Chapter 724
On the day Liu Chan received Zhang Yi's first report on the current situation in Wuling County from Wuling County, the coalition forces of Gai Meng and Shamoke fought against Sun Huan's army again.

Since Shamoko gained a lot in the last battle, his attitude towards this attack has become more positive.Therefore, he really spared no effort to lead the army to attack.

Facing the enemy army with an absolutely superior force, Sun Huan's men tried their best and still only held on for a day.Then, after all, Sun Huan's army couldn't stand the low gear, so they could only choose to continue to retreat.

And this retreat, for Sun Huan's army, it should be said that there is no way to retreat.They could only retreat into the big camp and join forces with Zhu Huan's camp guards.

What made Shuanghuan quite puzzled was, how come He Qi's army, whom they were eagerly looking forward to, had disappeared at this moment?
Therefore, the feeling of expectation is of course easy to change.Shuanghuan became angry, and couldn't help cursing He Qi together.

At that time, swearing belonged to swearing, and the reinforcements could not appear for a long time, so they could only rely on them to lead the army and find a way out for themselves.Shuanghuan began to make more active preparations before the outbreak of a new war.

At the same time, the coalition forces of Shi Guangyuan and Youtu finally marched into the battlefield reserved by Gu Shao's raiding force.

Gu Shao's army was waiting for work, and they also chose a terrain that was sufficiently favorable to them as the battlefield for the two sides to fight.

However, apart from the above two points, Gu Shao's army seems to be unable to find any other favorable advantages. On the contrary, the disadvantages are very obvious-their army has a total number of only eight or nine thousand, and there are no other advantages at all. Less than 3.On the other side of their opponents, although Shi Guangyuan's troops have been reduced in number after continuous fighting, but if you add Youtu's Shanyue troops, the number can definitely reach [-].

In the case of a gap of more than [-] personnel, and in a plain area, for such a war, for a smart person like Gu Shao, there is actually no other way but to delay the time as much as possible. There must be a purpose in doing this.As for the coalition forces that defeated Shi Guangyuan, Gu Shao had no expectations at all.

But the location is still there after all, so Gu Shao used an army of less than [-] to fight Shi Guangyuan's coalition forces for three days with ease before quickly retreating from the battlefield.

Moreover, Gu Shao's withdrawal was not because his army could no longer withstand Shi Guangyuan's attack.The reason for their withdrawal came from Deng Ai's side.

When Gu Shao was on the third day of fighting Shi Guangyuan's coalition forces, he suddenly received information that after Deng Ai had successfully wiped out Bu Zhi's Jiaozhou righteous men, he had led his army to successfully raid the front line of Yuanshui and was heading to the front line of Yuanshui. Haihun's direction rushed towards him.

Gu Shao was shocked.He never imagined that Bu Zhi and his army of Jiaozhou righteous men lost Yichun City in such a short period of time!He originally expected that even if the Buzhi Jiaozhou righteous men couldn't resist the attack of Deng Ai's coalition forces, they could at least stop them for a month, right?But the result is really disappointing.

As for Lu Dai's army used to stop Deng Ai's army, from a logical point of view, Gu Shao should still be concerned.But Gu Shao ignored them directly, because he had already sentenced them to death.Since Yichun City was easily captured by Deng Ai, Lu Dai's army, as a rescue force, was definitely limited to the fall of Yichun City and was wiped out by Deng Ai's army.

Gu Shao is Gu Shao, really accurate judgment!

Then, Deng Ai and Peng Qi's Shanyue coalition forces were almost unimpeded except for Jianchang City, which had few garrisons left.

Faced with such a situation, Gu Shao would be reckless if he didn't withdraw his troops quickly.Because at that time, Deng Ai's coalition forces will definitely storm Haihun, which is already completely undefended, where Sun Jun, the governor who cannot afford to be seriously ill, lives there, and a large number of officials under the governor's command have already lived there.Once such an organization is taken down by Deng Ai, not to mention that it is enough to achieve Deng Ai's inexhaustible contribution, it will be an unbearable major blow to the Jiangdong Army.

Therefore, Gu Shao really had no choice.Then, while withdrawing troops, he also had to consider Sun Jun's personal safety.He first sent people back to Haihun, intending to move Sun Jun and all the officials under his command to the northernmost Chaisang.Although the city of Chaisang is not big, it is actually a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.Moreover, there are at least thousands of defenders in the city, which are also a new force that can protect Sun Jun.

As for Liling City not far to the north of Haihun, the troops inside have all been taken away by He Qi, so there is no meaning to exist at all.At most, it can be used as a transit point for him to retreat from Haihun to Chaisang when necessary.Therefore, it was impossible for Gu Shao to send Sun Junjin there.

That night, Gu Shao's messengers rushed into Haihun City on fast horses, then went straight to Haihun City's government office, and galloped to report to Sun Jun.

It should be said that Sun Jun's condition has stabilized at this time. When he was in a better state, he could already take a walk in the small garden in the government office for a while with the support of his attendants.

But even so, just imagine, if the physical condition of a man who is only in his 40s and should be in the prime of his life is like this, should he be optimistic about his future?
Things are definitely negative.In fact, Sun Jun's face was still so ugly, as pale as dead grass leaves on the grass in the garden.His figure was originally relatively tall and strong, but now he has become rickety.

Sun Zhen heard the news that Gu Shao ordered someone to bring back the news. Although he had great trust in Gu Shao's ability, he did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately ordered someone to see Gu Shao's messenger.

After Gu Shao listened to the messenger's report, perhaps because the news was so bad that he was too stimulated, Sun Zhen's face turned red all of a sudden, and then he fell down on the table in front of him. The above coughed violently.

The messenger opened his eyes wide and stared dumbfounded at Sun Jun coughing continuously. He was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.

The captain of Sun Jun's guard rushed up to the middle hall, ordered someone to pass on the doctor in a loud voice, and at the same time gently patted the backup for Sun Jun.

After Sun Zhen coughed for a while, he was finally able to stop a little bit, but when he picked up the handkerchief, it was already stained with blood again.This time, even Sun Jun's guard captain was stunned.This was not only because Sun Jun vomited blood again, which made his condition worse, but also because of Sun Jun's complexion—Sun Jun's face was no longer pale, but almost purple.Such a face is definitely more terrifying than livid, no wonder the captain of the guard was stunned.

Then, the captain of the guard came to his senses and exclaimed loudly: "Quickly, send another person to communicate with the doctor to see the doctor of the governor..."

This time, even the captain of the guard was in a panic.

When the doctor was rushed into the middle hall by the guards, Sun Zhen had already vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood, passed out, and his complexion was even more ugly.

After the doctor diagnosed Sun Zhen, he could only shake his head dryly.The symptoms of Sun Zhen's attack this time were so severe that he was almost helpless, at most he could revive him.

But it should be said that Sun Zhen didn't have much time now, and he could continue to stay in Haihun City for treatment.That night, Sun Zhen was loaded into a gorgeous carriage, and under the care of a doctor, he meandered towards Chaisang.

In fact, in terms of Sun Jun's current physical condition, he shouldn't be riding a carriage at all, and the doctor at the time also strongly opposed it.But the situation is the situation, and Sun Jun must leave Haihun City. Even if he died on the way, it would be better than letting him stare at the name of the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army and the three armies falling into the hands of the Shuhan army.

Gu Shao's army is actually only a hundred miles away from Haihun City.If he made a quick march, he would be able to return to Haihun City in about a day.But his army is now in a state of war, fighting and retreating, so it took two days to retreat into Haihun City.

The coalition forces of Shi Guangyuan and Youtu immediately began to surround Haihun City, and ordered the garrison in Yuzhang to send those large siege equipment.After all, after a contest, Shi Guangyuan believed that Gu Shao was not an ordinary person.

On Deng Ai's side, because of the rapid march this time, it was impossible for the army to carry large siege equipment.Therefore, it took his army a lot of effort to take down Jianchang City.

Deng Ai led his army to continue northward, and arrived at the city of Haihun after a day and a half.

Since then, Shi Guangyuan and Deng Ai, the master and apprentice, have finally met in victory. The two of them separated after a brief meeting during the celebration in Jiangling City, and there were not many opportunities to talk at that time.Now the two of them are officially reunited.

Shi Guangyuan took Youtu with him to the south of the city to meet Deng Ai.Naturally, Deng Ai didn't dare to neglect Shi Guangyuan's mentor, so he also brought Peng Qi to see Shi Guangyuan.

Shi Guangyuan was as energetic as ever, even in the army, his mental state was still so good.Deng Ai rushed over immediately, came to Shi Guangyuan's body and kowtowed Shi Guangyuan three times.

(End of this chapter)

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