The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 739 A Dou wants to make a move

Chapter 739 A Dou Wants to Make a Move ([-])
Speaking of Meng Xi's matter, Meng Xi was indeed right, at most it just hurt Zhang Bao's self-esteem.But judging from military discipline, it must have been wrong.Therefore, it was difficult for Yu Jin to choose between reason and military discipline.

Liu Chan saw that Yu Jin hesitated, and it seemed that it was really difficult to make a choice, so he said to Jin: "General Yu Jin, you don't have to worry too much about this matter now. Our business now is to see my second uncle as soon as possible. How to deal with it. As for such personal conflicts, it’s not a small one, but it’s not a big one, and we’ll wait until the business is done.”

As he said that, Liu Chan suddenly closed the document forcefully, and there was a slap on it, which seemed to show that Liu Chan's heart was not as calm as he said on the surface.Shizi was actually a little angry because of this.

Then, Liu Chan returned the document to Xu Xiang and put it away.The three of them continued to walk into the government office.

The three of them walked quickly to the meeting hall. Zhang Fei was already sitting upright in the middle hall, and there were already several generals sitting below. .At the lower right of Liu Chan's seat, there was also a seat vacant at this time, and there must be a seat reserved for Yu Jin and others.

Zhang Fei's expression was not very good-looking, it seemed that he had indeed lost his temper just now.Liu Chan led Yu Jin and Xu Xiang into the hall quickly, and everyone stood up from their seats.

Liu Chan first bowed to Zhang Fei and said, "My nephew has seen my second uncle."

After Zhang Fei returned for a salute, Liu Chan stepped up to the middle hall and sat down behind the table next to Zhang Fei.Then, both Yu Jin and Xu Xiang also sat down for Zi.

Only then did Liu Chan talk to Zhang Fei in a low voice.For Zhang Fei's promotion this time, he really wanted to discuss with everyone how the Gai Meng coalition should fight in the next battle.

Then, Zhang Fei immediately announced the topic.

Since this happened so suddenly, even greatly beyond everyone's expectations, everyone is still a little hard to accept such a thing.After all, the number of troops in the hands of Ge Meng, Zhang Bao, and Sha Moke is so huge that they have never imagined it before.And such a huge army retreated thirty miles a day. To be honest, everyone would feel at a loss in their hearts.

Therefore, this discussion was carried out on the premise that no one had any plans.Therefore, at the beginning, everyone actually didn't know what to do, but most of them were thinking about their own solutions, which made the scene a bit dull.

As a result, this discussion finally lasted for a full three hours. It was really a very long meeting, and everyone just made the final decision.

Everyone accepted Liu Chan's proposal. Now that the retreat of Gai Meng's army has become a fact, it is useless to criticize them.It's better to find a way to appease them and improve the morale of the army now.

Therefore, Liu Chan was finally no longer willing to dormant in this small Puqi city this time, and he wanted to show his skills again.

Therefore, Liu Chan told Zhang Fei and the others that if they wanted to appease the morale of the army and improve the morale of the army, the best way was to send a high-level person to carry out this task.And he, Liu Chan, as the son of the Prince of Hanzhong, is actually the best candidate.

As soon as Liu Chan said this, Zhang Fei and others suddenly understood that the son had nothing to do in Puqi City recently, and it seemed that he was tired of playing and wanted to go to the front line to show his skills.

But Zhang Fei still persuaded: "Nephew A Dou, you are in command of all the occupations now. If you go to the front line, how will you deal with other aspects of the battlefield? Let the second uncle go to the front line in person. Actually, you don’t know, I’m sitting in the government office all day now, and my body is about to grow maggots. Let your second uncle go to the battlefield to exercise his muscles and bones.”

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Second Uncle, my nephew knows that your martial arts are unrivaled. But now there is Shamoke on the front line. If you go over, Second Uncle, I am afraid that Shamoke will think that you are robbing me in the past. His credit. So, let your nephew take the place of your second uncle?"

In fact, Liu Chan's real thought is that such a large-scale battle can no longer be saved by relying on the bravery of a certain general.Sha Moke is not unusually brave, but facing the sudden attack of Zhu Huan's 8000-man army, isn't he almost helpless?But Liu Chan still took care of Zhang Fei's feelings, and spoke very beautifully.

Of course, Zhang Fei was not so easily persuaded by Liu Chan, and said, "But what are you going to do about other matters?"

Liu Chan immediately said: "This is actually easier to handle. Second uncle, you now entrust me with all the military affairs of the Gai Meng coalition forces. I will leave Xu Xiang here and let him assist you in handling other military affairs on the battlefield."

Zhang Fei immediately widened his leopard eyes, and looked at Liu Chan with some surprise. They are fighting now, not doing business, and they can still exchange like this?

Then, Zhang Fei thought about it for a while, and felt that he should give the son a chance to show his talent, so as to add points to his future status.Therefore, he finally agreed to Liu Chan's proposal
But everyone will face a more difficult thing next.That is the way to play the next battle, and there is still no clear conclusion.

After some discussion, Yu Jin put forward his own idea.He believes that the number of troops in the Shu-Han coalition forces in Jiangxia County is already large enough.But with the sudden appearance of He Qi's army, their numerical advantage was greatly shortened.

Therefore, Yu Jin suggested that the eldest son Liu Chan should actually bring a support army for the coalition army during his trip this time.In this case, the affairs of the soldiers of Gai Meng's army should be able to recover more quickly.

Of course, Yu Jin's idea is very good.But the limitations are also obvious-there is not enough overall view, it can only play a certain role in occupation, and it does not involve specific war arrangements.

At this time, Zhang Fei suddenly said: "Actually, the strategy of step-by-step advance formulated by Gai Meng is still good. If we continue to implement this combat vehicle strategy, we will slowly consume the enemy's strength and strength with the regained advantage in strength." It’s not so bad to resist the will.”

Liu Chan's eyes flashed when he heard the words, Zhang Fei was actually right.The only problem is that they are now at the end of autumn, and winter is coming, and in terms of logistics, they don't know if they can support it.Regarding this point, he had to write to Huang Quan who was far away in Xiangtan to consult carefully.

However, Zhang Fei's approach was still supported by Liu Chan.Because Liu Chan's strategic vision is not necessarily on the frontal battlefield of Jiangxia County.He could also count on Shi Guangyuan's side to sweep Linchuan County as quickly as possible.As long as the coalition forces of Shi Guangyuan and Deng Ai can wipe out the rear of Sun Jun's army as quickly as possible, and completely block the rear of Shuanghuan and He Qi's troops.Well, it was actually a very wise choice for him, Liu Chan, to command the army to fight them on the frontal battlefield.

It's just that relying on others like this is not in line with Liu Chan's usual style of doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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