Chapter 735
Ling Tong hurriedly saluted Zhuge Jin, and when he found out about Zhuge Jin's arrival, his expression changed drastically.He is Sun Quan's confidant and confidant, and he knows Sun Quan's current thoughts best.He kindly advised Zhuge Jin: "Mr. Zhuge, it's better for you not to ask about this matter for the time being! My lord is very angry now, maybe you and your family will be implicated."

But since Zhuge Jin had made up his mind and had the courage to come to see Sun Quan, it was impossible for him to shrink back because of Ling Tong's words now.Therefore, Ling Tong had no choice but to turn around and go in to inform the lord that Zhuge Jin was coming to see him.

At this time, Sun Quan had already changed to another study, and Zhuge Jin soon met Sun Quan in the new study.

Zhuge Jin suddenly noticed that Sun Quan's complexion was very bad, and there were many bloodshot eyes in his eyes, as if he hadn't rested for a long time.It seems that because Sun Quan didn't want the news to be leaked out too early, he was thinking hard about the countermeasures by himself, which made it difficult for him to sleep or eat.

Seeing such a situation, Zhuge Jin couldn't help but sighed in her heart, and suddenly felt a little sympathy for Sun Quan.He was prepared to question Sun Quan's behavior for something that shouldn't have gone wrong, so he couldn't say it anymore.

Moreover, Zhuge Jin's heart suddenly became calmer at this time, and he began to feel that if he questioned Sun Quan as strongly as he did before, the consequences would be unpredictable.He couldn't help feeling a bit of fear in his heart.Maybe Zhuge Jin was lucky.

So, Zhuge Jin stepped forward to salute Sun Quan, and then asked Sun Quan softly, "My lord, the fact that Quan Cong's family of [-] people were killed and only a few orphans survived has spread in Moling." It's coming."

Sun Quan looked at Zhuge Jin who was standing in front of his desk in disbelief. He didn't expect that something that was not a big deal in his opinion would spread so quickly.It can be seen that because of the chaotic situation in Jiangdong now, Sun Quan's consideration of things has become a little chaotic.Sun Quan killed a total of [-] people, not [-] pigs, which would be an extremely sensational event in any era.

Sun Quan asked, "Ziyu, what are the rumors outside?"

Zhuge Jin sighed softly.

Sun Quan and Zhuge Jin knew each other.Sun Quan had heard many messages from Zhuge Jin's sigh.

Sun Quan shook his head suddenly, and said to Zhuge Jin, "Could it be that Gu did something wrong?"

Zhuge Jin replied: "My lord's handling is actually not wrong, but the punishment is too heavy and the murderous intent is too strong. Moreover, the lord's treatment of Quan Cong's family in this way is easy to cause misunderstanding to others. Quan Cong, it's, it's Mrs. Bu." After Zhuge Jin hesitated for a while, he finally expressed his dissatisfaction with Master Bu.

When Sun Quan heard Zhuge Jin criticize Bu Lianshi, his expression immediately sank.But after all, he didn't get angry with Zhuge Jin, and said, "Ziyu continue talking."

Zhuge Jin cupped his hands and said, "Actually, my lord shouldn't have killed Quan Cong's family because of a moment of anger. Even if it was for Mrs. Bu, my lord shouldn't have killed Quan Cong's family."

Zhuge Jin's words were extremely skillful, and Sun Quan's face was moved very cleverly, and his face suddenly became better.He asked Zhuge Jin, "Why did Ziyu say that?"

Zhuge Jin replied: "My lord, you can think about it. Quan Cong's betrayal can be determined fundamentally because his mother was poisoned. Therefore, everyone will think in their hearts that since Quan Cong's betrayal caused his family to Damn it, then the culprit who caused Quan Cong's betrayal must come out and be responsible for Quan Cong's betrayal, so as to give everyone an explanation!"

Hearing what Zhuge Jin said, Sun Quan's face changed drastically.Bu Lianshi is responsible for Quan Cong's rebellion, the best result is death, and the worst result is that even Bu Zhi's family will be dragged into the water and buried with him.Of course, it was impossible for him to let such a thing happen, and said: "Oh, it is indeed that Gu is lacking in consideration at this time! Ziyu, now that things have happened, how should Gu Dang deal with it?"

Zhuge Jin hesitated for a moment, and said: "My lord, if you want to keep people's hearts, you may have to deal with Mrs. Bu, and even Princess Sun Luban must be dealt with accordingly. The situation of the princess is even more complicated. The death of Cong's wife, Quan Cong's mother, was indirectly caused by her again."

Of course Sun Quan knew that he didn't want to deal with Bu Lian's mother and daughter, so he asked Zhuge Jin for help!

Sun Quan had no choice but to point it out to Zhuge Jin: "Does Ziyu have a better plan? After all, they are all orphaned wives and daughters."

Zhuge Jin bowed his hands to Sun Quan, and said very resolutely: "My lord, although a wife and daughter are precious, a human heart is even more precious!"

Sun Quan's face turned blue and purple.After a while, he sighed, and said to Zhuge Jin: "Please Ziyu think about other good strategies for Gu, Gu really can't bear to attack them!"

Hey, Sun Quan killed the [-] innocent members of Quan Cong's family as soon as he said he would kill them, but he said that he couldn't bear to attack his own wives and daughters. Don't those dead people have wives and daughters?Those orphans who survived are the best evidence to the contrary!

Of course Zhuge Jin really wanted to give in to the trainer and die, but seeing Sun Quan begging so hard, his heart softened.

Zhuge Jin said: "Actually, it is not necessary to kill Mrs. Bu, but punishment must be indispensable."

Sun Quan was overjoyed immediately, and asked, "As long as you don't kill anyone."

Zhuge Jin nodded and said, "My lord, you can temporarily demote Mrs. Bu out of the Wu Palace, in fact, to let her escape for a year or so before coming back. As for Princess Sun Luban, her matter is more difficult. The lord can remove his title of princess, demote her to a commoner, and let her go outside with Mrs. Bu to avoid the limelight. In this way, the lord can also give the people a better explanation."

Sun Quan was overjoyed when he heard the words, couldn't help jumping up from his seat, and smiled at Zhuge Jin, "Ziyu really knows Guxin! That's very good, Gu will do as you say."

But Zhuge Jin said again: "My lord, Quan Cong's family has left behind a few orphans. If my lord can treat them kindly, it will be a kind deed. It will also win back a lot of people's hearts and reduce criticism."

There is no reason why Sun Quan refused to agree, isn't it just raising a few orphans?Every year, the government adopts some children of soldiers who died in battle. Of course, he has the ability and place to adopt those orphans.Therefore, Sun Quan immediately agreed to order the government to adopt all the children of Quan Cong's servants into the government.

Although it didn't achieve its complete goal, Sun Quan's actions can be regarded as allowing Zhuge Jin to seek some justice for Quan Cong's family.Zhuge Jin was quite satisfied with this.

Zhuge Jin went on to say: "Your Majesty, there is one more thing to report. The news of Quan Cong's rebellion and the fall of Yuzhang has spread throughout the entire Moling City."

When Sun Quan heard this, his original smiling face immediately subsided, and a frightening light flickered again in his big wide-eyed eyes.

Knowing that Sun Quan was angry again, Zhuge Jin explained: "My lord suddenly killed so many of Quan Cong's family members, of course it will arouse many people's speculation, and the matter has been leaked like this."

Sun Quan didn't expect that the cause of the incident was still on him, and he couldn't help but secretly resented himself for not being up to date and not suppressing his anger!Moreover, this happened so suddenly that he hadn't even thought of a corresponding countermeasure yet.

Sun Quan had no choice but to ask Zhuge Jin again: "Ziyu, Gu originally wanted to formulate a countermeasure before announcing the matter to the ministers. Now that Keer Shi has leaked the matter in advance, what should Gu do?"

Zhuge Jin seemed to have a solution in his mind, and immediately replied: "Master, since the matter can no longer be concealed, why don't you immediately call everyone to discuss countermeasures?"

Sun Quan sighed and said, "Then, this is the only way to deal with the matter."

So, Sun Quan immediately called Ling Tong in, and asked him to immediately send someone to gather the ministers and workers with his own decree.

Ling Tong was a little worried about Zhuge Jin before, so he didn't leave, but stood outside Sun Quan's study door and listened.Although it wasn't clear what the two of them said in the study, Sun Quan's sudden burst of laughter made Ling Tong heave a sigh of relief.In his heart, he really had to admire Mr. Zhuge's ability. He was able to make the lord laugh so happily at this time.

Therefore, after Ling Tong accepted Sun Quan's order, he also saluted Zhuge Jin very respectfully, and then turned around and went to work quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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