Chapter 737

The Jiangdong people suddenly changed from a battle with clear positions to a united fight with the Shu Han army to the end.As a result, almost all differences were eliminated in the invisible.

Then, the next step is to discuss how to go to war with the Shu Han army.

However, this problem is indeed more difficult to solve now.That is, the local army in Yangzhou has almost been recruited by Sun Yi, and there are only more than 1 guards in Moling and its surrounding areas, which can be assembled most quickly.

These imperial guards are divided into many designations, collectively referred to as the "Three Codes of the Chinese Army".It imitated the Han system and built the five battalions of Tunqi, Infantry, Shesheng, Yueqi, and Changshui, with a population of more than 1 people, which is definitely the elite among the elite.However, this is the ultimate force to guard Moling, and it is impossible to move lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Therefore, Sun Quan felt very difficult to make a decision in the face of the dilemma in terms of military strength.However, it is true that many people have cast their eyes on the imperial guards guarding Moling.

Zhang Zhao strongly urged Sun Quan that the current situation was extremely urgent and that the imperial guards must be sent to support the battlefield in southern Jingzhou.Although Kan Ze and Yan Yan did not dare to speak as fiercely as Zhang Zhao, but the current situation really did not allow any more hesitation, and they quickly seconded Zhang Zhao.

Sun Quan was obviously reluctant to withdraw the imperial guards, after all, without their protection, the safety of Moling would be in danger.Faced with the lord's hesitation, someone finally came out and completely shattered Sun Quan's hesitation.

Gu Yong once again played the role of Mr. Key, and also continued to play his usual role of "the second Zhang Zhao".He immediately came out and said to Sun Quan: "My lord, now is not the time to hesitate. If the army led by Sun Jundu is wiped out, it will be a devastating blow to Jiangdong. At that time, Moling disciples What's the use of leaving ten thousand troops behind?"

Sun Quan's face suddenly became more gloomy.

At this time, Zhuge Jin also stood up and said to Sun Quan: "Your Majesty, you should be clear. Originally, we could have quickly dispatched our troops from the north of the Yangtze River to the confrontation with Cao Wei's army. However, as the Yangtze River waterway was destroyed by Quan Cong, If it is blocked by the Chinese navy and the Jiangzhou navy, this method will no longer work.”

Sun Quan couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, but he still didn't want to let go for the time being.

Kan Ze saw that Sun Quan was hesitating at this time, and he seemed to be worried about gain and loss all of a sudden. He really didn't look like the high-spirited lord who went to the market to personally conquer the market.He really had a more radical suggestion than Zhang Zhao's in his heart, which was to ask Sun Quan to go to the front line to raise the morale of the soldiers.But seeing Sun Quan's current performance, he knew that the possibility of making the trip was very slim, so he didn't plan to speak out this idea.

The next day, a seal that once again shocked the Jiangdong court was delivered to Moling suddenly.

It is stated in the watch that many ships of the Quan Cong navy have begun to gather on the Yangtze River waterway north of Dantu.They are obviously going to launch some new attack, and the target is most likely Qu'a Port!
The status of Qu'a Port is very important. It is a port with extremely strategic significance, and it is also the most important material transfer station in Moling.Once this port is destroyed by Quan Cong's army, even if it is regained in the future, the loss will still be huge.

Even if Quan Cong could get enough troops, once his army landed directly at Qu'a Port to fight, it would be tantamount to inserting an extremely sharp steel knife into Jiangdong's heart.

They can directly attack Moling to the northeast, and Danyang and Yuhang, the economic and military hinterland of Jiangdong to the south, and even Piling Tuntian Xiaowei, which is also an important food production area south of Qu'a Port.In short, the surrounding areas of Qu'a Port are all places that are related to the survival of Jiangdong's intentions, so Qu'a Port does not allow negligence.

So, Sun Quan no longer hesitated, and hated Quan Cong even more in his heart.

Sun Quan then showed his resolute side, and immediately sent a call-up order to Chen Biao, the captain guarding Piling Tuntian Colonel, asking him to immediately organize all the troops in the Tuntian Colonel's area and march to Qu'a Port and Dantu Always ready for battle nearby.On Sun Quan's side, he would personally lead two battalions of imperial guards to attack Qu'a Port.

Chen Biao, this person is the concubine son of Chen Wu, the general of Eastern Wu.This person is very talented, and he has already made his mark in Jiangdong at a young age.Historically, he would later serve as the concubine of the prince, and serve in the East Palace of the prince Sun Deng together with Zhuge Ke, Gu Tan, and Zhang Xiu. People at the time called these four people the "Four Friends of the Prince".At this time, Chen Wu had already died, and Chen Biao was worshiped as the captain of Yizheng, and he was given the important task of the school captain of Piling Tuntian.

Since the lord can transfer the two battalions of the imperial guards, then the matter will be easy to handle in the future, and it is almost impossible to refuse the suggestion to transfer the imperial guards out of Moling.

Therefore, the three battalions of infantry, Shesheng, and Yueqi in the "Sandian Army of the Chinese Army", together with the two battalions of defense troops used to defend Moling, made up a total of 1 people, and were agreed to be sent to support Sun. Ji's army fought.

Then, Sun Quan urgently issued an order to the counties and counties in Jiangdong to step up conscription, asking everyone to quickly mobilize the army to gather in the area south of Yuzhang.It seems that Sun Quan is going to gather troops there to deal with the sudden defeat of Sun Jun's army.

Then, the next step is to discuss who should lead the support army.

Since this army includes a large number of Sun Quan's imperial guards, its weight cannot be underestimated.Furthermore, this is a life-saving army, and there is absolutely no room for loss, so the candidate for the commander of the army must be chosen carefully.

After some discussion, they decided on two more suitable candidates who could be recruited nearby in Moling City: Zhang Zhao's eldest son, Zhang Cheng, and Zhuge Jin.

Although Zhang Cheng is a full-fledged scribe, he has always been quite active in the army.At that time, when Lu Xun served as the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army, he served as Lu Xun's supervisor.

As for Zhuge Jin, needless to say, he often leads the army alone in battle as a general, and his military experience is extremely rich, and he is well-known in the army, and he is very popular with the soldiers.From this point of view, Zhang Cheng is obviously inferior to Zhuge Jin.

Therefore, after discussing, everyone almost agreed that the support army should be handed over to Zhuge Jin to command this time.As for Zhang Cheng, he can serve as Zhuge Jin's army.In this case, it can be regarded as giving Zhang Zhao a face.

Sun Quan saw that everyone had finally reached a consensus, and he had great trust in Zhuge Jin's ability, so he wanted to immediately agree with everyone's suggestion, and appointed Zhuge Jin as General Zuo, with Zhang Cheng as the commander of 1 troops. The People's Army attacked in the direction of Yuzhang.

But just when Sun Quan was about to give the order, another spoiler appeared——Kan Ze.

Kan Ze is the most prominent combatant on the stage. Of course, it is impossible for him to prevent Sun Quan from sending troops to Yuzhang County.But Kan Ze has a different view on everyone's personnel case.

Therefore, Kan Ze proposed the most controversial personnel case.He suggested to Sun Quan that Lu Xun, the former governor of the three armies, should be re-appointed as the chief general of the support army.

So, after Kan Ze boldly put forward this opinion, the entire court hall fell into a deadly silence.Everyone's eyes widened, and they all looked at Kan Ze, a guy who always likes to be independent, in disbelief.

Then, everyone went into a commotion.

There were not many people here who agreed with Lu Xun's superiority.Therefore, later everyone helped Bu Zhi, overtly or secretly, and successfully brought down Lu Xun.Everyone doesn't talk about this matter on the surface, but everyone's heart is like a mirror.Therefore, under the current situation that there is no shortage of generals, it is impossible for them to agree with Kan Ze.

Zhang Zhao immediately jumped out, pointed at Kan Ze and said angrily: "Derun, what are you trying to do? Lu Xun is now a guilty person, how can he be qualified to be the general in charge of the army! Everyone knows that you He is Lu Xun's best friend, but he shouldn't be so confused at this time! Lu Xun has been defeated many times, how can the lord use such a person again?"

Kan Ze had always had a good temper, and he never spoke harshly, but now that Zhang Zhao said that he was playing favoritism, his face flushed with anger.

Seeing that the situation was about to settle down, Sun Quan was disturbed by Kan Ze just like that. Although he liked Kan Ze very much in his heart, he was also a little annoyed with Kan Ze now.

The true thought in Sun Quan's heart was the same as Zhang Zhao's, and he also felt that it was impossible for Lu Xun to be used again now, otherwise his own authority would be greatly weakened.After all, he had just deprived Lu Xun of his military post, and he had been imprisoned in Zongzheng Mansion's prison without conviction.Now that he uses Lu Xun's words in the face of danger, doesn't it mean that he has no ability to know people?
So Sun Quan finally made up his mind to appoint Zhuge Jin as the commander-in-chief of the support army in the name of General Zuo.

Sun Quan asked everyone not to continue such unreasonable disputes, because he already had an opinion on his side.

Sun Quan said to Kan Ze, "Derun, what Zibu just said is not without reason."

Before Sun Quan finished speaking, Kan Ze was already anxious, and said, "My lord, Lu Boyan is indeed a great talent! You should..."

Of course Sun Quan knew that Lu Xun's talent was outstanding, but even so, there should always be many talents under the emperor who could not be used, but could only remain unknown for a lifetime.

Sun Quan waved his hand, interrupted Kan Ze, and said, "Derun, you don't have to speak for Lu Xun anymore. In Gu's opinion, although Lu Xun is outstanding, Ziyu is the most useful talent nowadays! Therefore, Gu now I have made up my mind, let Ziyu lead the army in the name of General Zuo."

Kan Ze is really helpless, this is probably the last chance he can fight for Lu Xun recently.It's a pity, the lord just can't accept Lu Xun!

Kan Ze can only sigh in his heart now, God really did not bless me Jiangdong!

At this time, Sun Quan suddenly remembered Zhuge Ke.He asked Gu Yongdao: "Yuan Tan, isn't that kid Zhuge Ke recruiting troops in Danyang County? How is the situation now?"

Gu Yong replied: "According to the news, Zhuge Ke's conscription is going smoothly, and now a team of about 8000 to [-] people has been conscripted."

Sun Quan nodded, Zhuge Ke's hands and feet are quite fast.For an ordinary general, it is already very powerful to be able to recruit 3000 people in such a short period of time.

So, Sun Quan nodded and said, "On behalf of Gu, send an order to Zhuge Ke to add the official Zhaoyi Zhonglang, and ask him to speed up his conscription. When there are more troops, he will be recruited to lead the army into Moling to replace him. The city defense forces of the empty Moling."

Gu Yong immediately took orders.

Therefore, the matter that had been disputed for several days, at this time, the dust finally settled.

(End of this chapter)

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