Chapter 733
The Shu Han army, together with the Wuxi Man army, withdrew to the west for a distance of fifty miles, and then re-established two camps.

Then, everyone sent people to treat the wounded, and at the same time sent people to check the situation of attrition.But needless to say, everyone knew that the loss this time would definitely not be small, especially the two armies under the command of Wuximan and Mengxi.

Then, Gai Meng immediately picked up his pen and wrote a battle report himself, detailing the situation of the battle, and apologized to Zhang Fei and his son Liu Chan.In any case, if they attacked with a superior force, but fought a battle like this, it must be considered a failure.Of course, at this time, Gai Meng also had to ask Zhang Fei and Liu Chan for help, asking them to send some more reinforcements here.

After everyone counted the downsizing situation the next day, all the data was collected in Gai Meng's hands.Therefore, Gai Meng's second battle report was sent out in the direction of Puqi City.

At this time, the morale of the army has been appeased by the generals, and all the wounded are being treated in an orderly manner, so these main generals can finally stop and rest for a while.

However, this actually means that one thing is inevitable after all.

Zhang Bao, who had freed up his hands, began to reorganize his army at this time, and removed the three captains of the three battalions who obeyed Meng Xi's order and followed Meng Xi's attack privately, and all the low-level officers were also dismissed. A major demerit was recorded.

After rectifying the interior of his army, Zhang Bao should go to Meng Xi to settle accounts.Even though he knew that Meng Xi did such a thing out of desperation at the time, any general would not tolerate others commanding his own army to attack without his own consent.This is like MacArthur being able to command the hundreds of thousands of troops of the United Nations, but he can't accommodate a special force with only a few hundred people who don't like to obey the commander's orders. It is pure desire for power.

So, of course, Zhang Bao immediately went to Meng Xi to settle accounts aggressively.

Of course, in terms of Meng Xi's personality, he doesn't like to fight with others very much, so when faced with the reprimand from the furious Zhang Bao, he wanted to admit his mistake.In fact, no matter how you say it, what he did was indeed wrong. Even though he was thinking about the overall situation at the time, an apology is the price that must be paid for it.

But at this time someone stood up to stand up for Meng Xi——Xiong Ping, his temper has always been the most violent among the trio, and his friendship with Meng Xi has been fatal, there is no reason not to stand up for Meng Xi.

But in fact, Xiong Ping's weight is not enough.Gai Meng has always been at odds with Zhang Bao, but in fact he knew it was because Meng Xi did not do it properly, so he wanted to comfort Zhang Bao with a good word, and let the matter calm down for the time being, even though it was a big deal It's not big, but it's not small either.

But Zhang Bao got it wrong, thinking that Gai Meng was standing up for Meng Xi, so he broke out on the spot, pointing at Gai Meng and shouting loudly: "Okay, Gai Meng, I know what happened between you and me before. A lot of unpleasantness, but I still think you are a sensible person, I never thought you would unite with the two of them! Well, it’s very good, I can’t get over this matter, let’s just wait and see! "

Zhang Bao's words immediately made Ge Meng extremely embarrassed, his face flushed red.Of course he was depressed, because the previous conflict between himself and Zhang Bao made Zhang Bao misunderstand his intentions, and it was really an absolutely wronged thing.

In fact, the most embarrassing person at this time was not Gai Meng, but the client Meng Xi.What's more, his face has always been very thin.

At this time, Meng Xi once again wanted to come out and apologize to Zhang Bao, but it was too late.

Hearing Zhang Bao snorted again, he helped the saber at his waist, turned around and walked out of Meng Xi's tent quickly, leaving only Gai Meng and the others angrily behind.

When Gai Meng and Meng Xi saw that things had developed into such a situation, they could only sigh inwardly.But it was impossible for Meng Xi to accuse Xiong Ping and Gai Meng of forcibly participating in bad things. Such things were not his Meng Xi's style, and they were definitely not something he could do.

At this time, Xiong Ping was also annoyed. Facing the curtain of the tent, he stared at a pair of big eyes, and said loudly: "That bastard Zhang Bao is really looking for trouble! If he leaves later, I, the old bear, can't help it." Dare to fight him for three hundred rounds!"

Hearing this, Gai Meng couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Xiong Ping. In fact, Xiong Ping's performance today is the most jerk.If he hadn't been unable to hold back his temper and asked Meng Xi to apologize to Zhang Bao, the incident might have passed.But this guy Xiong Ping suddenly wanted to intervene, causing Zhang Bao to transfer his anger to himself.

Gai Meng said slightly angrily: "What you said sounds good! You can go through [-] rendezvous in the hands of others!"

Xiong Ping blushed. He really didn't have the confidence to pass [-] rendezvous under Zhang Bao's hands. Then he muttered something in a low voice, but because the voice was vague, no one could hear it clearly. Some dead ducks have a hard mouth.

Gai Meng ignored Xiong Ping, and turned to Meng Xi and said: "Lieutenant Meng, Zhang Bao went away in anger this time. It should be said that he actually suppressed his temper. Otherwise, considering his violent personality, maybe Just now he dared to fight with us with his sword. It can be seen that although he was angry in his heart, it was just because of his self-esteem, not because he denied your actions at that time."

Meng Xi nodded, and said apologetically, "If that's the case, that would be a blessing. But this time, General Gai and General Xiong have been implicated."

Without waiting for Gai Meng to answer, Xiong Ping immediately said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that guy Zhang Bao is just a little guy. You don't have to worry, Lieutenant Meng. If Zhang Bao really dares to come to you again to settle accounts, when the time comes you Just call me and see what he dares to do to us!"

Seeing that Ge Meng was still rushing like this at this time, Gai Meng really didn't know what to say, and said to him: "If such a situation happened to your troops at that time, wouldn't you be angry in your heart? You, really Standing and talking doesn’t hurt your back! Stop talking now, I’ll be angry!”

Then, Gai Meng said to Meng Xi: "Lieutenant Meng, since Zhang Bao said he would not be kind, but did not fight us, then he has only one way to go."

Meng Xi was really smart enough, sighed, and said, "General Zhang Bao seems to be going to write a letter to the prince."

It's easy to talk to smart people. As soon as you talk about the beginning, people will know the result. Gai Meng nodded to Meng Xi and said, "Then how do you think the prince will handle this matter?"

Gai Meng couldn't help but interjected again: "The son likes Xiaowei Meng the most, of course he will speak for Xiaowei Meng!"

Gai Meng looked towards Meng Xi, as if he was looking forward to his opinion.

But Meng Xi's view was the opposite of Xiong Ping's.Meng Xi said: "The prince should support General Zhang Bao."

Gai Meng immediately asked, "Why?"

Meng Xi said: "The son is a person who puts the law before the favor. Since I made a mistake, no matter whether the target is a brother like General Zhang Bao, he cannot be on the wrong side."

Gai Meng nodded, Meng Xi really understood Shi Zi's personality.

Meng Xi went on to say: "But this matter is actually not a big deal, and it is impossible for the prince to allow the situation to expand and affect the current war. Besides, our side is still a defeated army now, and the prince is bound to be angry, but the punishment is not enough. It won't be big."

So, after Gai Meng and Xiong Ping left that day, Meng Xi immediately apologized to Zhang Bao.He wanted to apologize to Zhang Bao to achieve reconciliation before Shizi's punishment reached him.Of course, Zhang Bao's seal was already on the road at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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