Chapter 725
The combined army of Shi Guangyuan, Deng Ai, Youtu, and Peng Qi once again reached a record high in the number of unilateral combat troops under Liu Chan's command, reaching an astonishing scale of more than 6.

With an army of this size, it seems that it is not a big problem to besiege a small sea dungeon and capture it in one fell swoop.But that's not the case.Haihun City is not big, and the army on the Shu Han side is very large, but it doesn't mean that an army of 6 people can press on the city wall together.

In addition to Gu Shao's army, it is actually more than enough to guard Haihun City.Therefore, facing the enemy's attack like a storm, they still defended in an orderly manner.

Shi Guangyuan's army, after two days of berserk attacks, finally realized that such reckless actions would not work, and that Gu Shao was really troublesome enough.

As soon as Shi Guangyuan and Deng Ai made up their minds, they decided not to fight Haihun City for now.Shi Guangyuan asked Deng Ai and Peng Qi to lead their troops to separate again, go north to take Liling City, and then head north straight to Chaisang.Because Shi Guangyuan had already obtained information, saying that Sun Zhen was seriously ill at this time, and Gu Shao had transferred him to Chaisang for temporary shelter.

Of course, this news cannot be confirmed for a while.But Shi Guangyuan has deep considerations about this.

Now with Deng Ai's coming to join forces, he has taken Yuzhang again, which means that the coalition forces of Shuhan, Shanyue, and Wuximan have completely included all the elite troops of the Jiangdong Army under Sun Jun's command. inside the encirclement.

Originally, Chaisang was a city built by water, which can be described as a natural danger, but it is the most easily defended and difficult to attack city.When necessary, Sun Zhen's army could indeed retreat part of the army by means of waterways.

But now with Quan Cong's successful capture of Poyang Lake, the Yangtze River waterway from Chaisang to Moling was completely sealed off, and all Sun Jun's retreat routes by land and water were completely cut off.Sun Zhen's army, judging from the general situation, is already doomed.

Moreover, if Gu Shao in Haihun City wants to break out of Shi Guangyuan's encirclement, there are only two first, one is the relatively distant Ai County, and the other is the nearby Liling City.And Liling City is to the south of Chaisang, so it is necessary for Gu Shao to protect the safety of Chaisang, so as to isolate Chaisang from the attack range of the Shu Han army, so as to ensure the safety of the governor, Sun Jun.Moreover, even if Gu Shao can't defend Liling City again, he can still retreat into Chaisang, the pre-requisite city, and continue to hold on.

According to Shi Guangyuan's judgment, it should be impossible for Gu Shao to leave Ai County regardless of Sun Jun's safety.That's why he asked Deng Ai to divide his troops to go north first, and take down Liling City first, which also cut off any fantasies of Gu Shao.As for Chaisang, such a dangerous city is really not easy to attack, so we can discuss it later.

It can be seen that Shi Guangyuan once again expected the enemy to take the lead.What he did really caught Gu Shao's mind completely, pinched Gu Shao's seven inches completely, and put him in a dilemma.

Of course Deng Ai would not object to Shi Guangyuan's arrangement.In his opinion, with such a large army of 6 people, to defend a small Haihun City, the army will not be able to use it at all, and on the contrary, it will waste a lot of opportunities to attack.

Therefore, without hesitation, Deng Ai immediately led his troops to break away from Shi Guangyuan's army, and together with Peng Qi marched towards Liling in a mighty way.

Moreover, Deng Ai is really a character that the enemy hates.When his army set off, they didn't leave quietly, but went northward with drums and gongs, for fear that the enemy troops in Haihun City would not know the movement of their division.

In fact, generally speaking, if two armies are fighting, one side wants to divide its troops, so it is important not to be discovered by the enemy.After all, if the enemy's movement is discovered after the troops are divided out, the strategy that may be implemented secretly will be in vain.What's more, after the troops are divided out, the strength of the troops on the front will be correspondingly reduced, and the momentum will also weaken.

But Deng Ai believes that this time the situation is fundamentally different.The combined strength of Shi Guangyuan's troops and Youtu's Shanyue Army has surpassed Gu Shao's defenders by too much.In addition, the division of his troops this time is not to launch any kind of strategy directly against Gu Shao's troops, they are going to leave here to fight Liling.Therefore, Deng Ai is not afraid of exposing his whereabouts because of this.

On the contrary, Deng Ai actually liked that Gu Shao could understand his intention of leading the army to fight north this time.Because Gu Shao realized that his best breakout route had been forcibly cut off by Deng Ai's men, even if he didn't panic because of it, at least he would feel extremely depressed.

Of course, it would be best if this would cause the morale of Gu Shao's army to collapse, and then Shi Guangyuan's side could easily take down the Haihun City.It's just that Deng Ai knew very well that the opponent's chief general was Gu Shao, not an ordinary general, and the possibility of a mutiny was almost slim.

Gu Shao had been stationed in the north of the city, where Shi Guangyuan's troops were located.To the south of the city is the area of ​​Deng Ai's troops, to the west of the city is Peng Qi's Shanyue Army, and to the east of the city is Youtu's Shanyue Army.From the perspective of strength, the strength of the enemy army in any direction is strong enough, but Shi Guangyuan is Shi Guangyuan after all, and he alone is enough to constitute a sufficient deterrent to Gu Shao.Therefore, Gu Shao had to take care of the defense in the north of the city himself.

Therefore, after learning that there was a lot of movement on Deng Ai's side, Gu Shao immediately went straight to the south of the city, but saw Deng Ai's army moving, and then, there were also reports from the west, east and north of the city. The situation of large-scale mobilization of troops.

At the beginning, Gu Shao was really puzzled by Deng Ai's mobilization of troops with such fanfare.

But when Gu Shao saw Deng Ai's army heading towards the west of the city, finally joining forces with Peng Qi's Shanyue army, and heading north, he finally suddenly realized.Deng Ai is going to join Peng Qi to break away from Shi Guangyuan's army and head north.

Thinking of this, even if Gu Shao doesn't need to open his mind to think, he can easily get the movement of Deng Ai's coalition forces, and it must be the first to launch an attack on Liling City, which is north of Haihun City.Liling City is now almost an empty city, and it cannot be defended no matter what.

At this time, Gu Shao couldn't help feeling a little regretful.Since he had long wanted to use Liling City as a second stronghold against the Shu Han army, he should have sent some troops to garrison it at that time.Hey, I just thought of it now, but it's already too late!
So, just as Deng Ai expected, Gu Shao's mood suddenly became a little depressed.It can be considered that Deng Ai's little trick has succeeded.

But Shi Guangyuan also made a miscalculation——Sun Jun, although he passed out, he actually woke up on the way.After learning that he is going to be sent to Chaisang, Gu Shao will stick to Haihun City.He immediately realized that he wanted to protect Liling City for Gu Shao.Therefore, he immediately recruited 3000 troops from Chaisang to go south to Liling City, and united with nearly [-] troops in the city to garrison.

And after issuing this order, Sun Zhen fell into a coma again, and he really made good use of this short period of sobriety.

(End of this chapter)

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