Chapter 721
After an hour of fierce battle between Gai Meng's cavalry and Sun Huan's troops, Meng Xi's troops finally rushed to the battlefield.

When Meng Xi was on the road, he was notified by Gai Meng's messenger. Gai Meng asked Meng Xi's troops to rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible.Of course Meng Xi didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately led his own troops to chase forward desperately, fearing that some kind of mistake would happen to Ge Meng and Xiong Ping.

However, we can also see a clue from it: Gai Meng's cavalry is the vanguard, and the speed of march may be too fast.

However, one thing cannot be ruled out, that is, Gai Meng may have deliberately accelerated the marching speed to further reduce the range of activities of Shuanghuan's attacking troops.After all, the distance between the camps of the two armies has already been fixed. When one's own army is stronger than the opponent's, of course it can be strong, and the opponent's army's range of activities can be reduced more, so as to advance to Shuanghuan's big camp in one fell swoop. Battle near the battalion.

Meng Xi saw that Gai Meng had only a few soldiers guarding him at this time, and most of the cavalry was handed over to Xiong Ping to command on the front line.He immediately went forward to report to Gai Meng, and after asking for Gai Meng's opinion, he divided his army into two parts, one part entered the right-wing battlefield of Sun Huan's army, and repelled the enemy who was trying to outflank the rear of the cavalry. military.

The other part of Meng Xi's army was left behind Gai Meng as a reserve team, and would be used in case of emergencies.

After Meng Xi's army was dispatched, Gai Meng asked Meng Xi what was the situation of Shamoke's supporting troops.When Ge Meng asked, his face looked a bit worried.He may be afraid that the army of the Shu Han will suffer because of Shamoko's breach of trust like last time.

Meng Xi replied: "General Gai doesn't have to worry. Judging from the attitude of Shamoke when he dispatched troops, he should still appear to be relatively positive, so there is no reason to change his attitude within a day. The last general has already dispatched men to the rear Go and urge the Wuxi Man army to go to the battlefield as soon as possible. I think, at the earliest, it should not exceed two hours at the latest, and the army of Shamoko should feel the battlefield."

When Gai Meng heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face.If it is one hour, it should not matter. If it is two hours, it should be dark by then, which is not suitable for large-scale military battles.Therefore, Gai Meng still hopes that Shamoko's army should arrive in about an hour.

On the contrary, with the participation of Wuxi Man's army, even if they could not defeat Sun Huan's army in one fell swoop in a short period of time, they should still be able to force Sun Huan's army to retreat significantly.

Then, Gai Meng will lead the whole army and continue to approach Shuanghuan's camp step by step.

Before this battle, Gai Meng already had a proper battle plan.The troops on their side faced the elite Jiangdong army in Shuanghuan's hands. He, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi both knew that victory was very sure, but they still couldn't be hasty.Therefore, they had to rely on strong troops to suppress Shuanghuan's army step by step until they caught the opponent's fatal flaw and succeeded in attacking in one fell swoop!
It is precisely under the guidance of such a battle plan that Gai Meng is now very calm.

As the battle progressed, time should pass very slowly.After all, war is definitely not a game, and it cannot be something that makes people forget the time.

Gai Meng's army was smaller than Sun Huan's.Moreover, he has a cavalry team with strong impact, but Sun Huan's side is not without a way to deal with it. They have thick armored soldiers.

Therefore, the second confrontation between the two armies was actually the same as the last time, fighting indiscriminately.

Seeing such a situation, Gai Meng couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and even felt a little hot in his anxious body.Xiong Ping was on the front line commanding the battle, and he knew much more about the situation on the front line than anyone else.Therefore, he is actually the most anxious person in his heart, and he is also the one who is most looking forward to Samoco's supporting troops going to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Therefore, while Xiong Ping commanded the army to fight on the front line, he kept sending people to ask Gai Meng to give him reinforcements as soon as possible, so that he could defeat Sun Huan's troops in the shortest time.

But Ge Meng has nothing to do.Meng Xi himself and his infantry as a reserve force have now been sent to the battlefield one after another.As a result, there are still only the 100 guards around Gai Meng to protect his personal safety.

Sun Huan carefully grasped the rhythm of the army's actions.In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the current combat effectiveness of his army must be stronger than the enemy army in front of him.But Sun Huan kept a special hand, and did not fully display the combat effectiveness of his army at all.

The current Sun Huan is no longer the fledgling boy he used to be.Especially in the decisive battle with Gai Meng's army last time, the organizational structure of his army was almost disabled.And for such consequences, he, the general who leads the army, has to bear a large part of the responsibility.

Sun Huan has two very obvious advantages: he is young and he is good at learning lessons.

Therefore, when Sun Huan rushed to the battlefield this time, when he saw the size of Gai Meng's army, his strength immediately overwhelmed the entire team.Because the size of Gai Meng's army is too small, that is to say, the army in front of him may only be the first to attack, and there should be a larger army rushing over behind.

In fact, Sun Huan had guessed correctly about the situation of Gai Meng's army. Shamoke's larger army of 5000 people was heading towards the battlefield here.It was precisely because of this speculation that it was impossible for Sun Huan to fight as crazy as last time.He must reserve enough strength for himself to retreat immediately when the local follow-up troops approach.

An hour and a half passed, and the armies of both sides fought fiercely for more than two hours.

At this time, perhaps because of a keen intuition, or in other words, the time for the two sides to fight has reached the expected time in Sun Huan's heart, and there is movement on Sun Huan's side.

Sun Huan sneered and looked towards Gai Meng's army. On the battlefield behind the opponent, there was only a small group of troops standing alone, obviously where the opponent's chief general was.In fact, if possible, he really wanted to wave goodbye to Gai Meng who had met many times, because Sun Huan had already issued an order to his army to retreat.

Therefore, according to Sun Huan's instructions, the troops behind Sun Huan's army moved first, and then the troops in front began to fight and retreat.

Seeing this, Gai Meng frowned immediately.It is really incredible that Sun Huan would suddenly withdraw his army at such a time.

Gai Meng raised his head and looked at the sky, the sun had already set in the west.The slanting rays of light, like a layer of faint gold, covered the sparse hills in the distance.It was almost dark time.

Gai Meng couldn't help but looked back again.In fact, now that the army of Wuxi Man has arrived, it is estimated that it will not have much effect.There was no familiarity between the army of the Shu Han and the army of the Wuxi Man, so it was impossible for the two sides to cooperate with the Jiangdong army for a night battle.

Moreover, Ge Meng also thought of something.Sun Huan retreated at this time, was he deliberately retreating to lure his troops to pursue him?But in fact, another army led by Zhu Huan has already set a trap for himself behind Sun Huan's army?

Now that his own army has an advantage in terms of strength, Gai Meng believes that there is no need to take such a risk.So, to Sun Huan's surprise, Gai Meng suddenly gave Xiong Ping and Meng Xi the order to stop their pursuit.

At this moment, Ge Meng's ears suddenly heard a small noise coming from behind him, the sound seemed very chaotic, like countless silkworms gnawing on mulberry leaves.

Gai Meng immediately turned around to look. On the left side where the setting sun was, countless Wuximan soldiers were moving slowly, and a pile of dust was raised in the sky.But since the light has dimmed at this time, the color of the smoke and dust has become black like thick smoke.

Gai Meng nodded. Although Shamoke's men and horses were not moving very fast, they did not miss the appointment.In this case, it is actually an acceptable result.

In addition, what Ge Meng implemented this time is a strategy of pressing forward step by step, and it is impossible to expect too much to achieve great results in one battle.

So Gai Meng immediately sent someone to meet Shamoko.It seems that they are going to spend the night here today.

(End of this chapter)

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