Chapter 726
Just as Shi Guangyuan and others led the army to continue to storm Haihun City guarded by Gu Shao, the decisive "final battle" between Shuanghuan's army and the coalition forces of Gai Meng, Zhang Bao, and Shamoke will eventually be decided by Gai Meng started it first.

In fact, no matter how you say it, for Shuanghuan in the current situation, it is impossible for them to have the thought to take the initiative.What's more, their most urgent goal now has actually turned into waiting for help.

And this reinforcement is He Qi's army of 5000 people ambushing in Luoxiao Mountain!However, He Qi is really too hateful, and now several days have passed since the time agreed by both parties to attack, yet there is not even a trace of He Qi's men and horses to be seen.

It's no wonder that now that Shuanghuan is facing the embarrassing situation of being unable to retreat, and even facing the embarrassing situation of being completely eaten by Gai Meng's coalition forces, he yells at He Qi every day, and even curses He Qi viciously. If Qi's army doesn't show up quickly, his whole family will die!
Therefore, the stalemate, of course, is what Shuanghuan most wants to see now, and it has created their willingness to do nothing.

But Gaimeng's situation is completely different.The army on Gai Meng's side, together with Zhang Bao's nearly complete 7000 troops, and the Wuxi barbarian army of more than 2 in Shamoke's hands, must have exceeded 3 people , at least twice the number of troops in Shuanghuan's hands.

They have such a superior force, and Samoco's army is a new reinforcement, with relatively strong physical strength and fighting will. Facing the exhausted army of Shuanghuan, the advantage is that It's too obvious.Therefore, of course, Gai Meng has no reason at all to maintain a stalemate with Shuanghuan's army.

Thus, a new discussion started between Gai Meng, Zhang Bao and Sha Moke. Of course, everyone's debate was very intense.The question was whose team should be the vanguard of the attack.Because in the eyes of these people, this battle with the Shuanghuan Army should be said to be the last battle of the Shuanghuan Army.Therefore, those who act as the vanguard of the attack can certainly achieve greater credit.

Zhang Bao and Gai Meng had a grudge.In addition, he has been only able to act as a supporting force for Ge Meng's army recently, and it is almost impossible for his army to go to the frontal battlefield. The best credit has always been taken by Ge Meng's side, which of course makes him feel very aggrieved of.

Therefore, in this final battle, Zhang Bao wanted to cheer himself up, and he didn't want to be Gai Meng's "green leaf" anymore.So it was inevitable that there would be another dispute between him and Gai Meng.

But when Ge Meng and Zhang Bao were arguing with each other, they were unexpectedly taken advantage of by others.This person is actually Shamoko.

Don't look at Shamoke's tall and burly man, and his unbearably rude appearance. Anyone who knows this person a little bit knows that this Shamoke is not an ordinary person, but a fierce, brave and cunning wolf. difficult characters.

When Gai Meng and Zhang Bao were arguing earlier, Sha Moke just watched calmly as the two were arguing over there, their faces flushed, as if they were nothing to do, and they had nothing to do with themselves.But in fact, he had already made up his mind.It wasn't just Ge Meng and Zhang Bao who wanted to attack first, Shamoke actually wanted to lead the army to attack first.

Both Gai Meng and Zhang Bao wanted to make a big contribution, which was completely reasonable.But Sha Moke actually has the same thoughts as them, which seems very strange.

In fact, Sha Moke's thoughts are really not surprising at all.What he used was actually their Wuximan way of doing things.

Sha Moke, like Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, believed that Shuanghuan's army would be wiped out by their coalition forces in this battle.Well, Sha Moke didn't want to make the first contribution, he naturally shifted the problem to a key point: after defeating Shuanghuan's army, there were a lot of spoils in their camp!
According to the views of a barbarian like Sha Moke, although he passed the Zongyu and made an agreement with Liu Chan, the son of Hanzhong Prince, that the spoils obtained on the battlefield would be divided equally between the two sides, but none of this was very important.Liu Chan attaches great importance to such an agreement, and it is their own business, not his Sha Moke's business.

Therefore, Samoco logically determined that as long as his army can rush into Shuanghuan's barracks first, then he can start to snatch the spoils first.Then when the time comes, whoever snatches more will be considered as theirs.

Afterwards, even if Gai Meng sent someone to ask Sha Moke for the loot, it is absolutely impossible for a greedy person like Sha Moke to give up the fat that he swallowed in his mouth to others.

And Shamoke is very smart to realize that the army of the Shuhan must now need the assistance of the army so that they can continue to fight against the Jiangdong army.Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Shu Han's army to tear themselves apart with him because he snatched the spoils.

Even, Sha Moke thought very viciously in his heart, even if the two sides broke their faces, he didn't have to worry about not getting a corresponding return for his dispatch of troops.Last time, his army almost looted Wuling County on the way back to Wuximan's residence. This time, he robbed all the areas south of Wuling County and Lingling County!
It can be seen from this that this Shamoko is definitely a hungry wolf that is not cooked well.He didn't have any faith or cooperation in his heart at all, and he always thought about maximizing his interests.With such a person, unless you really have no choice, you should never cooperate with them lightly.Otherwise, the one who gets hurt will always be yourself.

It is precisely because of the above very dirty thoughts that Shamoke is like a wild wolf lurking quietly, quietly watching Ge Meng and Zhang Bao quarreling.

Half an hour later, apart from the quarrel between Ge Meng and Zhang Bao, there was nothing that could be compromised and a practical solution came.

But Sha Moke knew that the quarrel between Ge Meng and Zhang Bao was almost over, and now it was his turn to calm down the farce.

So Shamoke suddenly stood up from his seat, took unusually huge steps, and stood in the middle between the seats of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao.

Sha Moke's huge and burly figure, coupled with the lack of expression on his purple face, and the thick beard on his cheeks, his presence is really too strong.Gai Meng and Zhang Bao raised their heads high at the same time, and after almost falling on their backs, they could only see Sha Moke's neck.

Shamoke is going to act as a "peacemaker" at this time.He thought of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao clasping their hands together, and said with a slight smile: "You two generals, Mr. Sha can understand your feelings very well. But now that the military situation is urgent, can our headquarters continue to argue like this? I have a Suggestion, I wonder if the two of you are willing to listen to it?"

In fact, now that a giant like Shamoke is standing in the middle, Gai Meng and Zhang Bao can hardly see each other, and even if they want to continue arguing, they can no longer quarrel.

Ge Meng had no choice but to bow his hands to Sha Moke and said: "Sha Shuai has something to say, just say it, and I, Ge Meng, will listen carefully."

Seeing that Ge Meng had already expressed his opinion, Sha Moke turned to look at Zhang Bao on the other side.What else could Zhang Bao say, so he nodded.

On Sha Moke's face, there was a smug smile that the trick was about to succeed.

He said to the two of them: "Two generals, please forgive me. In this battle, some of the armies you two commanded suffered heavy losses, and some were already exhausted. You want to use It is actually very difficult for such an army to defeat Shuanghuan's army at the fastest speed. Therefore, I suggest that in order to calm the dispute between the two of you, I can lead my own army to lead the battle for you. You guys How do you feel about doing that?"

Gai Meng was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.And Zhang Bao's reaction was surprisingly consistent with Ge Meng's.Both of them feel very strange in their hearts now. Shamoke has been very active recently, but the problem is that this is the last battle between the coalition forces on their side and Shuanghuan's army. It went horribly.

(End of this chapter)

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