The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 715 Double-sided Poison Scheme

Chapter 715 Double-sided Poisonous Scheme ([-])

After Deng Ai finished discussing the strategy with Peng Qi, he was almost drunk, and he felt a little not sober.Then, the two separated immediately.

Early the next morning, Deng Ai temporarily stopped attacking Yichun City.Only then did he send an envoy into Yichun City with his own letter to meet Bu Zhi.

Bu Zhi felt very strange that Shu Han's army would suddenly stop attacking at such a time.But his mind is very smart, and he had a faint premonition, maybe because something happened to Lu Dai, otherwise, the coalition forces of Deng Ai and Peng Qi would be fine as long as they continued to attack the city. up.

In fact, Bu Zhi was commanding the army to fight on the top of the city every day a few days ago, so he could check the situation of the enemy's army formation under the city with his own eyes every day.He faintly noticed that the number of enemy troops seemed to have decreased a lot since a few days ago.

Of course, it is really difficult for Bu Zhi himself to judge how many people are missing in the enemy's army.After all, Yichun City only has four walls, and the length of each wall is just like that.The combined number of allied forces of Shuhan and Shanyue reached more than 3.With such a huge army attacking the city, it is of course impossible to put all the troops into battle at one time. It must be divided into several batches to attack the city in turn.

And those who didn't have their turn to attack, of course, can go to rest in the camp, and they can't see their specific activities inside.Therefore, the enemies faced by Bu Zhi's men and horses are not the same faces every day.Under such circumstances, it is of course difficult for Bu Zhi to judge the change of the enemy army.As a result, in fact, after Deng Ai's men left, they wiped out all of Lu Dai's men and then returned, Bu Zhi was still in a state of doubt in his thinking.

Bu Zhi stood quietly on the top of the city, the morning wind that had become very cool made his face look very dry.His side was tightly protected by a group of guards. It is of course very dangerous for an important person like Xiang Buzhi to stand at the forefront of the battlefield. Of course, they dare not relax at all. thought of it.

Soon, a knight in black armor suddenly emerged from Deng Ai's stationary besieging army, galloping towards the city of Yichun on horseback.At this time, there is indeed something strange, because while he is running, he is holding a small white flag in his hand.

Bu Zhi was a little nervous at first, after all, he really didn't know what kind of wishful thinking his opponent Deng Ai had been planning all this time.In addition, now that Shu Han's army suddenly stopped the project, it further deepened his doubts.

However, the appearance of the little white flag in the knight's hand was indeed a relief in the back of the stallion's heart.Because what this little white flag wants to express is very clear, that is, an envoy—that is, Deng Ai is sending an envoy to Yichun City where Bu Zhi is stationed.

The appearance of the envoy means that Deng Ai and Bu Zhi already have the idea of ​​temporarily stopping the war and then conducting peace talks between the two sides.

The soldiers and horses in the city now, after the offensive has been bombarded by the coalition forces in the mountains and mountains of the Shu Han in the past few days, their strength has been greatly consumed. The number of soldiers and horses has dropped sharply from the original 8000 to less than 6000. people.It should be said that it is a very incredible thing for the defenders to appear in such a fight.

Furthermore, this situation is enough to show how fierce the Shuhan and Shanyue coalition forces' attack on Yichun City was.

Therefore, facing such an enemy, Bu Zhi was not only worried, but also had to bear unspeakable psychological pressure.

Moreover, the continuous defense of the city by the soldiers these days has taken a toll on both physical and mental strength.Especially now that they have to face the attacks of the Shuhan and Shanyue allied forces like a frenzy every day, the fear and depression in their hearts are definitely beyond the comprehension of those who have experienced it personally.

Even though he is Bu Zhi, although he has not really participated in the battle on the front line, he is also commanding on the front line, and the pressure he can feel is already extremely great.What's more, what about those soldiers who stand on the top of the city all day and pass by the god of death at any time?
So, seeing the messenger's arrival, Bu Zhi's brain immediately started to work quickly, and a pair of black eyeballs also turned.

Soon, Bu Zhi's eyes suddenly flashed two brilliant rays of light, and the corners of his mouth also slightly turned up.But his obviously happy expression disappeared in a flash, as if he was afraid of being seen by others.

It seems that Bu Zhi has figured out a way to deal with Deng Ai's emissary in a very short period of time.

Soon, Deng Ai's emissary had already rode his horse to a place 200 meters below Yichun City, and stopped his mount.Because at this time, the longbows in the hands of the archers among the defenders at the head of the city have all been raised high in his direction. As long as his commander gives an order, countless arrows will be offline immediately. and go.

No matter how good the enemy's envoy is, it is impossible to avoid the attacks of so many bows and arrows. At that time, he can only end up being pierced by thousands of arrows.

The envoy of Deng Ai seemed to hesitate for a moment, then urged his mount again, and walked slowly towards the city.Bu Zhi also gave an order at this time, and all the archers put away their bows and arrows.

When Deng Ai's emissary saw this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his back was already covered in cold sweat.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the envoy of Deng Ai came to the gate of the west city of Yichun City, raised his head and shouted loudly towards the city: "Open the door, I am the envoy sent by Colonel Deng Ai. My Captain Deng Ai has a letter written by me. Bring it here and give it to Mr. Bu Zhi."

The position where Bu Zhi stood was actually far away from the city gate. After all, the city gate was the key area for the enemy's attack. If he fought there and commanded the battle, the risk factor would be too great.But even so, he heard what Deng Ai's envoy said.He nodded to his captain of the guard, and the captain of the guard immediately went to find the city gate captain and asked him to open the door for Deng Ai's emissary.

Then soon, with the opening of the city gate, Deng Ai's envoy also entered Yichun City.Bu Zhi also got the letter written by Deng Aidao sent by this person.However, it was impossible for Deng Ai's envoy to meet Bu Zhi in person due to his identity and rank restrictions. Deng Ai's personal letter was taken away by Bu Zhi's guards.

Bu Zhi removed the wax from the letter, and took out the letter paper inside to read.Deng Ai's tone in the letter was not quite the same as his usual style, and he seemed quite polite to Bu Zhi.However, after being polite at the beginning, the next content was changed, which was to increase the momentum of his own side, asking Bu Zhi to see the current situation clearly, or to abandon the city and surrender as soon as possible.

In fact, Bu Zhi didn't even have to read the whole letter, he already understood in his heart that Deng Ai's letter was simply a document to persuade him to surrender!
But it should be said that Bu Zhi didn't feel that strange about it. When he saw the envoy coming over there, he had already guessed that this would be the result.

Therefore, Bu Zhi now has a plan in mind, and has a way to deal with Deng Ai's move.

So Bu Zhi asked his captain of the guard to go to the city and bring Deng Ai's emissary to the top of the city.Now that the two sides are at the juncture of a life-and-death battle, the chief general wants to meet the enemy's envoy in person on the top of the city. This is of course a very dangerous act.

The captain of the guard immediately persuaded: "My lord, no, this is too risky, and the general dare not carry out this order."

Hearing this, Bu Zhi frowned, but his expression soon returned to normal.He originally wanted to dictate a reply to Deng Ai's envoy himself, but now he had no choice but to write a letter to Deng Ai himself to reply.

So Bu Zhi asked the captain of the guard to prepare pens and paper.

After Deng Ai's envoy received Bu Zhi's reply, how dare he continue to stay in the enemy's city, he rushed out from the gate of Yichun City and went straight to Deng Ai's army.

Deng Ai had already arrived in the army formation at this time.Although his head still hurts because of the hangover last night, the symptoms are not serious and can affect his command of the army.

(End of this chapter)

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