The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 720 The decisive battle begins again

Chapter 720 The Decisive Battle Restarts ([-])

Two days later, according to the agreement between the two parties, Sha Moke's army, together with the troops on both sides of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, finally marched out of the battlefield in mighty force.

Because of its weak force, Shuanghuan has always been nervously preparing to attack at any time, and the scout team has never stopped dispatching to detect the movement of the enemy.Therefore, as soon as there was any movement in the camp of the coalition forces of the Shu Han and the Wuxi Man, the news was immediately sent to Shuang Huan.

So, Shuanghuan started to act according to the strategy discussed by the two of them earlier.Under the current situation where the enemy army is pressing in, their army wants to rely on limited geographical advantages and not very secure barracks to stop the advance of the enemy army before He Qi's army appears. In terms of footsteps, it is obviously very unrealistic.

Therefore, the most effective way, or in other words, the best way to delay the time and get He Qi's army to appear in time, is to send troops out of the camp to launch an active attack on the enemy.

But at this time, Shuanghuan had to face an embarrassing problem again.The two commanders of the army must have one of them in the agreement, otherwise, if something unexpected happens, the camp will be taken away, just like the last time Zhang Bao did it successfully, then the army under them will be taken away. , but it is about to face a situation of eternal doom.

So, after all, there was inevitably a debate between Shuanghuan, and it became more and more intense.It can be seen that these two people are indeed forced to cooperate due to the current situation. Once there is an opportunity, these two people will reveal their true nature, and the quarrel will become inevitable.

The two changed from arguing to quarreling, and after about half a day, they began to calm down.As a result, the two men actually achieved a compromise for the first time, and Sun Huan led the army to attack.Because Sun Huan had already confronted the Shu Han army head-on once before, he also knew the strength of the Shu Han army best.

Therefore, the strategy of sending troops was first formulated by Shuanghuan in this way.

Therefore, when the coalition forces of Shu Han and Wuxi Man are dispatched, there is no need for Shuanghuan to quarrel again over who should lead the army to meet them again.Shuanghuan is indeed not an ordinary person.

So Sun Huan led an army of 2000 people out.

On the side of the coalition forces of the Shuhan and Wuxi Man, the deployment of the troops is as follows: all the cavalry and infantry of Gai Meng's army are dispatched.Since he lost nearly 1000 cavalry in the decisive battle with Sun Huan's army last time, the current size of the cavalry is only more than 4000.Including the infantry team in Gai Meng's hands, the number is also 7000.

Zhang Bao did not send troops this time, and was left to guard the camp.Although he was very dissatisfied with this decision.But he is actually helpless, after all, his army has been the support force of Gai Meng's army from the beginning.Therefore, it is of course impossible for his army to become the main force in battle.In fact, there is nothing to argue about this point, even if it is brought to Zhang Fei, Gai Meng is still right.

As for Shamoko, he dispatched a huge army of 5000 people.Because there is no cavalry in Shamoko's army, the army of 5000 people is all infantry.

Gaimeng's cavalry acted as the vanguard because they were the fastest.After all, they are the real main combat force. To put it bluntly, Shamoko's army is just their reinforcements, not to mention reinforcements from foreign races. How much strength they can contribute in this war is still a question.

That's why, when he decided to send troops, Gai Meng strongly demanded that Zhang Bao must lead more troops than his troops to guard the camp at the rear.During Zhang Bao's direct confrontation between Gai Meng and Sun Huan last time, the army's losses were not large, and now there are still 500 troops in his hands.

Gai Meng's purpose is very cryptic, it is to let Zhang Bao guard his rear with so many troops, so as to avoid any accidents due to Wuxi Man.Ge Meng is actually very cautious.

Gai Meng's cavalry was still commanded by him and Xiong Ping this time, and they encountered the vanguard of Sun Huan's army fifteen miles away from the camp.

Since the number of troops dispatched by both sides this time is not small, it is obviously very unrealistic to attack after finishing the formation like last time at this time.So, now that the armies of both sides have encountered each other, what should we do?Of course it started right away.The troops who rushed over later will continue to invest in the battlefield.

Therefore, Gai Meng assigned another 2000 of his 500-man cavalry to Commander Xiong Ping, the deputy general, and ordered him to advance nearly a hundred of the vanguard of Sun Huan's army with a cavalry of 500. .Gai Meng himself left 500 people as a reserve team, and waited for the infantry team led by another lieutenant general Meng Xi and Shamoke's army to arrive.

Xiong Ping immediately took the order, and then led the cavalry to organize an attack formation, then charged towards the enemy.

Sun Huan's army's coping ability is also very strong. When they found Gai Meng's cavalry, they immediately began to organize an army to prepare for battle.It really deserves to be the performance of the elite troops in the Jiangdong Army.

In fact, Sun Huan's troops were almost all cavalry, so the marching speed was much more even than Gai Meng's.The distance between his front and rear was no more than three or four miles.In this way, once the vanguard discovers or encounters the enemy, the main force behind can immediately catch up and provide support.

As a result, Sun Huan's 5000 vanguard troops fought against the cavalry led by Xiong Ping.

Although Xiong Ping's cavalry team was not defeated last time, it was humiliated by Sun Huan's army.Therefore, their attack this time, from the heart, can actually be regarded as a battle of shame.

Xiong Ping led the cavalry, and charged into Sun Huan's army roaring.The fierce collision between the two armies immediately erupted like a thunderbolt from the blue.

On the battlefield, smoke and dust immediately became billowing, and the soaring dust, like the thick smoke rising after the burning fire was extinguished, billowed and drifted towards the sky.

Xiong Ping's cavalry had a great impact, and first broke up the first army formation of the vanguard of Sun Huan's army.But the enemy army is not a vegetarian, and firmly blocked the impact of the cavalry in the second army formation.

Xiong Ping galloped back and forth on the battlefield, roaring to organize the army, and continued to attack the enemy one after another.

Soon, Sun Huan's main force finally arrived on the battlefield.He looked at the current situation. Although his vanguard was at a disadvantage, he still felt relieved.They were not too deflated in front of the enemy's cavalry, and firmly held their positions.

Therefore, Sun Huan immediately dispatched an infantry team of 2000 men and asked them to bypass the rear of the vanguard and directly copy the rear of Xiong Ping's cavalry team. It carried out encirclement and annihilation.

The movement of Sun Huan's army was immediately discovered by Gai Meng.He immediately saw through Sun Huan's trick.In fact, Zhu Huan had done this before in the decisive battle with Gai Meng last time, and he did it very successfully. If Gai Meng hadn't desperately transferred the army to save Xiong Ping, Xiong Ping's cavalry would have been absolutely dead. They will be surrounded and wiped out by Zhu Huan.

Now, Sun Huan used this set again, of course Ge Meng could see through it immediately.

Fortunately, although the troops of Meng Xi and Sha Moke have not arrived yet, he still has a reserve team that can be used for emergency.

So, following Gai Meng's order, the reserve team and his 200-man escort were dispatched together.Their direction rushed out directly towards the right wing of the battlefield.

At this time, there were only 100 guards left beside Gai Meng, and there was no more troops to continue to enter the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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