The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 716 Double-sided Poison Scheme

Chapter 716 Double-sided Poisonous Scheme ([-])

Soon, Bu Zhi's reply letter brought back by the messenger was delivered to Deng Ai by the guards.

Looking at the envelope whose corner was already wet with the messenger's sweat, Deng Ai suddenly showed an inexplicable smile on his face.He suddenly turned his head and said to the captain of the guard beside him: "Guess, how Bu Zhi will reply to the captain."

The captain of the guard was taken aback when he heard it, and he couldn't see the contents of the envelope, so of course it was impossible to guess.He shook his head, cupped his hands and said, "The last general is dull."

Deng Ai didn't say anything to him anymore, but just smiled slightly, as if he was confident.Then, he opened the envelope, took out the letter paper inside and looked at it.

After reading it, Deng Ai sighed: "Bu Zhi really did this trick for me!"

Bu Zhi told Deng Ai in the letter that he was very grateful for Deng Ai's kindness, but he needed to think carefully, please give him at least two days.At that time, he will definitely send a letter of approval to Deng Ai.

Then, Deng Ai stretched out his hand and patted the letter paper, saying: "Bu Zhi is deceiving me, trying to buy himself time for the reinforcements to arrive! But how can I, Deng Shizai, be deceived like this? Moreover, this Bu Zhi Zhi Zhi is too naive to think that he is still expecting that Lu Dai's men will come to save him! Now that I have seen Bu Zhi's inner thoughts, I will stop being polite."

Deng Ai finally decided in his heart to completely defeat the confidence of Bu Zhi and his army.

So, Deng Ai immediately sent the order down, and the army's formation actually began to press down on the Yichun city again.

Bu Zhi looked at Deng Aijun's army formation that was moving over in disbelief, and really couldn't understand why Deng Ai would attack Yichun City again at this time.Could it be that his persuading him to surrender was just a silly joke, just to tease himself?

But the question is, is Deng Ai really such a boring and playful person?After thinking about it, Bu Zhi felt that Deng Ai must not be such a person.Then, in the end, there is only one possibility left, and that is his trick to deceive Deng Ai to win Lu Dai's reinforcements, which has been seen through by Deng Ai!
Bu Zhi couldn't help sighing in his heart, this Deng Ai is really not a person who can be deceived!
So, Bu Zhi now has no choice but to continue to fight to the death with Deng Ai's army.Offer the city to surrender?For him, Bu Zhi, that was absolutely impossible!
Almost all of Deng Ai's troops dispatched this time were sword players, and the shields held high in their hands tightly protected their bodies.The speed of the army array was not moving very fast. After more than 200 meters away, the infantry's bow and arrow team began to shoot, but it was impossible to pose a threat to the army array formed by sword players.As the army continued to advance, in order to save arrows, the infantry had no choice but to stop the shooting of the archers.

At this time, all the shields of the Swordsmen's formation suddenly came down, revealing a large number of archers from inside.The bows and arrows in their hands pointed in the direction of Yichun City.But what is strange is that the long arrows used by these archers look a little different, with a white circle around the front end of the arrow shaft.

As a result, the swishing sound continued to ring out in the sword player's army formation, and long arrows soared from the army formation.

Bu Zhi was slightly startled by the change in the enemy army.But his reaction was quick. Apart from yelling loudly for the soldiers to hide under the battlements, he quickly sent an order for the archers to go to the city to fight again.

But then an even more surprising scene appeared.None of the long arrows shot by Deng Ai's bow and arrow team fell on the top of the city, and all of them flew into the city.

After Deng Ai's bow and arrow team shot four waves, Bu Zhi finally thought of the weirdness.He immediately sent a loud order to his guard captain: "You immediately take all the guards down to the city to collect all the long arrows. You must not drop one at a time, let alone let one flow into the soldiers. hands!"

Although the captain of the guard couldn't understand the real reason why Bu Zhi came down like this, after all, the long arrows were usually broken after being shot into the city, and it was almost impossible to reuse them.However, the captain of the guard immediately accepted the order, rushed down to the top of the city with all the guards, and began to collect arrows everywhere.

At this time, the captain of the guard suddenly discovered that the white color on the long arrow that Deng Ai's bow and arrow team shot into the city was simply a piece of paper entangled on it!After he opened it to read it, he was immediately terrified by the contents inside.

The captain of the guard immediately rushed to the top of the city with the paper and handed it to Bu Zhi.After Bu Zhi saw it, he immediately became pale.Because the content in the paper is exactly the detailed process that Lu Dai's army has been completely wiped out.

Bu Zhi suddenly shouted loudly: "Hurry up, send more people to take back all the notes, and don't let them fall into the hands of the soldiers!"

But if you want to collect all the notes, it is absolutely impossible.Soon, the news began to spread in Bu Zhi's army, which severely hit the morale of the army.

An hour later, Deng Ai's army quickly pressed forward and launched a fierce offensive against Yichun City as usual.

On the second day of the battle, the prisoners of Lu Dai's army had been escorted back.Deng Ai escorted them all to the front of the battle.The news of Lu Dai's complete defeat was confirmed by definite evidence.

The morale of the infantry army was almost broken.

At this time, Deng Ai's trump card appeared.His bow and arrow team once again sent an extremely lethal message to the city: Shanyue's army will give up the passage to the east of Yichun City, so that the Jiangdong Army in the city can retreat from there. What they need is Yichun City, and Not the heads of the many Jiangdong people.

And Deng Ai is also trustworthy.On that day, Shanyue's encirclement completely withdrew from the east of the city, making way for the Jiaozhou righteous men in the city.

The morale of Bu Zhi's army immediately became agitated, and all the soldiers suddenly didn't want to fight anymore, and they needed to escape from here immediately.

But it is absolutely impossible for Bu Zhi to agree with them to do this. He has even seen Deng Ai's trick, or it should be more appropriate to call it a poisonous trick.It is true that Deng Ai will let his army go out of the city, but he will definitely set up an ambush halfway, just like destroying Lu Dai's army, and destroy his army.At that time, he will get Yichun City, and he will also destroy the righteous men in Jiaozhou. It is really a vicious double-sided plan!
Therefore, Bu Zhi immediately sent troops to suppress the commotion of the soldiers forcibly.But the morale of the army has deteriorated, and there are only a few cronies of Bu Zhi, and it is impossible to stop it.

In the middle of the night that day, a large-scale mutiny broke out in Yichun City, and more than two-thirds of the Jiaozhou righteous men rushed out from the east gate.

Deng Ai seemed to keep his promise on this, and he didn't send anyone to pursue him at all, but just let them flee eastward.When there were no more people escaping from the city, Deng Ai immediately ordered the army to overwhelm and captured Yichun City within half an hour with the momentum of thunder.

Because during the previous siege of the city, Deng Ai had an extra mind and demanded that after Peng Qi succeeded in Yichun City, his people would absolutely not allow all kinds of plunder in the city.Therefore, after the Shanyue people entered the city, there were only a few sporadic murders and robberies, and there were almost no disturbances.

Deng Ai immediately sent people to search for the whereabouts of Bu Zhi and his son in the city.

As expected, Bu Zhi guessed Deng Ai's strategy correctly.Those Jiaozhou righteous men who escaped from the east gate numbered about 4000. They escaped less than [-] miles away, and they were caught in an ambush set by Deng Ai.Deng Ai's ambush troops immediately launched a fire attack, and the archers didn't stop, shooting and killing the righteous soldiers in Jiaozhou.

The battlefield immediately became horrible, with burning fires everywhere, the screams of Jiaozhou righteous men, and the sound of arrows being shot to the end.

The result was too tragic. The 4000 Jiaozhou righteous men were finally killed by Deng Ai's troops, leaving only more than 3000 people who survived.In other words, with just one ambush, Deng Ai's men killed more than [-] Jiangdong soldiers.And these people are still deserters who have no will to fight!

Perhaps the reason why Deng Ai did this was to refer to the pre-Qin practice of killing the enemy's surrendered troops, and wanted to wipe out Jiangdong's resistance as much as possible once and for all.

In addition to the more than 2000 people captured in the city, Deng Ai surrendered nearly [-] Jiangdong Army troops in this battle, but these people only accounted for a quarter of the size of the righteous soldiers in Jiaozhou.Therefore, this also means that the Jiaozhou righteous men under Bu Zhi have also been completely culled by Deng Ai.Deng Ai's way of cutting grass and roots is really ruthless enough.

However, Deng Ai's contribution this time is really not his fault.After fighting two battles, he completely wiped out the elite troops with the exact numbers among the two Jiangdong armies.

(End of this chapter)

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