The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 727 The Madman Attacks

Chapter 727 The Madman Attacks ([-])

Under such circumstances that everyone knew it well, both Ge Meng and Zhang Bao subconsciously threw Sha Moke and his army aside, because they were unlikely to be willing to be the vanguard.But now Sha Moke's statement has completely overturned the original beliefs of Ge Meng and Zhang Bao.

However, Gai Meng and Zhang Bao quickly realized that the reason for the dispute between them was the credit they had made.Now that Shamoke is willing to send troops instead of them as the vanguard, it can actually greatly reduce the casualties of the Shu Han army.Such a result is actually more valuable than a first effort.

Gai Meng hesitated for a moment, and in the surprise of Sha Moke, he was moved a little more.He cupped his hands to Sha Moke and said, "Shuai Shuai, if this is the case, I'm afraid it is not appropriate? After all, the matter of the vanguard is a matter of dispute between me and General Zhang. How can it be troublesome?" And you?"

When Shamoke saw Gai Meng say this, he observed the expression on Gai Meng's face a little bit, and knew that Gai Meng's position had been greatly loosened. It seemed that this person would hardly reject his "good intentions" released by him. .

So Shamoke waved his hand at Gai Meng, showing a very ugly "brilliant" smile on his face, and with a thunderous voice, he said to Gai Meng with a loud voice: "Hey... General Gai, if you say that, But it seemed unexpected. We are allies now, and we should always advance and retreat together and help each other. Besides, my army has only fought once, and it is a time when morale is high. It's a good time to launch an attack on the enemy!"

Guy Meng looked at Shamoko in disbelief.It was really hard for him to imagine that such righteous words could be uttered from an uncivilized barbarian like Samoko.

Gai sighed fiercely, and stood up from his seat. He was already very tall, but he could only reach Shamoko's shoulders.

Gai Meng immediately looked towards Zhang Bao and asked, "General Zhang, what do you think of Sha Shuai?"

Zhang Bao also stood up from his seat at this time, and he didn't have any objections in his heart.He said to Sha Moke: "Then trouble Sha Shuai to lead the army to be the vanguard of the attack."

Sha Moke's little trick finally succeeded.

Sha Moke immediately returned a salute to Zhang Bao, then raised his head and laughed.This is a kind of smug laughter, but in the eyes of Ge Meng and Zhang Bao, who are not aware of it for the time being, it has another meaning: it is a kind of unrestrained laughter.

Thus, the dispute between Gai Meng and Zhang Bao was quelled again under Shamoke's "mediation".

Then, the next step is to start discussing how to make combat arrangements.

After discussing with Zhang Bao and Sha Moke, Gai Meng returned to his big tent.He immediately summoned Xiong Ping and Meng Xi who stayed in the army to help him with military affairs, and told them the process of the discussion.

Xiong Ping didn't have much reaction to this, he just thought that it would be a good thing for the army of Shu Han to hear what Samoke did.

But Meng Xi is more careful after all.Of course, he also believed that letting Wuximan's army attack first would be beneficial to Shu Han's army, but privately he felt that Shamoko's transformation seemed to be too fast.

But Meng Xi didn't express his thoughts.After he left Gai Meng's camp, he didn't go back, but headed towards Wuxi Man's camp.He needs to meet that Zong Yu, after all, Zong Yu is the person on their side who has the most contact with Samoco.

Zong Yu has always been arranged by the eldest son Liu Chan in the army of Samoco.But after all, Meng Xi didn't get any useful information from Zong Yu.It's just that there is a big difference between Sha Moke's personality style he learned and the performance of Sha Moke that day in Gai Meng's mouth.This made Meng Xi feel a little uneasy in his heart.

However, early the next morning, the Shu Han coalition forces finally dispatched troops according to the original plan.

Sha Moke's army was dispatched first, and then Gai Meng's and Zhang Bao's troops, as Sha Moke's rear army, set off together.Except for leaving a small part of the army to guard the camp this time, it can be said that they have almost exhausted their entire army.

As for Shuanghuan's barracks, since they are now at a disadvantage, they are of course already on the verge of battle.So, as soon as the scout team arrived, the Shu-Han coalition forces had already been dispatched, and with Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army as the vanguard, they rushed straight towards their camp. Shuanghuan immediately issued a general order, ordering the entire army to act immediately , ready to fight.

The camp of Shuanghuan's army was set up on a relatively high ground this time, with a small mountainous area behind it. There was a small stream in the mountain to provide them with water.Therefore, even if this high position may be besieged by the coalition forces of the Shu Han, there should be no danger of being cut off from the water source.

However, even if the water source of the Shuanghuan Army was cut off, the problem would not be fatal.Because before that, when Zhu Huan stayed at the camp, he had already ordered the troops left behind to store a lot of drinking water for the upcoming war.

It can be seen that although Zhu Huan is an extremely arrogant person, he is actually a general who is very good at fighting, and he can't help but be delicate in his thoughts.

With the Wuxi Man army led by Sha Moke arriving first, it is of course impossible for Shuanghuan to sit still, not to mention that there is another person like Zhu Huan in Shuanghuan.So, this time it was Zhu Huan's turn to take action, and it was time for Sun Huan to stay in the camp.

So Zhu Huan immediately led 8000 troops and rushed out of the camp.It should be said that the army led by Zhu Huan moved very fast, but his intentions appeared to be quite vicious.He wanted Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army to attack suddenly when they had just arrived outside the position and the formation was not complete, so as to smash the enemy's formation.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Huan dared to attack the Wuxi barbarian army with a small number of troops was not a momentary act.After all, it is impossible for Wuxi Man's army to be as well-trained as Shu Han's army, and it is often possible to line up the entire army before marching into the position.Just like when they were in the north of Nanjun that day, Guan Xing's army fought a textbook battle with Quan Cong's army.

At that time, Quan Cong led a small army to attack north, forcing Guan Xing's army to attack his troops.Just when the armies of both sides encountered each other, both sides suddenly discovered that the other side's army was actually on the way of marching, and they had already arranged all the army arrays.Therefore, when the two sides enter a state of war, it is impossible for the military formation in that state to give the other side an opportunity to take advantage of.Both Guan Xing and Quan Cong couldn't help admiring each other's military skills.

And an army like Wuximan's is of course not up to the level of elite soldiers, so when it appeared, after Zhu Huan's observation, he could see that its army formation was chaotic.Therefore, from the perspective of a bold person like him, if such a weakness cannot be exploited, it would be a waste of money.

So, Zhu Huan led an army of [-] very resolutely, and suddenly rushed into his camp to tell him to charge out, and charged directly at the left flank of Shamoke's huge army of [-] people. After passing the past, there is no meaning of hesitation at all.

Facing such crazy actions by Zhu Huan's army, Shamoke had a contemptuous smile on his face at first, thinking that Zhu Huan's actions were nothing more than a suicide act like moths throwing themselves into a flame.

But Sha Moke was not stupid, and soon realized Zhu Huanjun's intentions.He couldn't help looking admiringly at Zhu Huan, who was leading the soldiers rushing forward. He didn't expect that among the Jiangdong people, there would be such a bold figure.

In Shamoke's view, he always thought that Jiangdong people were cowardly.At least when he fought with Lu Xun last time, although his army suffered losses one after another, Lu Xun's army avoided fighting, and Zhuge Ke's way of bribery to seek peace later made Shamoke's heart clearer. Jiangdong people.

And what makes Sha Moke look down on Jiangdong people even more is that Lu Xun, who he judged to be a coward, took up the highest military position in the Jiangdong Army not long after, but was easily dismissed and replaced by a seriously ill man who was about to die. Sun Jun.

From all of this, Sha Moke completely despised Jiangdong people from the bottom of his heart.

But Zhu Huan's fearless performance today slightly changed Sha Moke's prejudice against Jiangdong people.

(End of this chapter)

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