Chapter 730 Ambush all out ([-])

Therefore, the two armies under He Qi's command moved out quietly, and gradually approached the Shu Han army and the Wuxi barbarian army gently, without being spotted by the enemy.It can be seen that He Qi's operation was carried out very successfully from the very beginning.

But the news that surprised He Qi was soon sent by his scout captain, saying that Shuanghuan's army had launched a counterattack against Wuxi Man's army on its own initiative, and the battle seemed extremely fierce.

He Qi was of course very surprised by Shuanghuan's reckless behavior in his heart, and he expected that Shuanghuan's army might suffer from this matter.

But He Qi still remained calm, and did not immediately order the whole army to speed up the march to support Zhu Huan's battle.Because He Qi very wisely realized that Zhu Huan's army's aggressive move was actually beneficial to his army's surprise attack.Because the more intense the battle there, the more attention the two armies of the Shu and Han would be attracted to, and their actions would be less likely to be discovered, making their next raid even more stealthy. .

Therefore, Zhu Huan's army took the initiative to serve as He Qi's spearmen.Therefore, He Qi still ordered the whole army to maintain the current marching speed, and not to make too much noise, so that the enemy would find out the movements of their own army.

This is actually the reason why He Qi's army suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield not long after Zhu Huan's army retreated smoothly.

And the reason why He Qi's army marched faster all of a sudden is that He Qi received the latest news from the scout captain that Zhu Huan's army had successfully retreated, but the Wuxi Man's army was already in a state of chaos— ——Actually, Wuximan's army formation has always been a little chaotic, not only because Zhu Huan's army was attacked, it started to be chaotic.However, although the scouts made some mistakes in the investigation, it did not affect He Qi's judgment on the situation.

Therefore, He Qi felt that this was the best time for his army to launch a surprise attack against the Wuxi barbarian army, and this was exactly the opportunity Shuanghuan wanted to create for his army to launch an attack that he needed most!
So He Qi didn't hesitate anymore.He immediately launched the whole army into action, and the whole army rushed into the battlefield at the fastest speed.

As for He Jing's 1 Jiangdong Army, they actually took action a little earlier than He Qi's.However, due to the distance, the messengers sent by He Qi to inform He Jing hadn't arrived yet, so He Jing took action.

The reason for this is that when the troops of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao learned that Wuximan's army had fought with Shuanghuan's army, they suddenly accelerated their marching speed, and soon approached Wuximan's army. Ten miles behind the army.With such a distance, if the Shu Han army were allowed to continue to approach the Wuxi Man army, it would be easy for them to join forces, and the strategy of dividing troops and raids formulated by He Qi would be in vain at that time.

It was precisely because of this situation that He Jing had no choice but to launch a surprise attack on the Shu Han army. Naturally, he was the first to expose the whereabouts of his own army, so that Sun Huan first saw the smoke rising from the high slope. , and then there was smoke and dust from the nearby side.

Gai Meng's army was actually walking with cavalry, and the infantry led by Meng Xi and Zhang Bao's army were behind.According to the previous practice, the scout team that Gai Meng accepted was handed over to Meng Xi to command.

But with the explosion ahead, Meng Xi did make a mistake this time, that is, he put more scouts in the front, and slightly ignored the scouting in the flank area, so that He Qi's army touched their vicinity , they are still unaware of it.Moreover, since the cavalry is at the front, it makes it difficult for the scouts to scout back and forth.

These factors all caused the attack of the scout team commanded by Meng Xi to appear to have failed.So much so that when He Jing led the army to reveal their whereabouts, Meng Xi judged that there was an enemy attack from the smoke and dust made by He Jing's army!
The appearance of such a mistake is definitely a huge blow to self-esteem for a person like Meng Xi who has always acted rigorously.Meng Xi suddenly lost his usual good demeanor, and couldn't help calling the scout captain over to scold him.But he was actually calm enough to immediately realize that now was not the time to curse.Therefore, he asked the scout captain to roll aside, and instead called the herald to order the whole army to discover the enemy's attack, and let everyone immediately adjust the direction of the army formation to face the sudden appearance of the enemy.

Then, Meng Xi sent someone to inform Gai Meng and Zhang Bao that he had discovered the news of the enemy.

However, although the Shu Han army is said to be very sophisticated.However, it is definitely a very difficult and time-consuming task to suddenly change the army formation during such a march and encounter an enemy attack.Moreover, Gai Meng's cavalry team has drawn a certain distance from them, and they dare not come back for the time being.Therefore, Meng Xi gritted his teeth and immediately sent someone to tell Zhang Bao, asking Zhang Bao to continue to organize the army as his rear.Because he wants to launch a counterattack against the enemy immediately in order to buy time.

Therefore, Meng Xi immediately issued an order to attack the enemy in the opposite direction to the second battalion, which had adjusted its formation first, with about 2000 troops.Of course, it was impossible for Meng Xi to personally lead the army at such a moment and go to the field to charge.

Then, something happened that made He Jing feel a little bit astonished.The Shu Han's rear army—that is, in the attacking position he chose, suddenly separated a small group of troops, and rushed towards his army.In He Jing's view, this was almost a suicidal behavior.

In addition, He Jing had 1 troops in his hands, so it was impossible for him to be afraid of the opponent's 2000 troops.What's more, his army launched a surprise attack first, occupying an absolute advantage in momentum.Therefore, without hesitation, He Jing continued to lead his army to rush towards Jundu of the Shu Han.

Sure enough, Mengxi's 2000 troops were not up to the task, and the enemy army quickly opened a huge hole, and it was impossible to stop the enemy army.Meng Xi's intention was to delay time with his troops.So immediately sent out the second battalion from Liangwai.In the end, Meng Xi sent his escort and the remaining 1000 troops into the battlefield, and all available troops had been exhausted.At this time, Meng Xi had become a polished commander.

But at this time, Zhang Bao's army hadn't been reorganized yet.

Meng Xi was really in a hurry now.He suddenly rushed into Zhang Bao's army single-handedly, and without Zhang Bao's consent, he actually forced the three front battalions of Zhang Bao's army to attack immediately.

Now it was Zhang Bao's turn to be dumbfounded.Because his army actually attacked without his order?Zhang Bao was furious immediately.Then, Zhang Bao learned that this was the result of Meng Xi's order exceeding his authority without authorization.

Only then did Zhang Bao put away his anger, but his brows were still tightly wrinkled.The authority of the general in the army is absolutely not allowed to be challenged. Meng Xi has aroused the sensitive nerves of others.So Zhang Bao will definitely not do anything to Meng Xi now, but after the event, the account will definitely be forgotten.

As for He Qi, after launching the surprise attack, he handed over the command of the army to his son He Da.He Da was in his early 30s, and after all his experience on the battlefield, he was considered an outstanding general at that time.Therefore, He Qi is now very relieved to hand over the 5000 troops to He Da's command.He himself stood behind with his guards to watch the battle
At this time, Sun Huan's army was dispatched.The speed of action of Shuanghuan's army was definitely beyond He Qi's expectation.In fact, it should be said that Sun Huan's luck was very good. His army had already lined up on the high slope to help Zhu Huan's army break through, ready to attack at any time.

In any case, today is definitely a lucky day for Jiangdong Army.

(End of this chapter)

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