The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 722 Demon God Attacks

Chapter 722 Demon God Attacks
In the early morning of the second day after Liu Chan got enough sleep, the battle report was suppressed by Yu Jin, and it had to be sent to Liu Chan after all.There is a report of Deng Ai's victory and the battle between Fan Zhuang's army and Han Dang's army.

After Liu Chan read it, he put it on the side of the table, and then took the third battle report from Yu Jin.

Yu Jin said: "My lord, this battle report should be said to be the most important thing."

Liu Chan let out a groan, and after opening it, it turned out that it was the battle report sent by Gai Meng, saying that his coalition forces had begun to approach Shuanghuan's camp, and a battle would break out with the enemy's troops going out.

At this time, the battle report of the first battle between Gai Meng's army and Sun Huan's army was about to be delivered to Puqi City.

Seeing that Liu Chan had finished reading the battle report, Yu Jin asked, "Your Majesty, although General Gai Meng has Wuximan's troops as a flank to support him, should we send some more troops to support, so as to avoid any accidents?" ?”

Liu Chan raised his head to look at Yu Jin, and found that Yu Jin's expression was a little strange. Obviously, just like Gai Meng was worried, Wuxi Man's army would make another unpredictable move.Everyone has already experienced the betrayal of the Wuxi Man once, and now it is really a bit "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of grass rope".

Liu Chan smiled slightly, and said: "General Yu, if he is afraid of any accidents in Shamoko, there should be no need."

Yu Jin wondered, "Why does the son make such a judgment?"

Liu Chan pointed to the west side of Puqi City, and explained: "I heard that Shamoke sent troops this time, but he didn't actually take all the troops out, leaving about 5000 people in Puqi City. If these people When necessary, he will become our hostage, I believe that as long as this news is given to Shamoko as a hint when necessary, will he still dare to act rashly?"

Yu Jin suddenly realized, and couldn't help showing a smile on his always serious face.From Yu Jin's point of view, the battle between Gai Meng's army and Shuanghuan's army must have started now, so Shamoke should also be knocked out.

Therefore, Yu Jin immediately moved the residence of the Jie Fan Army to the west of the city.Although his name is that there are not enough barracks in the east of the city, his real intention is to monitor the left-behind troops of the Wuxi Man.

And that night, Yu Jin replaced Liu Chan and hosted a banquet for Sha Shixun, who was left behind to guard the troops in Puqi City.Sha Shixun was obviously unaware of the real purpose of Xie Fanjun's change of residence. He wrote to Samoko that night, reporting the situation of the banquet and explaining Xie Fanjun's movements by the way. pay too much attention.

At the same time, Liu Chan also wrote a letter to Sha Shixun solemnly. Apart from the accident of greetings, the main point of the letter is that it is quite different from Sha Shixun's letter. It's just a simple exchange of residences, not what to do to the Wuxi barbarian troops who stayed behind in Puqi City.

These two letters were sent from Puqi City almost at the same time, and the emphasis on the same thing is so different. If they still can't attract the attention of Samoke, then Samoke will really be The reaction is too slow!

In fact, Liu Chan's move is really good enough.He adopted the strategy of "there is no silver 300 taels here", and he used irony to deliberately remind Sha Moke that the movements of the Jiefan Army were actually aimed at his troops left behind in Puqi City!
At that time, even if Sha Moke wants to have some ghostly thoughts, he will never dare to act rashly again.After all, it is related to an army of 5000 people!
At the same time, the coalition forces of Gai Meng and Shamoke left part of the army as a steadfast camp in the early morning of the next day, and the whole army entered and left, trying to challenge Sun Huan's army again.

As for Zhang Bao, last night he had received the news from Gai Meng.At this time, the camp has been pulled out, and the troops are leading the troops to move closer to Gai Meng.Like them, the army on the second floor moved forward step by step, with Gai Meng and Sha Moke's Wuxi barbarian army as the front army, and Zhang Bao's troops were used to consolidate the results of the battle.

At that time, even if there are any accidents in the battle between Gai Meng and Sha Moke, Zhang Bao's army will still be there in the end, so it is impossible to lose all the results of the battle.Zhang Bao's army also became an insurance for the coalition forces of Gai Meng and Shamoke.Although everyone believes that in the face of such a powerful front of the coalition forces, it should be impossible for the battle to tilt in the direction of Shuanghuan.

In this battle, Sha Moke's reaction should be said to be very positive, without the slightest evasion at all, and they agreed to attack together with Gai Meng's men.

In fact, Sha Moke's mind is not complicated, he is purely aiming at the spoils he can capture after defeating Shuanghuan's army.After all, according to the final agreement between him and Liu Chan, the spoils captured by the armies of both sides on the battlefield must be divided equally.

Yesterday evening, relying on a good hunch, Sun Huan successfully withdrew the Wuxi Man's army from the battlefield when it was about to enter the battlefield.But when his scout team was retreating, they had already spotted the Wuxi Man.

After Sun Huan got the report after the incident, he broke out in cold sweat, and secretly said that it was really God who had pity on Sun Huan.At that time, if he retreated a little later and let Wuxi Man's army enter the battlefield, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Of course, if Sun Huan had a clear understanding of Gai Meng's thoughts, he would know that the situation he was worried about would hardly happen.Because Gai Meng didn't dare and was unwilling to join forces with Wuxi Man's army to attack Sun Huan's army at night.

Sun Huan's people found out the news that Gai Meng's allied forces were dispatched, so of course Sun Huan only had one choice left.Since it is impossible for his army to rely on the camp to defend, and his army's mission this time is to buy time for He Qi's latent army to arrive, then he can only take the initiative to attack and fight.

Therefore, Sun Huan no longer kept it, and dispatched all the troops at once.

The troops of both sides broke up immediately, and a new battle broke out again.

Gai Meng's cavalry was still handed over to Xiong Ping's command, and it was destined to be the first to be dispatched.After they assaulted the left wing of Sun Huan's army formation at high speed, they were blocked by the heavy armor troops behind them after all, and they were not able to forcefully break through the left wing army formation.

So, a mixed force led by Meng Xi, consisting of infantry from the Jingzhou Army and some Wuxi barbarian sons, was also dispatched.Their attack direction is the central unit of Sun Huan's army.It should be said that unless one of the two armies at war has absolute combat power, if they want to achieve a breakthrough in the center, even if it can be achieved, the risk after achieving it is relatively high.

However, the battles in the central army formation have always been handed over to Meng Xi, and Gai Meng is very assured of Meng Xi's abilities.What he was going to do was left to Meng Xi to judge on the spot.

Then, Shamoko was also dispatched.His unusually tall horse, coupled with his unusually tall figure, even in this large-scale war designed with more than [-] troops participating in the battle, he really still has a strong sense of presence, making it impossible not to notice to his existence.

Sun Huan indeed noticed the existence of Sha Moke, and was really surprised that there are such tall people in this world.

So, after Sha Moke roared like thunder, he raised the extremely long barbed wire bone, and rushed towards Sun Huanjun's right-wing formation in the first place.The 7000 men under him also roared and rushed out following Sha Moke.

As for the Wuxi barbarian troops that were not dispatched, they were of course reserved for the reserve team.

In this battle, the two sides fought for three hours, and Sun Huan's army could not hold back in the end.In particular, the right wing where Sha Moke is located has made great achievements, especially Sha Moke, he is really a figure like a demon god in battle, and he really can't find any opponent with a barbed thorn bone in his hand.With his own strength, he killed three lieutenants and two generals under Sun Huan, almost disabling the right-wing army system.

Therefore, Sun Huan's army had no choice but to retreat another ten miles to the village.Then, if Sun Huan's army retreats again, it will be the camp guarded by Zhu Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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