Chapter 718 Jiangdong Envoy
For Zhang Wen's appearance, it is obviously not very appropriate to use words like "arrival".

At that time, Kan Ze wrote a letter to his lord Sun Quan, asking Zhuge Ke to go to Danyang County to recruit new troops. In the next battle in Jingzhou, whether Jiangdong won or lost, there was already a person who could speak eloquently. He went to Shuhan in time.According to Kan Ze's recommendation, the best candidate is Zhang Wen, who claims to have "Jiangdong's No. [-] mouth" and is unparalleled in eloquence.

Now the battle between the two sides in southern Jingzhou is still raging, so Zhang Wen can stay in the border city for a while according to Sun Quan's order, and when the war between the two sides is coming to an end, he will immediately enter Jingzhou and then enter Xichuan Go to meet Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong.

But Zhang Wen's luck should be said to be actually not good.His convoy had just arrived in the area near the east of Yichun City, and before it even entered the boundary of Yichun City, it was surrounded by those Shanyue people who went out to chase the fleeing Jiaozhou martyrs.

Of course, Zhang Wen was very shocked.Because since he is an envoy to the Shu Han, of course he must understand the current situation in Jingzhou and Yangzhou very well.So, of course he couldn't understand why people from Shanyue suddenly appeared here.

The Shanyue people were of course very happy to see that Zhang Wen's convoy was not small in size and carried a lot of supplies in it.They immediately dispersed and began to rob Zhang Wen's motorcade's finances.

Zhang Wen is now on a mission, and those belongings are allocated to him on the way expenses, and secondly, when he is on an envoy, he must bring some gifts to Liu Bei.Therefore, the property in Zhang Wen's motorcade, to put it bluntly, does not belong to him, it is the property of the state.

Zhang Wen is not only very upright, but also very proud. Of course, it is impossible to be frightened by a few small Shanyue people.He immediately rushed out of his carriage, shouted to stop those Shanyue people, and asked them about their origins without fear.

Although Zhang Wen is a full-fledged scholar, it should be said that he has a magnificent appearance, a very tall figure, and a stern anger on his face, which really made those Shanyue people yell at him.

Seeing Zhang Wen's extraordinary appearance, the Shanyue people decided that he should not be an ordinary person.Only the leader among them came forward to negotiate with Zhang Wen, and the two sides each revealed their identities. Only then did the leader figure out that the scribe named Zhang Wen on the opposite side was the envoy sent by Jiangdong to Shuhan.

The Shanyue people have been bullied by the Jiangdong people recently, and they even almost lost the few remaining residences.It should be said that Jiangdong people are their biggest enemies.Therefore, someone immediately shouted and encouraged his accomplices to rob all the wealth in Zhang Wen's motorcade.

But Zhang Wen was Zhang Wen, and the lion's roar skill was activated again with all its strength, and once again roared those Shanyue people who were trying to rob.Then, Zhang Wen questioned the Shanyue leader who was negotiating with him: "When you Shanyue sent envoys to Jiangdong to negotiate with me, did my lord ever send someone to rob him? humiliation?"

The leader thought for a while, and it seemed that he had never heard of such a thing happening, so he looked at his subordinates again, most of them were shaking their heads.The leader's face suddenly became slightly feverish, and he said: "Mr. Zhang, it seems that he has never had it before."

Therefore, Zhang Wen immediately said: "Although I, Zhang Wen, am not an envoy to Shanyue this time, I have met you Shanyue people. Are you such a rude tribe? Don't you know that I, Zhang Wen, am from Jiangdong? The envoy, that is, represents Jiangdong, and represents the face of my lord? If you, Shanyue, send another envoy to meet my lord in Moling, Jiangdong, how will my lord treat an envoy from a tribe that hurt his face? Do you want to kill them or drive them back immediately? Have you ever thought about the consequences of this, if you go back to see your leader now, can you avoid punishment?"

Zhang Wen's words were spoken extremely fast, and he finished speaking like a cannonball.The leader of Shanyue obviously didn't quite understand Zhang Wen's words, and Zhang Wen had already finished speaking.He put his hands behind his back, lowered his head, and stared angrily at the leader of the Shanyue people.

Facing a captured person staring at him like this, and treating him with such a domineering attitude, the leader of the Shanyue people, the first thing he felt was not anger, but a kind of shame, and felt that it was indeed from his side. People do wrong things.Even if this Mr. Zhang Wen was not the envoy of Jiangdong people to Shuhan, even with the momentum that this Mr. has shown now, this person is definitely not something he can easily humiliate.

So, in the eyes of the posterity, a quite incredible scene appeared: the envoy of the Shanyue people suddenly took two steps forward and came to Zhang Wen, bowed to Zhang Wen, and apologized: "Mr. Zhang Wen, don't get angry. .It is indeed our people who were rude when something like this happened today, please don’t be offended, sir.”

It's really a pity that the Shanyue people have been sinicized to a very deep degree. If you know the etiquette and ethics of the Han people, if you put them in the later generations or the Xianbei people on the grassland, although Zhang Wen will not be chopped into several pieces on the spot. A hundred yuan, but he should also be stripped of his clothes and all his belongings, and then everyone stepped forward to punch and kick him.

At this time, the Shanyue people are indeed like ordinary Han people, and they still have some moral bottom lines.Zhang Wen was also lucky, being born in such an era, he was able to escape the catastrophe.

Seeing that the leader of the Shanyue people apologized in public, Zhang Wen is not a reckless person, of course he accepted it when he knew it was good.He bowed his hands to the leader of the Shanyue people, then turned to leave, and continued to move forward with his team.

But the leader of the Shanyue people stopped Zhang Wen immediately.

Zhang Wen originally thought that he could get away, so he immediately turned around and asked, "What else do you want to say?"

The leader of the Shanyue people said respectfully: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhang, the area you are going to pass through should be impassable now."

Zhang Wen thought that these Shanyue people advised him not to go because they knew that a war was breaking out in Jingzhou.He said quite confidently: "Why is it impossible to pass? I have my lord's talisman in my hand. Is there any place that I can't go to?"

The talisman festival mentioned by Zhang Wen has had a fixed style since Emperor Xiaowu. , the style is "take bamboo as the joint, the handle is eight feet long, and the hair is threefold".

Then, Zhang Wen asked his subordinates to take down a scepter from his carriage, the style was exactly the same as that mentioned above.

Of course, the leader of the Shanyue people couldn't go up to confirm whether the scepter was true or not. He just wanted to go up to confirm.He gave a wry smile and explained: "Mr. Zhang, the current situation is quite special. It's not that I'm waiting for these people to let you go, but because Yichun City and Luling County to the south have now fallen into the hands of Shu Han. In the hands of the army."

When Zhang Wen came out of Moling, the situation of the Jiangdong Army under the leadership of Dudu Sun Hao could be said to be improving.But I have only been out of Moling for a few days, how come the huge Luling County and Yichun City are lost?As far as Zhang Wen knew, these two places were stationed in Lu Dai and Bu Zhi with a total of tens of thousands of troops.It is really hard to imagine, how could so many troops lose Luling County and Yichun City like this?
In a hurry, Zhang Wen asked the leader what happened.With a trace of admiration and joy, the leader told Deng Ai how to wipe out Lu Dai's army in a flash, and then immediately returned to Yichun City, and in less than four days, he wiped out Bu Zhi's troops He lost and seized Yichun City, and told Zhang Wen everything in detail.

After Zhang Wen finished listening, probably because he was too shocked, his body trembled involuntarily, and he almost fell to the ground.

Zhang Wen is indeed a very smart person. Although he is not a talent for fighting, but from the words of the leader of Shanyue in front of him, he immediately realized a very serious matter, that is, Sun Jun's army may be killed in the near future. will be defeated.In other words, the importance of Zhang Wen's current mission to the Shu Han has been doubled all of a sudden.

Similarly, this also means that the burden on Zhang Wen's shoulders has multiplied accordingly.

The leader of the Shanyue people also advised out of good intentions: "Mr. Zhang, for your own safety, I advise you to change direction now and go to Jiangdong first."

Zhang Wen looked at the leader of the Shanyue people.Since he himself already knew the current situation and the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, how could he live up to the expectations of the lord and choose to let himself be greedy for life?

Zhang Wen stubbornly shook his head at the leader of the Shanyue people, and said: "This is not acceptable. I, Zhang Wen, as Jiangdong's envoy, have not achieved my goal, and there is absolutely no reason to turn back halfway."

As Zhang Wen said, he couldn't help but look back at the scepter that his subordinate held solemnly in his hand, which symbolized his emissary status.

Hearing the words, the Shanyue leader sighed, but looked at Zhang Wen with some admiration, as if he still hoped that Zhang Wen should change his mind and go back first.

At this time, Zhang Wen ordered someone to take out about ten gold from his car, which should be his own money, and sent it to the leader of the Shanyue people, and said solemnly: "Here, I, Zhang Wen, are on this trip. The task of the Shu Han is very difficult, please don't worry about the unhappiness between us just now, please take me to see the Colonel Deng Ai. I must obtain his consent to enter Jingzhou from Yichun City to the Shu Han to meet their King of Hanzhong Liu Xuande's."

The Shanyue man knew that the change of Zhang Wen's attitude was entirely due to his own needs.

But although he had a good impression of Zhang Wen, he was not yet ready to take this gentleman to see Deng Ai.After all, he didn't really know Deng Ai's character. What if he killed Zhang Wen?Whether this matter will affect their Shanyue is even more difficult to say.

Therefore, the leader of the Shanyue people did not dare to accept the money Zhang Wen gave him.

Of course, Zhang Wen opened his mouth and tried his best to persuade the Shanyue leader to accept his money, and he promised that he had only asked for Deng Ai's consent in the past, and would never say anything bad about them.

After some persuasion and pleas from Zhang Wen, the leader of the Shanyue people reluctantly accepted Zhang Wen's money and distributed it to his subordinates.Only then did he lead the way for Zhang Wen, and the two sides went to Yichun City to meet Deng Ai.

(End of this chapter)

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