from Haihun City.

It should be said that Gu Shao's previous action against Yuzhang was a very timely and decisive correct decision no matter from which point of view.

Because, once Yuzhang was recaptured by Gu Shao's army, it would actually mean one thing: Shi Guangyuan's retreat was successfully cut off by Gu Shao.Because Shi Guangyuan's army was completely cut off from the water army, it became a lone army trapped in the Jiangdong mainland, and it was even less able to get the necessary supplies.

Therefore, when Gu Shao's army, or the army of other counties and counties is assembled, they can play with Shi Guangyuan as they want.Shi Guangyuan's army was originally used to cut off the retreat of Sun Jun's army, but at this time, he sent himself into someone else's urn and became the turtle in the enemy's urn.

However, even though the calculation is very good, Gu Shao is actually still puzzled: a wise man like Shi Guangyuan will suddenly lead the main force to leave when Yuzhang's defense is not yet complete, and march to the south, with the purpose of It is puzzling.

In fact, Gu Shao even thought in his heart that Shi Guangyuan must have gone crazy for doing this.He won Yuzhang, and he had already cut off the main and most convenient channel for Sun Jun's army, so why waste time and energy going south?
However, Gu Shao is still very decisive. It is a fact that Shi Guangyuan left Yuzhang, and judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Shi Guangyuan to deliberately vacate Yuzhang to lure himself to lead his troops to fight in Yuzhang. Chapter tricks.So after Gu Shao gave up his doubts, he led his army to attack Yuzhang quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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