The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 719 The decisive battle begins again

Chapter 719 The Decisive Battle Restarts ([-])

Deng Ai heard that the envoy sent by Jiangdong to Chengdu was blocked in Yichun City.He at least asked about Zhang Wen's situation a little bit, thinking that it was not a trivial matter, but he refused Zhang Wen's request to see him.

Deng Ai also deliberately wanted to make things difficult for Jiangdong's envoy.He just asked someone to inform Zhang Wen that Deng Ai was in no position to decide on this matter, and asked Zhang Wen to go to Puqi City to meet the eldest son Liu Chan himself, and to obtain the consent of the eldest son before releasing him.

After Zhang Wen heard Deng Ai's notice, his face flushed immediately, but there was nothing he could do.Therefore, Zhang Wen's convoy, under the escort of Deng Ai's men, headed towards Liu Yangcheng. After arriving there, his convoy turned around and went north to Puqi City to meet Liu Chan.

In this case, Zhang Wen really had to take a long detour before he could go to Yizhou, which also delayed a lot of time.No wonder he was very angry because of Deng Ai's announcement.

The reason why Deng Ai sent Zhang Wen away so rashly was for more than one purpose, because he didn't want to waste time on Zhang Wen.Now that he has captured Yichun City, he should immediately lead his army to attack Yuanshui.He predicted that in the face of his rapid action, it would be difficult for Sun Zhen's army to have enough time to build a front line on the Yuanshui line to stop his army.

Deng Ai has not yet received the information sent by Shi Guangyuan, so it is impossible to know that Shi Guangyuan's troops are actually very close to the boundary of Haihun.

But even so, Deng Ai's self-confidence was enough for him to make the above judgment.

So, early the next morning, Deng Ai left behind his lieutenant, Zhou Tao, and let him take charge of some of Deng Ai's troops, and borrowed some of them from Peng Qi, a total of 7000 people. The boundary between Yichun City and Luling County was broken.An army of this size is obviously a bit stretched to guard a county and a city at a strategic point.But separating these troops to defend the city has already reached Deng Ai's limit.

Therefore, last night, Deng Ai sent people to Liuyang City overnight. On the one hand, he asked the guards there to send 3000 troops in the city to Yichun City to help Zhou Tao guard; People went to ask Liu Chan for a call-up order to mobilize Liuyang City's troops into Yichun City.

After doing all this, Deng Aifang set off to Yuan Shui with more confidence.In fact, as long as the natural danger of Yuan Shui has passed, Deng Ai's men, Ma Ke, can directly threaten the back of Sun Zhen's army.At that time, a fierce battle may be inevitable between the two sides.That's why Deng Ai was like this; he was sympathetic to the army in his hand, but only allocated 7000 people to Zhou Tao, and he himself went north with an army of [-].

Originally, the combined armies of Deng Ai and Peng Qi should have exceeded 3 people.However, after the battle with Lu Dai and the two battles to storm Yichun City, there were also 5000 casualties.As for those wounded, since it was impossible to participate in the next battle, Deng Ai left them and some of the doctors in Yichun City.

Three days before Deng Ai took Yichun City.

The battle on the frontal battlefield with the Shuanghuan army led by Zhang Fei's army, after a long period of stalemate and silence between the two sides, with the arrival of Sha Moke, the military strength of the Shu Han has been greatly improved. After strengthening, the Shu Han army began to become ready to move again.

Shuanghuan's army suffered heavy losses in the decisive battle between Sun Huan's army and Gai Meng's army.The consequence of this is that the two of them together had a huge elite force of 5000 people. After this time, there were only 7000 people left, and nearly 8000 people were lost.Of course, these downsizing actually included those who were seriously injured and could not continue to participate in the war. Not all of them were dead, otherwise the war would have been too cruel.

As for the size of Shuanghuan's army, with the arrival of Shamoke's [-] Ximan army, the gap between the strength of the Shuhan army and the Shuhan army has once again widened.Originally, when faced with such an enemy army with a completely superior force, the best choice was to run away with its tail between its legs.But Shuanghuan did not do so immediately.

This is because they have a certain geographical advantage, although such geographical advantage is not very obvious, it can not give them much help; second, Shuang Huan is not an ordinary mortal, Sun Huan has always been very courageous.As for a lunatic from Jiangdong like Zhu Huan, there is no need to talk about courage.What's more, their father and son have never dealt with Sun Huan, so since Sun Huan has the guts to carry out Sun Jun's order to stick to it, Zhu Huan has no reason to show weakness in front of Sun Huan.

However, Zhu Huan was not a fool and a complete reckless person.In fact, he also learned some lessons from the last battle in Huya Mountain.Therefore, this time, when he is facing a life-and-death battle that concerns himself and the lives of tens of thousands of people under his command, he does not intend to continue the situation in Huya Mountain and reproduce the situation of intrigue with Sun Huan here again.

Therefore, Zhu Huan, who has always been arrogant, actually suppressed his temper this time, and began to cooperate with Sun Huan.It should be said that such a thing happened, for Zhu Huan only, it was nothing more than a god-like miracle.

Of course, Sun Huan felt the obvious change in Zhu Huan's attitude towards him.He quickly figured out Zhu Huan's intentions.He, Sun Huan, is not an unreasonable person, on the contrary, he is actually a very reasonable person, but the temper of young people is often more irritable, and his personality is more conceited.

Therefore, under the tacit understanding, the two people cooperated in an unprecedented cooperation.Therefore, under such a state of peace in Shuanghuan, the army between them will not be divided like it was in Huya Mountain again, and the combat effectiveness of the army will be enhanced.Therefore, Shuanghuan had enough courage to continue the stalemate with the coalition forces of Shu Han and Wuxi Man.

Of course, generally speaking, when the two armies are in a stalemate, it should be a state of last resort, because neither one's own army can quickly defeat the opponent to end the war.Therefore, the two sides had to wait hard in a stalemate, waiting for the opponent's army to reveal fatal flaws.

But the current stalemate between Shuanghuan and the Shuhan coalition forces actually has a false element.

As far as Gai Meng and Zhang Bao are concerned, after their military strength has doubled, they could have dispatched a large army in one go, and then went to a decisive battle with Shuanghuan's army.But they had to face a problem, that is, Shamoko asked his army to rest for two days, and it would not be too late to attack after fully recovering.

It should be said that Shamoko's request is actually not too much.Wuxi Man's army trekked all the way, and the journey was indeed relatively hard. It is actually reasonable to rest for two days.Therefore, Gai Meng and Zhang Bao had no reason to force Sha Moke to send troops to Shuanghuan immediately with them.

On the other hand, Shuanghuan, of course, is very happy to continue to maintain such a stalemate when their own forces are relatively weak.In addition, the Han Dang army in the north is still fighting with the army led by Fan Zhuang, which has also put a certain amount of pressure on Shuanghuan. Therefore, on the premise that they hope to maintain the status quo, they actually hope that the current stalemate will continue. It's better to get rid of the status as soon as possible.

And Shuanghuan's hope is not in his own hands at present, it is in the hands of Gu Shao, who joined the army, and He Qi, who has already entered the Luoxiao mountain area!They can only rely on others, which has a certain impact on Shuanghuan's self-esteem, but the actual situation is so helpless, they can only pretend not to know.

(End of this chapter)

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