The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 723 Composite Talent

Chapter 723 Composite Talent
Yong'an is not very far from Jingzhou, and it is also possible to enter Jingzhou via the Yangtze River waterway.So Ma Zhong soon got Liu Chan's call-up order from him.But after reading it, he really had some doubts in his heart, whether he had misread the order sent by the prince.

Because in Shizi's recruitment order, the recruiter was actually only Zhang Yi, his subordinate general!With a person like Shizi, no matter whether he is making friends or getting acquainted with each other, each of them should be a person of peerless elegance. How can he know that there is a general named Zhang Yi under his command.Moreover, the prince is still fighting in Jingzhou far away, and a call-up order was specially sent to him from there.

In fact, the battle in Jingzhou was so lively that his Yong'an just wanted to pretend not to know, that was impossible.Therefore, out of a desire to make contributions, Ma Zhong actually wanted his son to be the candidate for recruitment.

Ma Zhong couldn't help feeling envious of Zhang Yi's good luck.

Ma Zhong immediately summoned Zhang Yi and asked him how he met the eldest son Liu Chan.

Zhang Ni had always served in the outlying counties and counties in Yizhou, and it was not long ago that he entered Ma Zhong's command as a small Yamen general in response to the imperial edict.With such an unglamorous resume, Zhang Yi hardly had any chance to get to know Liu Chan.

Therefore, Ma Zhong's inquiry immediately made Zhang Yi feel a little confused.Seeing that Zhang Ni didn't seem to be pretending to be crazy with him, Ma Zhong had no choice but to give up, and handed over the recruitment order sent by Liu Chan to Zhang Ni.

So, in a state of being puzzled, Zhang Yi took 300 troops given by Ma Zhong, went down the Yangtze River, landed in the south of Jingzhou, and finally entered Wuling County as a soldier there.

Since Wuling County has never been appointed as the prefect by Liu Bei, and after repeated wars, almost all the officials in the county and county have run away and died. Previously, Xue Kang led the troops to guard, so it will not be too big. mess.

But now after Xue Kang's [-] troops left Wuling County, they accepted Liu Chan's order and stayed in Yiyang City with the guards Lin Meng and Liao Hua's troops. A total of more than [-] troops were stationed in Yiyang City and Dongting In the southern part of the lake, suppress possible water thieves in Dongting Lake.In other words, it is impossible for Xue Kang's men to return to Wuling County.

Therefore, when Zhang Ni entered Wuling County, the reconstruction work was indeed going on, but the situation was actually not optimistic.

Today, although Zhang Yi is only a soldier, he is actually the highest official in Wuling County.Therefore, he only had to investigate the situation in Wuling County, and found that the power of the noble family in Wuling County had inexplicably increased following the disaster of war.

That is to say, the existence of these big surnames and wealthy families seriously hindered the reconstruction work of Wuling County.Moreover, these big surnames and powerful families are the enemies that Zhang Yi will face directly.

The content of Liu Chan's recruitment order accepted by Zhang Yi was to recruit troops on the spot in Wuling County.However, the best young and strong in Wuling County are almost all distributed among those big surnames and wealthy families. With the continuous disaster of war among ordinary civilians, there are no young and middle-aged people!

Therefore, if Zhang Yi wanted to fulfill Liu Chan's order, he had to deal with the power of the big surnames and powerful clans in Wuling County.In desperation, Zhang Ni had no choice but to write a document, reporting the actual situation of Wuling County he had visited to Liu Chan in detail.

Liu Chan saw Zhang Yi's letter on the fifth day after he entered Puqi City.After reading Zhang Yi's letter, he couldn't help but frown. It seems that although there is no major turmoil in Wuling County, the internal tide is actually raging. Those big surnames and wealthy forces may rebel at any time .

After discussing with Yu Jin, Liu Chan decided to add officials and power to Zhang Ni.

Therefore, Liu Chan's new letter of appointment to Zhang Ni was also sent to Wuling County.

Liu Chan changed Zhang Ni's official position, removed him from the post of military Cao, and became the meritorious Cao of Wuling County.A meritorious officer at the county level is the highest-ranking subordinate official under the county guard. In addition to being in charge of the personnel affairs in the county, he can also participate in the government affairs of a county or county.

In fact, the power Liu Chan handed over to Zhang Ni was more than that.In Liu Chan's letter of appointment to Zhang Ni, he added a special sentence, "I can make a contribution to the temporary prefect of the county."

What's the meaning?It was Liu Chan who allowed Zhang Yi to temporarily replace the prefect of Wuling County and exercise the power of the prefect when he was serving as the meritorious Cao of Wuling County.However, in fact, there is no prefect at all in Wuling County now, so Zhang Ni has become the acting prefect of Wuling County.

Now, Zhang Ni's promotion is definitely much faster than taking a rocket. Almost overnight, he was promoted from a general of the teeth to the position of acting prefect.This is probably the history of the fastest promotion in the Shu Han regime.

Of course, Liu Chan's appointment of Zhang Yi in this way is of course just a cheap move under the current chaotic situation.The prefect's official position is too high.Even if Liu Chan is the son of the prince of Hanzhong, it is impossible to appoint him himself.

Liu Chan then wrote Zhang Yi's situation into a document, ordered people to send it to Chengdu as quickly as possible, and handed it over to Shangshutai for discussion, and even suggested that Shangshutai could directly ask Wuling County to appoint and remove an official prefect.

However, judging from the situation at Shangshutai, it is unlikely that they will refute Liu Chan's appointment of Zhang Yi and re-select a new person to be in charge of Wuling County.This is the tacit understanding between Shangshutai, at least Shangshu Ling Fazheng, Shangshu Liu Ba, and Hanzhong Wang Shizi Liu Chan.

But even if Liu Chan gave Zhang Yi a big enough official position and name, the problem is that he only has 300 people at hand. How could he be able to deal with the powerful clan and powerful clan that are equivalent to the local local snakes in Wuling County?
Therefore, Liu Chan did consider Zhang Yi accordingly, instead of just throwing him an official hat and letting him fend for himself.After all, this matter will be a major event related to Wuxi Man in the future.

Thus, Liu Chan's another recruitment order was sent out, the direction was Yiyang City, and the recipient was Xue Kang.

Liu Chan recruited Xue Kang to lead his army of less than 3000 men, and returned to Wuling County to serve as the military commander of Wuling County, and assisted Zhang Ni in recruiting new troops in Wuling County.

As for the defense of the south bank of Dongting Lake, Liao Hua can only be entrusted with full authority.The lake area of ​​Dongting Lake is very vast, and with the fact that almost all the Jiangzhou navy and Lukou Port navy are moving eastward, the task left to Liao Hua is definitely not light.

But later facts proved that Liu Chanzheng transferred Xue Kang's army back to Wuling County to guard, which was almost a superfluous move.The reason is that after Zhang Ni was reappointed by Liu Chan, he began to flex his muscles, and the results he achieved were completely beyond Liu Chan's expectations.

Of course, considering Zhang Yi's personality from the military, it is absolutely unavoidable to do something to those local snakes.But he is not a reckless person. First he picks up the soft persimmons, and starts with the wealthy family in a relatively remote small county in Wuling County.

So, relying on the 300 troops in his hand, he wiped out four smaller wealthy families in Wuling County in just half a month, and forcibly incorporated all of their people into the army, and soon formed an army. An army of nearly 2000 people.

With such an army size, Zhang Ni's courage is of course very strong.Immediately, he began to turn his attention to those powerful families. As for those big surnames, he can only talk about them at the end.

So, by the time Xue Kang's men arrived in Wuling County, Zhang Ni had almost stabilized the situation in Wuling County.Moreover, he actually completed the task entrusted to him by his eldest son Liu Chan, and already had an army of more than 5000 people in his hand.This also means that if a new army is formed, Xue Kang will have nothing to do.

As far as Zhang Yi is concerned, the next task is to train the new army, and then step up the reconstruction of Wuling County.

On the way Zhang Yi came to Jingzhou, he had already received a secret letter from Liu Chan, the content of which was to explain to him why he wanted to organize a new army in Wuling County.

Therefore, Zhang Yi understood very well that the reason why the son of the world appointed him to serve in Wuling County thousands of miles away was nothing more than his rich experience in suppressing barbarian rebellions.Therefore, his training for the new army was of course aimed at the Wuxi Man.

In addition to military affairs, Zhang Yi must also start to exercise the power of acting prefect of Wuling County to manage the civil affairs of one side.On the one hand, he recruited local literati to serve as various officials in the government, and reorganized the government offices that had been disused to the point where they could no longer be abolished. At the same time, he also began to formulate various measures to recruit refugees who had fled or fled to the mountainous areas to return to their homes.

It should be said that Zhang Ni's deeds definitely exceeded Liu Chan's expectations of him, and he did something that Liu Chan could not do for Wuling County from afar.

Liu Chan really appreciates Zhang Yi, a compound talent who can not only lead troops to fight, but also handle civil affairs.So much so that it can be said that Liu Chan's important task to Zhang Yi in the future is actually just the beginning.

However, all of the above are things for later, and here is just an explanation. If Zhang Yi wants to complete these things, it is still very early.

(End of this chapter)

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