Chapter 734
The night sky in Moling is as dark as splashed ink.Even in the middle of the night, the extremely low dark clouds in the sky still made people feel the newly expanding oppressive feeling in this city.

Sun Quan was dressed in a fine attire, and his unusually tall figure, under the reflection of the flickering lights, looked even stronger and taller.It's just that his appearance is really lacking in handsomeness, especially a pair of glaucoma eyes, which makes him look domineering and fierce.

However, Sun Quan now really looks like he wants to kill people to vent his anger.The lord of the Jiangdong people was filled with righteous indignation at this time, so he disregarded his supreme status and appeared very restless.

Lu Fan reported to Moling that Quan Cong's rebellion had been delivered to Sun Quan a few days ago.Then, various counties around Zhangjun also sent emergency documents to Moling, all of which confirmed the fact that Quan Cong had really rebelled and had taken Yuzhang after the onslaught.

Quan Cong's huge naval rebellion in Lukou Port, coupled with the naval base camp in Yuzhang County and all the plans in Yuzhang County, this is simply an unacceptable change!If one is not handled well, Jiangdong is about to face a crisis of destruction.

It can even be said that the situation in Jiangdong today is almost as dangerous as when Cao Cao led an army of 80 to attack Jiangdong.

Faced with such a huge and unforgivable situation, Sun Quan broke out at that time.Apart from rummaging through boxes and cabinets in his study again, making the study unusable after all, he called his daughter Sun Luban to give him a severe reprimand.

After all, Sun Quan can guess with his toes that Quan Cong rebelled because he wanted to avenge his mother's death.But Sun Quan didn't scold Bu Lianshi, the culprit who killed Quan Cong's mother, and he didn't know if he did it on purpose.

Then, Sun Quan's violent side also appeared again.Sun Quan raised the butcher's knife to Quan Cong's family without consulting any of Jiangdong's ministers.

Quan Cong's family is actually very small.His father, Quan Rou, had passed away, and his mother had been poisoned by the step trainer, so there were only a few servants left in the family.As for the relatives of Quan Cong's family, there are still some relatives, all distributed in Quan Cong's hometown, Qiantang, which is considered a relatively famous family in the local area, and it is impossible to order them to be wiped out easily.

Therefore, when Sun Quan's personal anger could not be vented, all the servants in Quan Cong's family suffered.Sun Quan ordered them to be killed that very day. Except for one or two children, all thirty people were beheaded.

It is actually unwise for Sun Quan to do this, and it will also damage his own reputation.Moreover, what caused even more negative impact was that this incident of course alarmed many dignitaries in Moling at once.

After all, Quan Cong is Sun Quan's official county matriarch no matter how you say it, and now he is still serving as the governor of Lukou with an important position, and he still controls more than one-third of the troops deployed in Lukou Port, which is more than one-third of the Jiangdong navy. And a huge team of warships.Why did the lord treat his family like this?Could it be that poisoning his mother was not enough, and now that he wants to attack his family, is he really trying to force this person to rebel?
Under such confusing thinking, some people may start to feel a little uneasy in their hearts, especially those who have established an in-law relationship with the loss.For example, the Gu Yong family and the Lu Xun family.They are one of the four giants in Jiangdong, and they all have a lot of resources in their hands.

Therefore, these families took action immediately, looking around for the reason why Sun Quan dealt with Quan Cong's family like this.

There really is no impenetrable wall in this world.Gu Yong held an important position and was the most important minister of the lord Sun Quan. He was the first to find out what was going on, and Quan Cong led all the naval forces in Lukou Port to defect to the Shu Han and took down the naval forces in Yuzhang County. The news that the base camp was the city of Yuzhang was startled.

Gu Yong has always been unsmiling, and he is extremely calm when doing things.Now even a person like him would be frightened, which shows how much shock this incident has caused in his heart.

As for Lu Xun's family.Although Lu Xun is still being imprisoned in the prison of the Zongzheng government office, it seems that he has lost power again, but he still has a lot of resources.Therefore, they still followed the Gu Yong family to learn the specific truth.The Wei family and the Yu family of the four major families also got definite news from the first two families.

And Zhu Huan's family is one of the four major families in Wu County, and they got the news together with Zhang Zhao's family, and their speed was close behind.What's more, Zhu Huan, the patriarch of the Zhu family, is now fighting against the Shu-Han coalition forces in Jiangxia County. Of course, the efficiency of the family's handling of affairs has dropped.

Then, the news quickly spread among those big and small families until it spread to the officialdom.And the relationship between the big shots on these levels is intricate, so the spread of the news actually only takes a short day at most to become known to everyone.

As a result, the officialdom in Moling City suddenly became agitated.Because most of these families have people who, like Quan Cong, command troops outside or guard one side.After what happened to Quan Cong now, will he take his anger out on them, or simply begin to doubt their loyalty?

Things are unpredictable.As a result, those rich and famous families in Jiangdong suddenly felt in danger.As a result, he still sympathized with Quan Cong's family at first, but now self-protection is the most important thing, so he no longer has the mood to pay attention to it.

But at this time, after all, some people still feel aggrieved for Quan Cong, at least they think that Sun Quan really shouldn't treat Quan Cong's family like this.Sun Quan's wife poisoned his biological mother, which was the cause of the incident, and it was precisely because of this that Jiangdong suffered huge irreparable losses.Sun Quan, you don't punish your wife at this time to appease people's hearts, but you continue to kill Quan Cong's family, how can you do this?Do you still want the hearts of the people of Jiangdong?

Therefore, Zhuge Jin stepped forward, and he was almost the only one who dared to seek justice for Quan Cong at this time—judging from the current situation, Zhuge Jin must be a very righteous person.In fact, if it is a normal person, especially a person like Zhuge Jin, he should never come out to speak for Quan Cong.

Because don't forget, Zhuge Jin's younger brother is Zhuge Liang.Zhuge Liang is now in charge of the Zuo General's Mansion of the Shu Han, and it is the highest military authority of the Shu Han army.Now that the Shu Han army is attacking Jiangdong with such fanfare, of course it has Zhuge Liang's permission.Therefore, if someone with a heart wants to frame Zhuge Jin, and if Sun Quan does not trust Zhuge Jin enough, this alone should be enough to put Zhuge Jin to death.

Zhuge Jin is not a fool, on the contrary, he must be a smart person.But even thinking of these, he still couldn't help jumping out by himself.It is not unreasonable for people to say that Zhuge Jin is loyal.

So, Zhuge Jin really got on his fast horse and went directly to see Sun Quan.

Zhuge Jin quickly arrived at the courtyard where Sun Quan's study was located, walking fast.In addition, his height is really very tall, but he is only a little shorter than the nine feet of Sun Quan and Zhuge Liang, which makes him seem to walk faster.With the slight swing of his hands, the wide sleeves of the puffs on his body made a soft sound when he was swung.

Ling Tong is the general guarding Sun Quan on duty, so he is usually there.He got the news that Zhuge Jin came to see the lord in a hurry, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he trotted to see Zhuge Jin.

In fact, Ling Tong's cruel retreat in the Zhijiang camp last time caused Zhuge Jin to almost die of a serious illness. Later, I don't know what happened, but he was rescued after all.However, the body of this important man in Jiangdong who can serve as a doctor and Wu can serve as a general who leads an army to fight has not yet fully recovered.For this, Ling Tong should say that he has always been quite guilty.

But Zhuge Jin is not an ordinary person, he is actually very open-minded, and he has long thought about that incident in his heart.So now, when he saw Ling Tong coming out to meet him, the serious expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he nodded to Ling Tong.After all, if Ling Tong hadn't acted decisively at the beginning, he would have fallen into the hands of the Shu Han army and became their prisoner by now.

(End of this chapter)

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