The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 738 A Dou wants to make a move

Chapter 738 Adou wants to make a move ([-])

Although Liu Chan was re-appointed by General Zuo's office, his status on the front line has risen again and again, and now he has surpassed Zhang Fei and become the highest officer in the entire war situation.But he has thought about it for a while, at least on the way to Puqi City this time, he has thought about it a lot, and he has thought deeply about the authority in his hands.

The scale of the war in the south of Jingzhou has now expanded to the point where there is no room for arbitrary intervention anytime and anywhere.Especially on Zhang Fei's side, his Jingzhou army is actually the main force to counter the Shuanghuan army on the frontal battlefield.In addition, Zhang Fei's status in the Shuhan became more and more noble after Guan Yu's death in battle, so Liu Chan now wisely chooses not to conflict with Zhang Fei's power when using power.

Therefore, under such considerations, what Liu Chan did was actually to say that he handed over the command of the battle that broke out between Jiangxia County and Shuanghuan to Zhang Fei without any interference.On his side, he was only in charge of news about other battlefields that were unexpected in the frontal battlefield of Jiangxia County.Of course, since Puqi is too far away from other battlefields, he almost only sends and receives various battle reports and news every day, and cannot issue various latest orders to each battlefield in time.

Then, a strange thing happened.When the battlefields were in full swing, Zhang Fei was also very busy, but Liu Chan was suddenly freed from the whole occupation and became the most leisurely person.

In addition, due to the matter of sending and receiving information, Xu Xiang is now able to handle it with ease, so of course Liu Chan himself just listens to various reports and expresses his opinions on how to deal with it.The workload suddenly decreased, Liu Chan was really free, and could only wander around Puqi City with Xia Houyun every day.

Xia Houyun is indeed rather strange.He has a way of serving people, and of course he has a way of playing.Originally, Shizi was so "not doing his job properly", he should have said something, but he seemed to be very happy to play around the city with Liu Chan every day, and he never got tired of it.

On this day, Liu Chan was wandering around Puqi City with Xia Houyun, when he suddenly received a message from Yu Jin, saying that something happened to Gai Meng, and he needed to go back to the government office to discuss.

Liu Chan felt a little strange. The combination of Gai Meng's army, Zhang Bao's army and Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army is very powerful. It should be able to defeat Shuanghuan's army on the frontal battlefield. How could something happen? ?
But seeing the anxious look on the face of the soldier who came to look for someone, Liu Chan knew that Yu Jin must have issued a strict order to him, telling him to find someone to go back in a hurry.So, it seems that what happened on the front line is probably a big deal

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately returned to the Puqi City Government Office.When he arrived at the door, Yu Jin and Xu Xiang were already standing there one behind the other, anxiously waiting for Liu Chan's arrival.

As soon as Yu Jin saw that Liu Chan had returned, he quickly stepped forward and bowed his hands to Liu Chan, saying, "My lord, you are finally back."

Liu Chan didn't see any other information from Yu Jin's serious face, and he was full of self-cultivation.On the contrary, the look on Xu Xiang's face seemed rather anxious.

Yu Jin replied, "General Gai Meng and his army suffered a defeat on the battlefield."

It seems that after being attacked by He Qi's army, Gai Meng's allied forces could only temporarily retreat [-] li to the west, and now the battle report has finally reached Puqi City.

Hearing this, Liu Chan frowned involuntarily.The news of this defeat is really too surprising. With the strength of Ge Meng and their troops, how could they be defeated by Shuanghuan so quickly?

Liu Chan immediately asked: "Yu Jin will follow me to the study, and then tell me clearly what happened."

As Liu Chan said, he bought it and walked towards the gate of the government office.

But Yu Jin suddenly stopped Liu Chan and said, "My lord, I'm afraid we can't go to your study now. General Zhang Fei was furious because of this matter. Now we have to go to him to discuss with him. Next, we will go to your study." General Meng should continue to fight the battle."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Then, on the way, General Yu, please tell me the matter again."

Then, Liu Chan walked side by side with Yu Jin.On the way, Yu Jin told Liu Chan exactly how Gai Meng's army was attacked by He Qi's army on the way.Immediately, Liu Chan frowned, secretly blaming Gai Meng and the others for being too careless in their attack. They were actually approached by the enemy, and the scouts didn't even find the enemy's whereabouts!It really deserved to be defeated.

But after a while, Liu Chan suddenly admired that He Qi again.This person is really an extremely calm general, he was really able to hide in the mountains for such a long time, and after showing his weakness with Gai Meng and their allied forces, he immediately made a full-scale attack.The talent of this man cannot be underestimated.

Just when Liu Chan wanted to discuss with Yu Jin about how to deal with this matter, Yu Jin turned his head to look at Xu Xiang who was following behind.

Xu Xiang immediately understood Yu Jin's meaning, immediately caught up with the first two steps, took out a document from his sleeve pocket, and handed it to Yu Jin respectfully.After Yu Jin took it, he handed it to Liu Chan and said, "My son should take a look at this now."

Liu Chan took it and saw that it was Zhang Bao's document.He felt even more strange in his heart. Why did Zhang Bao send the documents to him? He had already conveyed the order to the coalition forces on Gai Meng's side, telling them to report to Zhang Fei first.

Liu Chan immediately flipped through the document, and the more he looked at it, the more he frowned. It turned out that it was a matter of Zhang Bao accusing Meng Xi of arrogating power, and forcibly ordering his third battalion to attack without his consent.

In fact, in Liu Chan's view, the reason why Zhang Bao clings to this matter is probably because his relationship with Gai Meng has not been very friendly.The so-called dog bites the hair of the dog's mouth, it seems that this matter really needs to be taken care of.

Liu Chan then asked Yu Jin, "General Yu, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Yu Jin didn't answer directly, but said: "Captain Mengxi's letter of guilt has actually been delivered, and he himself admitted that he did what Zhang Bao said. However, judging from the situation at the time, Judging from Colonel Meng Xi's personal temperament, we know that if the situation was not bad at that time, he would definitely not have done such a thing."

Liu Chan frowned, and said, "In other words, Meng Xi did do that?"

Yu Jin nodded, and said, "Yes. Moreover, Colonel Meng Xi did help the whole army because of this, delaying the surprise attack time of He Jing's army."

Liu Chan nodded and seemed to understand, but he still didn't seem to understand.He just asked Yu Jin again: "General Yu, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

(End of this chapter)

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