The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 731 The Battle of Dawn

Chapter 731 The Battle of Dawn ([-])

As the three battalions of Zhang Baojun were thrown into the battlefield, they joined forces with Mengxi's last army of more than 1000 people.

Then, the troops in Mengxi's army that had been torn apart by the powerful impact of He Jing's army had also taken a new trend at this time.They began to retreat quickly, trying to rush back to join the last army of their own who was blocking the attack of He Jing's army.In fact, this is also because Meng Xi's army is well-trained, otherwise at this time, everyone would definitely think of running for their lives, rather than obeying the commander's order and taking remedial measures very wisely.

At the same time, Meng Xi was not idle any longer.He was very smart to realize that he couldn't go to see Zhang Bao at this time, otherwise, with Zhang Bao's bullish temper, he might have quarreled with himself on the spot.In that case, it would be a big blow to the already unstable military spirit.

Therefore, after Meng Xi forced Zhang Baojun's three battalions to attack privately, of course he also attacked with them.What's more, now that his own troops in front of him are in an extremely disintegrated situation, it is estimated that he can only go to clean up the situation again.Otherwise, even if Zhang Bao's last army is dispatched and He Jing's army is taken down, the losses of his troops must be heavy.

Therefore, Meng Xi temporarily abandoned Liu Chan's "command order" and rushed to the battlefield with three battalions of Zhang Bao's army.In fact, with the development of the war to such a point, Meng Xi had no choice but to go to the battlefield in person.After all, Liu Chan's general order is not a death order. As I said earlier, exceptions are allowed in critical situations.

But in principle, what Mengxi is doing now is indeed a violation of military discipline.Because he no longer has time to ask the chief general Gai Meng to allow him to fight in person.

Judging from the fact that Meng Xi, the calmest person, violated military discipline twice in a row, he is really anxious, and it is even more obvious that the current situation is for them. How unfavorable it is.

When Meng Xi reached the edge of the battle line, he saw that with the input of new troops, the front line was probably still relatively stable, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But a large part of the reason for this is that, in order to buy time for Zhang Baojun, Meng Xi took the risk to gradually put his reorganized and complete army into the battlefield one by one.

On the other hand, almost all of the 1 enemy troops on He Jing's side were thrown into the raid at one time—even if He Jing knew that keeping a reserve team was the best way to deal with emergencies, it can be expected that the reserve team's The number of people is around 2000 at most. After all, the current situation is too favorable for him. There is no need to keep too many reserve teams and reduce the strength of meritorious service.

The number of troops Meng Xi had on hand was an infantry unit of less than 5000 at all, and when he deployed troops to the battlefield one by one, his weakness of insufficient troops was exposed even more.Therefore, He Jing's troops actually easily broke through the line of blocking troops that Meng Xi threw in one after another.

But by doing this, Meng Xi, apart from the consideration that Zhang Bao's army was larger than his own and could be used as the final blocking force, and had to sacrifice his own army, also unexpectedly gained an advantage - time.As his troops were brought in step by step, the number of troops left in the rear was of course less and less, so it became easier and easier for Meng Xi to continue gathering them to end the chaotic situation.This is why most of Zhang Bao's army did not regroup after Meng Xi's army finally assembled.

However, if the situation is right, Meng Xi is of course unwilling to take the step-by-step investment, such a thing of harming oneself and benefiting the enemy, its disadvantages are obviously much higher than its advantages.

At this time, after He Jing's army broke through Meng Xi's army many times in a row, its impact force was still reduced, but its strength was still not what the troops around Meng Xi could resist now, not to mention the opponent's army. The number of troops is still significantly higher than that of their own side, and the army formation is much stricter than that of their own side.Almost all unfavorable factors have been taken up by Meng Xi's side.It can be said that apart from being betrayed by Sun Lang in Ping's City and Meng Xi was defeated and seriously injured, he has almost never encountered a worse situation than today.

But Meng Xi now does not allow the enemy to break through his last line of defense.He must now stick to Zhang Bao's army, or Gai Meng's cavalry, so that an army can come to support him.Of course, Meng Xi's ultimate goal is to repel the enemy and keep his own army.Therefore, in the end, the two troops led by Ge Meng, Xiong Ping and Zhang Baoren must come to support.Otherwise, there is little hope for them to repel He Jing's troops.

Meng Xi knew that in such a chaotic situation, his general orders could not be conveyed smoothly, and it was useless to issue orders in the middle or behind the army formation.So what version?Meng Xi anxiously searched for his guard on the battlefield, and soon found the captain of the guard.Then, Meng Xi was finally about to commit suicide on the front line of the battlefield.

Meng Xi suddenly led his own guards, rushed to the front of the formation and directly met He Jing's vanguard.This is the most intense battle on the entire battlefield, and it can even be said to be the most tragic place.Fortunately, Meng Xi's guards were very powerful, and they barely blocked the enemy's charge.However, the enemy had a superior force, and Mengxi's guards suffered serious losses soon.

After Meng Xi rushed for a while, he found that the size of his guard team was decreasing sharply, and he couldn't help feeling very heavy in his heart.Therefore, he handed over the command to his captain of the guard, and strictly ordered him to fight to the death and not allow a single retreat.

Then, Meng Xi turned his horse's head and rushed towards the army behind.He had to go back to the back to regroup some troops to intercept in an organized manner, otherwise it would be impossible for a scattered army to make a difference.However, his guard team should be exhausted after this battle, and I am afraid that a major change of blood will be required to form a new one.

Soon, a team of 700 men gathered around Meng Xi, and led them to launch a counterattack against He Jing's assault force again.And when they passed, almost all of Mengxi's guards were killed or injured. Even his guard captain strictly carried out his orders, and finally died in battle.

Meng Xi suddenly turned pale with anger.He couldn't help turning his head and looking anxiously in the direction of Zhang Baojun behind him.Fortunately, the assembly of Zhang Bao's army is relatively smooth, and the chaos in the army has almost disappeared. I believe they will come to support him soon.

Immediately, Meng Xi took the lead and rushed into the enemy's formation.The situation he is in now is very unfavorable to his personal safety.Because his escort team is gone, it is a very dangerous time to enter the enemy's formation casually to charge.But Meng Xi has his own considerations. Now that the morale of the army is unstable, he must use his own actions to arouse the morale of the army!
Zhang Bao's side continued to convey various orders, and the speed of military and local organization was accelerating, and the original chaotic situation had been suppressed.After another quarter of time passed, Zhang Bao finally breathed a sigh of relief, his army was finally fully assembled.And Mengxi's defense line was already crumbling.

Zhang Bao immediately rode his horse to the front of the army formation, raised the snake spear in his hand high, and took the lead in galloping his horse and leading the guards towards the battlefield.The army formation behind him immediately followed suit.I believe that with this fresh force of between 5000 and [-] joining the intercepting team, the situation of intercepting He Jing's army should be stabilized.

The situation on Gai Meng's side is more subtle, which is why his support for Meng Xi's side is relatively backward.The cavalry led by Gai Meng and Xiong Ping was in an awkward position - between Wuxi Man's army and Mengxi's and Zhang Bao's combined forces in the rear.

Now, the completely empty right wing of the Wuxi barbarians encountered a deadly attack from He Da's army, and Sun Huan's army also began to move out.With the attack of these two deadly enemies, the next fate of the Wuxi barbarian army is almost self-evident, and it will definitely be defeated.

Zhu Huan was able to attack the Wuxi barbarian army with an army of 8000. The left and right flanks of the Wuxi barbarian army were in chaos, and they had already provided the best answer to Gai Meng's worries.

Therefore, Gai Meng immediately fell into a dilemma, which one should his cavalry support.Originally, he could of course give top priority to supporting the Shu Han army in the rear, which could also well weaken the number of Wuxi barbarian troops.But the problem is that Wuxi Man's army is huge, and once there is a rout, they will inevitably flee back.In this case, it will have a fatal impact on the battlefield of the Shu Han army.At that time, his act of not supporting the Wuxi barbarian army will really become a detriment to others and no benefit to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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