Chapter 717

Deng Ai's men searched everywhere in Yichun City for a whole night, and finally found Bu Zhi from the dry well of a mansion.I don't know whether Bu Zhi hid in the dry well, trying to escape the fate of being captured, or whether he simply wanted to commit suicide by throwing himself into the well!
As a result, Bu Zhi, who looked very embarrassed, was immediately tied up by the soldiers, and escorted to the government office in Yichun City to meet Deng Ai.

Deng Ai didn't delve into why Bu Zhi was in the dry well at the time, but later, he still thought that Bu Zhi hid in the dry well on purpose.If he had thrown himself into the well, he would have entered the dry well with his head down. He might have fallen to his death in the well long ago, and when he could be rescued there, he would still be a lively and lively person!

Then, Bu Zhi's son Bu Chan was also arrested.

Speaking of how Bu Chan was caught, it was really funny.In order to avoid being chased, he didn't know where he stole a floral dress worn by a woman, and put it on himself.Then, perhaps because she thought this was not safe enough, she stole another piece of floral cloth and put it on her head, making her a flower girl.

But because southerners rarely cover their heads with cloth, at most men wrap their buns with cloth strips.And this style is generally used by ordinary working people.But then this hairstyle suddenly became popular, and soon, all classes became fond of wrapping their buns with cloth strips, so much so that they replaced the preference of the scholar-official class to wear crowns.And the person who drives this trend is that Jiangdong giant Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin.

As for women, they all use the method of combing their hair, and it is impossible to cover their heads with floral cloths.Perhaps, Bu Chan's move can be regarded as the first of its kind for women to wear headscarves.

What's more, it's late at night, and the city of Yichun is in chaos. A "woman's family" in Buzhi is still walking around in the street?
Of course, Bu Chan's very incompetent camouflage was spotted immediately, and it was only natural that he was captured.Therefore, when Bu Chan was brought in front of Deng Ai and Bu Zhi, he was still wearing the extremely colorful women's dress, and the wide sleeves of the dress were embroidered with bright red peony flowers.From the looks of it, these clothes should have been stolen from a wealthy family in the city.

Seeing Bu Chan's ghostly appearance, Deng Ai, Peng Qi and others couldn't help laughing out loud.And Bu Zhi was obviously very upset, his face was completely lost by Bu Chan, and after he gave Bu Chan a few vicious glances, his face was already flushed red.

Deng Ai immediately began to persuade Bu Zhi to surrender.

Bu Zhi should be said to have outstanding talents and learning, and his status in Jiangdong is also very high. In addition, the most important point is that he is also Sun Quan's brother-in-law, and his status is even more prominent.If such a person can take refuge in Shuhan, it will definitely be a big blow to the morale of Jiangdong people.

As for Bu Chan, in Deng Ai's view, this person is completely a mediocre person. He has no talent and learning, and even less military strategy. What's the use of recruiting such a mediocre person?If he didn't look at Bu Zhi's face, he would definitely not be able to keep Bu Chan in this high hall.Therefore, Bu Chan is still standing in front of Deng Ai, instead of being immediately put into custody in a prisoner-of-war camp, he is completely in the light of his father Bu Zhi.

This is indeed an era of fighting for fathers!

Moreover, Bu Chan's father must be better than Li Gang, even Li Gang's father-in-law cannot be better than Bu Zhi.Li Gang can go on CCTV but cry cats and mice. If Li Gang were Bu Zhi, he would not have to do this at all.

Li Gang, are you really good?Let your son ask Bu Chan first, their family is in Jiangdong, it is really good enough!

Having said that, although Bu Zhi sometimes played tricks, for example, he brought down Lu Xun, who was the commander-in-chief of Jiangdong's three armies, in three or two moves.But judging from the fact that he is deeply trusted by Sun Quan, this person is indeed absolutely loyal to Sun Quan.

So, now Deng Ai actually wants to recruit him?Not only was this a joke, but it was an extreme insult to his character.If he was willing to surrender, he would have surrendered the city long ago, so why wait until now to be captured because of defeat?

Bu Zhi's face turned even redder, and he pointed at Deng Ai and said, "Deng Ai, don't think that you can be so arrogant in front of me because you took Yichun City by trick. If you want to let If I surrender, it is pure wishful thinking!"

Bu Zhi's words completely disrespected Deng Ai.Deng Ai has never been good at words. Just now when he surrendered to Bu Zhi, he decided on the words after careful consideration for a long time.I don't want to, his kindness will not be reciprocated by Bu Zhi after all.

Therefore, Deng Ai really started to get angry in his heart.His somewhat dark complexion also became a little purple due to the congestion.

In fact, Deng Ai was not the only one who felt angry on the spot, his deputy general Zhou Tao and general Peng Qi of Shunyi were also angry because of Bu Zhi's relentless words.Both of them stared wide-eyed, glaring at Bu Zhi standing proudly under the hall.

But Bu Zhi is a bit of a rogue now, or he is not even afraid of death now, what else is he afraid of?Therefore, facing the angry eyes of the three, he still seemed so indifferent.

But Bu Zhi is not in a hurry, it does not mean that no one is in a hurry.Bu Chan's face also changed a little because of his father's words.He is only in his 20s now, which is when he was young.In addition, his father's status in Jiangdong has been thriving all along, and he can definitely enter the top ten important ministers. With such a father, his good life is not enough.

As far as Bu Chan was concerned, the capture of their father and son was almost destined to be imprisoned.But the Deng Ai in front of him is very respectful to his father from his words and deeds. As long as his father's attitude is a little better, their father and son may be able to avoid prison.When they return to Jiangdong in the future, they will still be rich and powerful.

But Bu Zhi's tough statement completely shattered Bu Chan's hope, and might even bring about the death of their father and son.

At the thought of death, Bu Chan's body trembled with fear.He couldn't help but secretly stretched out his right hand, and quietly tugged on Bu Zhi's sleeve, but Bu Zhi immediately swept him away, and gave Bu Chan a vicious look.

It seems that Bu Zhi really understands the mind of this incompetent Bu Chan very well.The reason why he swung Bu Chan's hand away was not because he didn't understand the meaning of Bu Chan's gesture, but because he understood it completely!
At this time, Zhou Tao finally got angry, and immediately pointed at Bu Zhi and cursed loudly: "Bu Zhi, don't think that you are really a celebrity in Jiangdong! The reason why you have such a status in Jiangdong is not because of women. High-ranking! If I, Zhou Tao, have a younger sister like a step trainer, I can still ascend to a high-ranking position!"

There are almost no dirty words in Zhou Tao's set of swear words, but the swear words are extremely vicious, completely obliterating Bu Zhi's own talent and Jiangdong's years of struggle history.

Bu Zhi was really speechless at Zhou Tao's scolding.It should be said that Zhou Tao's scolding really contained a large part of the real situation.The reason why Bu Zhi's status has risen so quickly is that the factor of Bu Zhi's trainer really occupies a large factor.

As a result, Bu Zhi's talent and struggle were completely entangled with the factors of Bu Zhi's trainer.So much so that Bu Zhi, who is known as an excellent eloquent person in Jiangdong, can only point at Zhou Tao now. Although his whole body is trembling with anger, he can only "you, you, you..." for a long time without speaking That's it.

At this time, Deng Ai had lost his patience with Bu Zhi.He found that he really didn't have the kind of charm that can convince and make friends with others like the prince Liu Chan possessed.

Therefore, Deng Ai ordered people to take Bu Zhi and his son down first and take care of them first. After two days, it was decided whether they should be escorted to Puqi City or Jiangling City.

However, Bu Zhi and his son had just been detained, and news of the arrival of Jiangdong envoy Zhang Wen came to Deng Ai again.

(End of this chapter)

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