The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 732 The Battle of Dawn

Chapter 732 The Battle of Dawn ([-])

Xiong Ping's temper has always been rather irritable. Seeing Meng Xi's very serious danger, and the friendship between him and Meng Xi is very good, it is impossible to let Meng Xi ignore it.He immediately rushed to Gai Meng's side, and shouted loudly: "General Gai, what are you still hesitating about now? You should hurry up and order back to help Captain Meng! That's our own army!"

Gai Meng looked at the angry expression on Xiong Ping's face, and the beard on his cheeks stood on end, obviously really angry and anxious.

The stern look on Gai Meng's fair face did not loosen because of Xiong Ping's anger.

Afterwards, Gai Meng said to Xiong Ping: "General Xiong, you will lead the 2000 cavalry to the north now, and gradually change the direction of the cavalry to launch a counterattack against the Jiangdong army that is attacking the Wuxi barbarian army. The number of enemy troops over there is actually not much. As long as you can help the Wuxi Man for a certain period of time, their strength is enough to stop the enemy's surprise attack. Besides, Sun Huan's side can only be handed over to Shamo Ke dealt with it himself. This is the only thing we can help the Wuxi Man now."

Xiong Ping obviously didn't want to divide his troops to rescue Wuxi Man's army. Now he even wanted to use all the cavalry to go back to rescue Mengxi's side. If he divided his troops, he would direct and weaken the strength of the reinforcements.

Therefore, Xiong Ping immediately said loudly: "General Gai, our whole army returns to the division!"

It was impossible for Gai Meng to accept Xiong Ping's opinion, and he immediately ordered loudly: "General Xiong, the general's military order has been issued, if there is room for you to question it, you should hurry up and execute it!" This was the first time that Gai Meng Such a mandatory order to Xiong Ping.

Xiong Ping saw that Gai Meng seemed to be really angry. This was the first time such a situation had happened since the three of them had been working together. He couldn't help but panic, so he turned his horse around and left.

Soon, Xiong Ping's cavalry detachment broke away from the main force, and rushed towards the north with a roar.

On the way, Xiongping's 2000-man cavalry team skillfully regrouped and adjusted the direction of attack, turning the army into a wedge-shaped formation with the most powerful impact.The sound of horseshoes that rang throughout the day strongly impacted the battlefield, causing the ground to vibrate.

Then, Ge Meng also moved here.But Gai Meng didn't rush into Wuximan's right-wing position like Xiong Ping's side, directly charging against the Jiangdong army led by He Da.After all, the situation on Mengxi's side is completely different from that on Wuximan's side.In front of He Jing's men and horses, Meng Xi's troops are blocking, which will block the route of Gai Meng's cavalry that wants to launch a furious charge against the enemy.

Therefore, Gai Meng had to take a more roundabout route.He had to lead his troops around half of the battlefield, and then charge directly in from the side of He Jing's troops.Once successful, his cavalry could cause great confusion to He Jing's raiding troops and greatly weaken their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is not without reasonable reasons that Gai Meng's support has been delayed.

With Zhang Bao's army finally entering the battlefield, the attack of He Jing's army was finally successfully contained, and it was impossible to directly tear apart the enemy's formation like cutting tofu just now!
Another quarter of an hour passed, and Gai Meng's army finally returned to help, roaring and approaching the battlefield, with horseshoes striking the edge of the battlefield fiercely.

He Jing was always at the rear of the army, and he discovered the movements of Gai Meng's cavalry very early on.Moreover, he really has a reserve team in his hands to deal with emergencies.Without such qualities, it would be impossible for He Jing to be called Jiangdong's best general.

Therefore, as Gai Meng's cavalry gradually approached, He Jing immediately knew Gai Meng's strategy.Thus, He Jing's reserve team had a place to use.He Jing immediately ordered them to quickly enter the right-wing position of the raiding troops to gather, the purpose of which was of course to stop Gaimeng's cavalry from attacking the raiding troops' formation.

Seeing such a situation, Gai Meng couldn't help admiring the resilience of the enemy general.But the speed of his cavalry team is already close to the maximum speed at this time, and it is almost impossible to adjust the direction on the way.Unless, he wanted his own cavalry to bump into his own people randomly, and then cause a group of people to turn their backs on their backs. It was almost like rushing towards him, wiping their necks in front of the enemy.

Therefore, Gai Meng has no other choice now. His cavalry can only continue to charge forward, tear apart the formation of the intercepting troops in front, and then continue to attack the main force of the enemy's raiding troops!
With a bang, Gai Meng's cavalry and He Qi's blocking force collided violently.

He Jing looked enviously at Gai Meng's cavalry, which looked extremely ferocious.Of course, the combat effectiveness of his army should not be underestimated, but they are all infantry, lacking the earth-shattering shock that only cavalry can possess.

Xiong Ping's side had to enter the battlefield before Gai Meng's side.The wedge formation of his cavalry collided violently with the vanguard of He Da's army.He Da was taken aback by the crazy behavior of Xiong Ping's men.

However, He Da was not a fool, and immediately realized that he might not be able to do all the work this time.Sure enough, with the powerful impact ability of the cavalry, Xiong Ping finally stopped the surprise attack of He Qi's troops and dragged them firmly to the spot.

Thanks to Xiong Ping's blessing, Wuximan's right-wing position was finally held.

Seeing this, Sha Moke also breathed a sigh of relief.The right wing only needs to send some troops to help Xiong Ping, then the next thing he has to deal with is that damn Shuanghuan's army.It's just that Sha Moke doesn't know which one of Shuanghuan is sending troops this time.

Therefore, Shamoko revealed his fierce and desperate side at this time.He left the troops that were still in a state of chaos and handed them over to a young commander to deal with, while he himself led eight or nine thousand troops to the oncoming Sun Huan's army.

Sha Moke once again demonstrated his invincible strength in the battle.He took the lead and led the army to counterattack Sun Huan's vanguard.It should be said that the heavy armor troops in Shuanghuan's army were all equipped to Zhu Huan's side, and let him go out to challenge Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army just now.So much so that in Sun Huan's army, there is no heavy armor unit that can be used to stop the reunion of a demon-like figure like Sha Moke.

Therefore, under the leadership of Sha Moke, the front of the originally aggressive Sun Huan army turned upside down.Seeing this, Sun Huan was furious, "Samoke is a barbarian, don't dare to take the footsteps of my army!"

Sun Huan's coping strategy is really very fast.It is true that there is a lack of heavy armor in his army to consolidate the front, but they are camp guards, but there are many archers among them.Therefore, the archery team came in handy at this time.

The archery team soon assembled with Sun Huan, and fired indiscriminately at Sha Moke.After several rounds of arrow rain, Sha Moke was shot by arrows, and almost all the soldiers around him, whether they were Jiangdong Army or Wuxi Man, were dead.At this time, Sun Huan didn't know whether he was decisive enough or vicious enough.

However, although Sun Huan's approach caused losses to his own army, he also got what he deserved.Facing such a cold-blooded enemy general, Sha Moke didn't dare to continue to charge forward.As a result, Shamoko automatically withdrew from the frontline battlefield.

But at this time, the impact of Sun Huan's army should be said to have been completely lost.

Later, Zhu Huan's army also joined the frontal battlefield against the Wuxi barbarian army.However, the chaos of Wuxi Man's army was over, and they also entered the battlefield.The armies of both sides were in a stalemate.

Gai Meng finally managed to break through the blocking of He Jing's reserve team.But at this time, He Jing had also drawn some troops from the raiding force again, and they rushed towards Gai Meng's cavalry, and finally blocked the impact of Gai Meng's cavalry on the main raiding force.

As a result, the war here has also fallen into the general stage, which fulfilled part of Meng Xi's wish.

At this time, Gai Meng's cavalry continued to attack and could not achieve good results.Therefore, Gai Meng sent someone to notify Meng Xi and Zhang Bao, so that they could lead their army to slowly retreat to the north, and finally joined forces with the Wuxi barbarian army.In this case, the combined strength of the three troops will definitely exceed that of the enemy, and the enemy will have nothing to do with them.

In the end, this was not unexpected, but in fact it was also a very unexpected battle between the eight armies of the five-party army, which lasted for a long time-a noon, an afternoon, and a night and a morning.

With the dawn of dawn, all the troops participating in the battle were exhausted.

The army on the Shu Han side has joined forces with the Wuxi Man army and fought back to back.Shuanghuan's army and He Qi's army were also attacking the two armies of Shu Han from different directions.But their numbers were small, and they couldn't form an encirclement at all.

Therefore, as the fighting situation weakened, everyone finally chose to stop fighting.

The Wuxi Barbarian coalition forces of the Shu Han then slowly retreated westward and out of the battlefield.Shuanghuan's troops retreated into their camp, He Qi's side also gathered their troops and retreated to the east for a while, but did not enter Shuanghuan's camp.Because of this, they and Shuanghuan formed a corner, to prevent the enemy from making any unexpected moves at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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