The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 713 Absolutely Gorgeous Gu Shao

Chapter 713 Absolutely Gorgeous Gu Shao ([-])

But to Gu Shao's surprise, Shi Guangyuan returned to his teacher Yuzhang quickly.Such a situation immediately made Gu Shao even more confused. Without enough information, he could only believe that Shi Guangyuan was really playing tricks with him.

Gu Shao couldn't help but sneer at Shi Guangyuan in his heart, thinking that Shi Guangyuan's situation was nothing more than that, and he didn't know why he didn't defeat such a guy who didn't deserve his name when he led the army to fight in Nanjun?
However, when Zhou Dory's large army of seven to eight thousand people was cleaned up by Shi Guangyuan in two days, Gu Shao was really dumbfounded.But suddenly more questions arose in his mind: Why did Shi Guangyuan want to eliminate a Jiangdong army that was far away from Yuzhang and was fighting against the army of Shanyue people Youtu in the mountainous area at this moment?
Therefore, in Gu Shao's view, Shi Guangyuan's purpose of leading his army to the south became even more confusing.He immediately sent more people to investigate.Then, his troops brought back a piece of shocking news to Gu Shao: You Tu led the entire clan's troops to join Shi Guangyuan's army.People from these two aspects are returning to Yuzhang together at this time.

It was only at this time that Gu Shao came to his senses. The reason why Shi Guangyuan led his troops south was really to target Zhou Dory's army, and the purpose should be to help Youtu defeat Zhou Dory's troops.

Then, a terrible idea suddenly appeared in Gu Shao's heart: Youtu must have colluded with the army of Shuhan long ago.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shi Guangyuan to help Youtu's tribe on the spur of the moment, and the two of them would have joined forces so quickly.

Moreover, Gu Shao's views on this matter are not limited to this only.As for Youtu's situation, as long as it is the upper echelons of Jiangdong, almost everyone knows something about it.Since this Youtu colluded with the Shu Han, it is impossible to rule out that Peng Qi, another Shanyue leader near Yuzhang, also colluded with Youtu and the Shu Han army.

In addition, the sphere of influence of Peng Qi's tribe is south of Youtu's tribe, which is to the east of Yichun City.So, thinking of these, Gu Shao's heart suddenly felt cold.It seems that it is almost impossible for Deng Ai's army to stop the advance of Deng Ai's army with the fighting force formed by the Buzhi's Jiaozhou righteous men in Yichun City and Lu Dai's death-death army in Luling County!
Deng Ai's army should be different from Shi Guangyuan's. They should join forces with Peng Qi's army to either attack Luling County or attack Luling County.After thinking about it for a while, Gu Shao gave up Deng Aihui's idea of ​​leading the coalition army to attack Luling County, because it would not be very convenient for Peng Qi's Shanyue troops to move.Moreover, the goal of Deng Ai's army is not to go south, they want to go north to cut off the retreat route of Sun Jun's army going south, and then join forces with Shi Guangyuan!

Therefore, Gu Shao immediately judged that Deng Aihui's army would besiege Yichun City.As for Lu Dai's troops in Luling County, Deng Ai only needs to plan to destroy them on their way out to aid Yichun City.Gu Shao was shocked.Immediately sent someone to pass the news to Bu Zhi in Yichun City.

Gu Shao was indeed right about all the calculations in Deng Ai's heart.

Gu Shao is Gu Shao, and his vision is actually farther-sighted than that of ordinary people. Otherwise, Sun Hao would not be so dependent on him. When he became the right governor, Gu Shao joined the army. Gu Shaozheng was transferred back to his side and continued to take up his post in the army.If Gu Shao didn't have outstanding talent, Sun Hao would certainly not be so fond of him.

However, Deng Ai's army was moving too fast, and Gu Shao's was still too slow.Before his men reached Yichun City, Yichun City was besieged by the troops of Deng Ai and Peng Qi.

Therefore, not only did Gu Shao's people fail to pass on the information, but they met people sent by Bu Zhi on the road, who wanted to go to Haihun to ask Sun Zhen for help.

Sun Zhen is now seriously ill in bed, almost unable to handle military affairs, and now all military affairs in the Jiangdong Army are handled by Gu Shao in place of Sun Zhen.Gu Shao had already sent an urgent report to Moling, informing the lord Sun Quan of Sun Jun's physical condition, and begged Sun Quan to send another person to Haihun as the commander-in-chief of the army.

The Jiangdong Army is really sad sometimes, the coach is always going to get sick and die.

Therefore, the letter asking for help was of course sent to Gu Shao immediately.After reading it, Gu Shao felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.He also had to be amazed in his heart, the army of the Shu Han is really too powerful, they seem to have no connection at all, and they attack everywhere in such a large area, in fact, they all revolve around one purpose: after a series of operations, Gradually encircle Sun Jun's army in Jiangxia County south of Jingzhou and Linchuan County in Yangzhou, and wipe out all of them within these two counties.

Because the army Sun Zhen dispatched this time is the most elite force used to defend Yangzhou.Once these troops are wiped out by Shu Han's army at once, it will definitely be a fatal consequence for Jiangdong people!
Gu Shao was trembling all over at this time, and he didn't dare to imagine anymore.He immediately sent someone to bring a document, bypassed the direction of Yuzhang, and went back to Moling to ask Sun Quan for help.Judging from the current situation, it is no longer enough for Xiang Haihun to send a new coach to solve the problem.

Army, Gu Shao now needs a new army to join the battle!Otherwise, the situation on his side may easily lead to catastrophe.

Then, Gu Shao immediately thought of He Qi's army.He Qi's army accepted the last order given by Sun Jun, and within the next few days, they will attack Zhang Fei's army again from Luo Xiaoshan.

What Gu Shao is thinking now is, for the safety of his rear, should he order He Qi to stop attacking, and instead come back and join forces with him to deal with Shi Guangyuan's army?

But Gu Shao's courage is not as weak as his appearance.He doesn't have the amazing ability to deduce the situation layer by layer like Quan Cong, but his wisdom is not inferior to Quan Cong.After some complicated thinking, he decided that relying on Haihun's city, he should be able to resist Shi Guangyuan's army for a period of time.

And within this period of time, if He Qi's hands and feet were fast enough, he could defeat a part of Zhang Fei's army.It is no longer possible for Gu Shao to hope that He Qi's army and Shuanghuan's men will completely wipe out the vanguard of Zhang Fei's army.Now that Shuanghuan's army is tightly entangled by Gai Meng and others' troops, Gu Shaozhi hopes that He Qi can help Shuanghuan's army escape.

Then, He Qi and Shuanghuan's army must resolutely abandon Jiangxia County and retreat to Linchuan County to hold on.In this case, although their four armies are still trapped in the encirclement of the coalition forces of the Shuhan and Shanyue people, they should be able to hold on until the reinforcements sent by the lord arrive.

Thus, Gu Shao's new order was passed on to He Qi towards Luo Xiaoshan in the west.Judging from Gu Shao's considerations, he has almost abandoned the Buzhi righteous men who were besieged in Yichun City.There, he can only hope that the lord Sun Quan can also send an army to rescue them in time.He, Gu Shao, is now able to protect himself.

Therefore, Gu Shao immediately chose to continue to retreat the army in the direction of Haihun again!

However, in order to buy some time for Haihun's city defense, Gu Shao decided to take another moderate risk.On the way back to Haihun, he wanted to find a suitable place to confront Shi Guangyuan's coalition forces.

(End of this chapter)

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