The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 728 The Madman Attacks

Chapter 728 The Madman Attacks ([-])

But Sha Moke's appreciation for Zhu Huan was only fleeting, and then he felt a little anxious.He immediately ordered someone to pass down the order to let the left wing of his army quickly organize an army formation to meet Zhu Huan's army.

But the weakness of Shamoko's lack of military quality was fully exposed at this time.Even though Shamoko's general order was conveyed at the fastest speed, the soldiers saw that the enemy was rushing towards them at high speed at this time, and they were already panicking. Not only did the reorganized army formation not take shape quickly, On the contrary, many places have become more scattered.

Facing such a good enemy situation, Zhu Huan would not hesitate any more.Roaring wildly, he led all his men and horses, and charged into Wuxi Man's left wing formation like a lunatic.Under the bright autumn sun, his white armor reflected a strong white light, really invincible.

With the continuous attack of Zhu Huan's army, Wuximan's left-wing army finally couldn't hold on, and some people even turned around and fled to the rear because they were too distressed.

The left-wing army formation is on the verge of collapse.

This is something Samoco cannot tolerate.He attacked with full confidence, and now it should be said that his own army has not yet started fighting, and such a situation has unexpectedly appeared!
Therefore, Sha Moke immediately separated his troops from the right wing to attack the rear, trying to detour to support his left wing formation.

However, Zhu Huan's army was surprisingly brave. Even with the addition of new reinforcements, the left-wing army still couldn't withstand the impact of Jiangdong's army.

When Sha Moke saw this, he was really furious.He finally went into battle himself.He immediately mobilized 3000 men and horses, and suddenly attacked forward, charging directly towards the central part of Zhu Huan's army.In doing this, he obviously wanted to cut off Zhu Huan's army from the middle and surround Zhu Huan who was rushing ahead.At that time, whether Shamoko will capture him or kill him directly, the problem does not seem to be a big problem.

Shamoko is indeed brave.With his devil-like fighting power, like an extremely ferocious beast, he led the army and forcibly tore a hole on the right side of Zhu Huan's army.Then, as Sha Moke's men continued to appear dead and wounded one by one, his men quickly broke through half of Zhu Huan's army in depth.

At this time, Shamoko himself should be said to be invincible on this battlefield!
There was chaos in the army behind, and the situation had begun to become critical, so it was reported to Zhu Huan immediately.

But Zhu Huan is Zhu Huan, and he is synonymous with lunatics among Jiangdong people.Now he is almost succeeding at the expense of the enemy's left wing, and he can succeed as long as he puts more effort into it, so he wants to fight Shamoko.Therefore, he sent a part of the troops from his side to fight back against Shamoko's troops.And he himself continued to lead the troops, and charged towards Shamoko's left-wing army formation.

Sha Moke saw that Zhu Huan had made such a crazy decision, as if he didn't take the lives of himself and the soldiers in his eyes at all, so he couldn't help calling Zhu Huan a lunatic.Sha Moke is really right, Zhu Huan is nothing else, he is really a complete lunatic!
Then, Samoko drank violently.With the barbed terrier bone in his hand, the speed of swinging became even faster.His strength is too great, many of the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were blown away by him, or their heads were smashed. This kind of aura is really terrifying and appalling.The intercepting troops sent back by Zhu Huan were once again unable to resist.

At this point, the battle has been going on for a while.

In the sky not far away, a burst of slowly rising yellow smoke suddenly appeared.Then, a group of jumping and undulating black lines suddenly appeared above the horizon.

Zhu Huan's marching experience is very rich, and it can be seen at a glance that the new Shu Han army has appeared.But the damn thing is, it will take some time for him to defeat the left wing of the Wuxi barbarian army.

Now that Wuxi Man's reinforcements appeared, they would definitely come to support the left wing of Wuxi Man's army. By that time, my small number of troops would definitely not be able to defeat them.And in his rear, Sha Moke was in danger of cutting off his back, so no matter how crazy Zhu Huan was, he couldn't help thinking of retreating temporarily.

Therefore, Zhu Huan immediately turned his horse's head, and led his own troops to start a new counterattack towards Samoke.

Sha Moke is now on the rise, seeing Zhu Huan leading the army to charge towards him, in fact, it is exactly what he wants.He took the lead and went to kill Zhu Huan. Of course, the target of hunting and killing was Zhu Huan.

Zhu Huan was shocked when he saw the situation, and immediately ordered his guards to step forward to block Sha Moke, a figure like a madman.But Sha Moke's army also followed up at this time, and stepped forward to help Sha Moke block Zhu Huan's guards.Shamoke was able to separate himself and rushed past quickly.

So, Zhu Huan was really scared this time.Shamoke's tall and abnormal horse, coupled with his tall and terrifying figure, suddenly created an illusion in Zhu Huan's heart. In front of Shamoke, he seemed to be just a dwarf. !

But Sha Moke's horse is indeed a rare and good horse, and when Zhu Huan himself just reacted, he had already rushed to Zhu Huan's front quickly.

Zhu Huan clearly saw the murderous smile on Sha Moke's face, and of course the beard and the bloody mouth on his face.

Then, Sha Moke's barbed wire was lifted up, and a violent wind sounded from above, and it smashed down on the top of Zhu Huan's head with a whistling sound.

Zhu Huan finally couldn't help letting out a cry of surprise, subconsciously raised the big knife in his hand and went to strike the cross.

There was only an unusually loud sound of gold and iron colliding with each other spreading out, and in broad daylight above Zhu Huan's knife shaft, an almost dazzling flash of sparks burst out!

It was only at this time that Zhu Huan finally knew what the supernatural power of lifting mountains and lifting tripods was.He felt a stabbing pain in his hand and a pair of arms at the same time, and after he exclaimed, his hands could no longer grasp his big knife.He knew that the tiger's mouth in his hands was definitely broken, and the big knife could no longer hold it, and fell directly to the ground.

Then, for Zhu Huan, it is inevitable that he will be smashed into the city by Sha Moke's barbed thorns and his brain will be cracked.Zhu Huan could only close his eyes and wait for death.Shamoke really cooperated very well, swung the barbed thorn bone in his hand again, and smashed it down on Zhu Huan's head with a whistling sound.

Suddenly, a shout rang out, "If you want to harm my general, there is no way!"

Suddenly, two guards jumped out from Zhu Huan's side, one on the left and the other on the right, going forward to raise their swords to block Sha Moke's ultimate move for Zhu Huanfeng.

But the ending of these two people is destined to be tragic.Under Sha Moke's blow, the knife of a guard on the left was blown away, and Sha Moke's barbed thorns swept across, killing the two guards in one fell swoop.

Zhu Huan had already opened his eyes, and saw clearly the scene of the two guards being killed.In his mind, the names of the two guards, as well as the names of all their family members, flashed immediately.

Zhu Huan is a strange person in Jiangdong, and a strange person must have a strange ability.His most peculiar ability is the super powerful ability to remember people's names.There are many troops under him, not only can he recognize everyone's face very easily, and hand over each of them's name, he can even remember the faces and names of all the soldiers' family members clearly.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Zhu Huan could know the names of the two guards who followed him at this time.

But now Zhu Huan really felt flustered because of Sha Moke's powerful force.He immediately thought of running for his life, and suddenly called out the name of his captain of the guard, and the captain of the guard and a dozen guards appeared behind him.They protected Zhu Huan's figure, while launching a counterattack at Sha Moke.

Zhu Huan still prioritizes his escape for his life.So he didn't care about the guards. He turned around the pier and rushed to the side. He was about to run for his life because he was frightened by Shamoko.

And the fate of those guards led by the captain of the guard was once again tragic.They were soon smashed into bloody lumps by Sha Moke's barbed wire, and even Zhu Huan's guard captain did not escape this fate.

After Zhu Huan escaped from Sha Moke's clutches, he restrained the troops as quickly as possible, and then quickly left the battlefield and fled back before the arrival of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao's troops.

And Shamoko didn't chase very far.His army is now in a state of disarray after being attacked by Zhu Huan's army. The priority is to regroup the army instead of chasing the enemy!

Of course, apart from Zhu Huan being annoyed, Sha Moke was also annoyed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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