Chapter 714
At the same time, Han Dang, who was defeated again and again, could only return to Jiangxia angrily. Two days ago, he had received a call-up order from the governor Sun Zhen, asking him to immediately lead the generals in Jiangxia County. Some troops went south to support Shuanghuan's battle.

At that time, when Han Dang saw Sun Jun's order for the first time, an extremely serious expression appeared on his face.Although he had maintained extreme restraint in front of Sun Huan before, after all, he was a veteran Jiangdong general with status, but in his heart, like Tai Shixiang, he also believed that Sun Huan deliberately shrank on the road, which caused the troops he was stationed to defend. The culprit behind the fall of Puqi City.

But in fact, Sun Huan did this because he followed Sun Zhen's instructions and made a strategy.However, Sun Zhen did not explicitly teach Sun Huan to stop and go on the road.Therefore, in Sun Jun's order to Han Dang, he didn't explain anything about Sun Huan to the old general.

No matter how good Han Dang's demeanor is, it is impossible to be convinced at this time. Of course, there is a reason for his ugly face.

Therefore, Han Dang immediately recruited the deputy general Tai Shixiang.Tai Shixiang's talent is average, but he is still very loyal, so Han Dang never looked down on him.On the contrary, most of the time, if necessary, they would come to him to discuss matters.

As for Lu Kai, the son of Lu Dai who retreated into Jiangxia together with Han Dang and Tai Shixiang, since his army was almost wiped out in the battle of Puqi City, he was not mentioned in Sun Zhen's call-up order at all. name.Therefore, of course, Han Dang didn't need to send someone to Lu Dai at this time to discuss things with him.

Soon, Tai Shixiang came over.After this period of cultivation, the various injuries on his body have almost healed.When he took over Sun Jun's order from Han Dang and read it, his face immediately became exposed.In fact, Tai Shixiang couldn't help but wanted to spit hard at Sun Zhen's order, but he still didn't dare to do so after all.

But Tai Shixiang couldn't help but shouted: "What does the governor mean by doing this? We were just put together by that bastard Sun Huan. The current army in Jiangxia County has not been reorganized yet, so he wants us to drive us away." Was it just Sun Huan in the past? General Han, Commander Sun Jun thinks we are easy to bully, right? That bastard Sun Huan is now in a hard fight, he deserves it, we don’t have that need to rush over to help him!”

Hearing this, Han Dang couldn't help but sighed.In fact, Tai Shixiang's angry words were his heartfelt words, he really didn't want to send troops from Jiangxia very much.Even if he had really reorganized Jiang Xia's troops and could send troops, he really didn't want to help that scoundrel Sun Huan.

Therefore, Han Dang discussed with Tai Shixiang for a long time that day, and finally decided not to send troops for the time being.

But Sun Zhen seemed to have anticipated the reactions of Han Dang and Tai Shixiang in his heart, so on the second and third day, he sent two identical orders to Han Dang respectively.

Facing Sun Jun's life-threatening orders, Han Dangzhen was not only a little bit overwhelmed, but also couldn't stand the pressure anymore.

Therefore, Han Dang can only focus on the overall situation.He also advised Tai Shixiang that now he can only temporarily put away his dissatisfaction with Sun Huan, and it is better to send troops south first.

Therefore, Han Dang temporarily entrusted Jiang Xia to Lu Kai to take care of him, and he and Tai Shixiang led the newly formed 6000 troops to leave Jiang Xia.

For Jiang Xia and Han Dang, this 6000-man army can be said to be Jiang Xia's last new force.In the following years, it was no longer possible for them to recruit troops from Jiangxia, because after a series of defeats, not only Jiangxia's army was wiped out by Han Dang, but also the young freshmen had been recruited.

The destructive power of the war is absolutely astonishing. Han Dang feels guilty towards the people of Jiangxia, and is most responsible for the decline of Jiangxia's people's livelihood.

However, the news that Han Dang sent troops from Jiangxia to the south to support Shuanghuan was immediately detected by Fan Zhuang's army lurking around Jiangxia.The news was sent to Fan Zong as quickly as possible.

Fan Jiang's mood has been quite depressed recently.He was originally in command of the huge army of the Jiangzhou Navy, but now he seems to be getting worse and worse. The military power of the Jiangzhou Navy fell into Zhou Cheng's hands, but he himself was sent to Shaxian's side. Commanding an army of 6000 people, and even lurking secretly!
Of course, Fan Zhuang's heart must be unbalanced.

However, with the appearance of Han Dang's troops, Fan Zhuang's heart was slightly excited.Because the news came, it meant that he finally didn't have to continue living the hard life of lurking.

So Fan Zhuang immediately ordered the whole army to attack, and they were going to stop Han Dang's troops.

Fan Zhuang's intention is really very simple, he just wants to move the army over and intercept Han Dang's army forcefully.

The reason why Fan Zhuang did this was that it was the same as the combat order given to him.

Another reason is that the place where he is lurking is still a little far away from Jiang Xia.This place is also Han Dang's territory, and it is impossible for his troops to secretly set up an ambush halfway. In fact, it is impossible to achieve a highly mobile surprise attack.

Therefore, it's not that Fan Zhuang wants to confront Han Dang's army like this, but that the actual conditions on his side do not allow him to adopt an easy strategy against the enemy.

The reality really does not let Fan Zhuo relax.It took only two hours for his army to conquer Sha Xian's county seat after they crossed Sha Xian's road, and of course their whereabouts were immediately exposed.However, Fan Zhuang didn't care about these things, and he didn't care much about them.He even expected that Han Dang would be able to learn that he led the army to appear in Jiangxia as quickly as possible.Because maybe, instead of continuing to go south to support Shuanghuan's army, Han Dang would turn around and come to the door himself.

Han Dang was very surprised that there would be enemy troops to the west of Jiangxia.Now in Jiangxia's interior, apart from the army in his hand, there are only some miscellaneous county soldiers in various counties that are used to maintain law and order.

These county soldiers are not only small in number, but also have extremely low combat quality. They can be used to bully and suppress the people with pretentious pretentiousness, but once they encounter regular troops, they will definitely have to die.

Therefore, Han Dang now faced a dilemma: keep Jiang Xia, guarantee the rear of Shuanghuan's army, or continue to carry out Sun Zhen's order, so he handed over Jiang Xia to Fan Zhuang, and then went to join forces with Shuanghuan's army Woolen cloth?If Han Dang chooses the latter, he may face the danger of being encircled by the Shu Han army in Jiangxia territory.

After some consideration, Han Dang decided that he should deal with Fan Zhuang's army first, otherwise the rear of Shuanghuan's army would not be guaranteed, so why continue to fight against the army of Shuhan?
Han Dang immediately sent a document to Sun Jun's Haihun, showing Sun Jun the necessity of his choice.

Two days later, Han Dang's army and Fan Zhuang's army finally met.Since neither side has any other options now, and there is no retreat, and the number of armies on both sides is almost the same, the two sides finally chose to fight head-to-head.

Therefore, in Jiangxia County, near the main frontal battlefield of the Shuhan Army and the Jiangdong Army, a small new battlefield was opened up.There, two evenly matched armies will wage an extremely fierce and bloody battle.

The news that Han Dang's army was held back by Fan Zhuang's sudden army came to Shuanghuan, which surprised Shuanghuan very much.The number of enemy troops they have to face now far exceeds the combined strength of the two of them.Therefore, Shuanghuan never expected in his heart that he could defeat Zhang Fei's army with Han Dang's support.

However, with the sudden appearance of Fan Zong's men and horses in the rear, it really reminded Shuanghuan that even if Jiangxia County is behind them and Yangzhou is to the east, it is not necessarily safe. .The shock in Shuanghuan's heart came from such a reason.

Deng Ai led the army to attack, and returned triumphantly after annihilating Lu Dai's army in one fell swoop, and was warmly welcomed by Peng Qi.They, Shanyue, have always guarded against the oppression of Jiangdong people, and Deng Ai really gave them a sigh of relief this time.Moreover, Peng Qi admired Deng Ai's genius military talent even more in his heart.

Deng Ai did not refuse Peng Qi's kindness, and celebrated with Peng Qi all night.

In fact, the most important thing Deng Ai did on the way back from the battlefield was to think about how to take Yichun City in the fastest and most labor-saving way.

Although it is said that the troops in Deng Ai's hands have never been as sufficient as they are now, and they are also assisted by a large number of siege equipment.If Bu Zhi's Jiaozhou righteous man continued to stick to Yichun City, he would have the strength to blow the city to pieces.But the problem is, if you do this, it will take a lot of time.

Therefore, after some thinking, Deng Ai decided that he could continue to send troops to attack Yichun City on the one hand, and on the other hand, he could also lure the Buzhi or the Jiaozhou righteous men who were Buzhi to surrender.

The reason why Deng Ai adopted such a strategy has two advantages.

The first point is that Deng Ai led the army to wipe out Lu Dai's army just now, and Sun Jun's troops in Linchuan County did not dare to come here without authorization, which caused the embarrassment of Bu Zhi's army's reinforcements being cut off.

The second point is that the strength in Deng Ai's hands is much stronger than Bu Zhi's.He fully has the ability to implement a double-sided strategy of attacking Bu Zhi while luring him to surrender.Moreover, if you attack by force, you can also put great pressure on Bu Zhi, forcing him to make a decision to surrender as quickly as possible.

Deng Ai's cruelty to the enemy was never a joke.

So, at the banquet with Peng Qi that day, Deng Ai told Peng Qi his thoughts.

Although Deng Ai thinks that his strategy is very suitable for the current situation in Yichun City, but Peng Qi, as the leader of his coalition forces, of course it is necessary for him to discuss it with the other party.

Then, Deng Ai explained to Peng Qi the specific reasons why he set up such a strategy.After getting along with this Peng Qi these days, Deng Ai has discovered that this Peng Qi is actually not very good at using troops. He is afraid that the other party will not be able to understand his intentions, so he, who has never liked nonsense, will do his best so hard. explained to each other.

After Deng Ai spent a little effort, he finally made Peng Qi understand his intention.

After listening to Deng Ai's explanation, Peng Qi admired Deng Ai's intelligence very much. After asking Deng Ai a few questions, he happily agreed to Deng Ai's strategy, and then praised Deng Ai without hesitation. I gave Deng Ai a lot.

Peng Qi's exaggerated performance seemed to make too much fuss about Deng Ai's talent.

(End of this chapter)

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