The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 740 King of the Yangtze River

Chapter 740 King of the Yangtze River ([-])

After the meeting with Zhang Fei was over, Liu Chan hurried back to his study with Yu Jin. He had something to discuss with Yu Jin later, so of course he couldn't let Yu Jin leave.As for Xu Xiang, he has now been given a new mission, so he stayed with Zhang Fei and began to assist Zhang Fei in understanding all aspects of intelligence work.

As soon as Liu Chan entered his study room and let Yu Jin take his first seat, he asked, "General Yu, what my second uncle said just now is to stick to the step-by-step strategy that Gai Meng made earlier. It is indeed feasible to a certain extent. But it has to be said that its shortcomings are also obvious.”

Yu Jin nodded and said, "Your Majesty is really worried about Jingzhou's logistics and food supply right now?"

Liu Chan sighed and said, "That's right! My second uncle only knows about fighting, and he doesn't want to know about logistics. In fact, the thing is very obvious. Jingzhou was baptized by wars last year and this year. Even Nanjun, the main grain-producing area, suffered heavy losses due to a flood released by Guanxing, which led to a large reduction in grain production this year. Now that autumn is almost over, that is to say, based on the autumn harvest, we have already The war has been going on for almost three months. The logistics on our side are already tense, and now we have to add the army of Wuxi Man, the pressure on the logistics is more than doubled. The second uncle did not I didn't think about these things, so I easily thought that we can continue to push forward step by step. In fact, that is too slow. We need to defeat and even eliminate Shuanghuan in Jiangxia County as soon as possible. And He Qi's army!"

Yu Jin nodded, and said: "Since the logistics work is now handed over to Mr. Huang Quan, if the supply of grain and grass in Jingzhou is too tight, you can temporarily ask him to transfer from Jiangzhou and Yizhou. After all, Lord Huang Quan is from Yizhou. However, this is obviously not a long-term solution, and the son's idea of ​​a quick solution should be correct."

Seeing that Yu Jin supported his point of view, Liu Chan said: "There are more and more things to worry about in the current situation and factors that need to be worried about. As time goes by, there will be more and more. It can be speculated that Shi The military actions of Mr. Guangyuan, Quan Cong and others have definitely been reported to Sun Quan by the local government in Yangzhou. Then in the face of such a situation, Sun Quan will mobilize troops to counterattack them no matter what. When the time comes , they are likely to face the dilemma of being attacked from the front and back, and it is difficult to free up our hands to help our side in the battle. Therefore, if we put too much hope on Mr. Shi and the others as the second uncle said, obviously It's too risky a move."

Yu Jin didn't expect Shizi to think of so many things so quickly, or maybe, although Shizi has been playing around in Puqi City recently, he is actually thinking about the current battle situation at the same time?
Of course, it is impossible for Yu Jin to open his mouth to ask such trivial matters, he only needs to praise Liu Chan.He bowed his hands to Liu Chan, and praised: "What the son said is very reasonable, and I will admire it in the end! It's just that when the son was in the meeting hall, why didn't he tell General Zhang Fei all these things?"

Liu Chan smiled wryly and said: "Even if my son told my second uncle this, it would only make him feel embarrassed. After all, I didn't have a better opinion than my second uncle at that time! So, at that time, as long as I persuaded my second uncle, It is enough to transfer the general power to my hands. As for how to fight the next battle, we will discuss it after we discuss it now."

Yu Jin understood Liu Chan's thoughts very well, and was also moved by his Huizhilan heart. It is really a rare thing to be able to consider Zhang Fei's feelings so much.

Yu Jin bowed his hands to Liu Chan again, and asked, "If the prince will come here together, is he going to discuss the next plan with the general?"

Liu Chan nodded and said with a slight smile, "General Yu really knows what this son is thinking. Under the premise of a quick battle, I hope General Yu can help me come up with a good plan."

As Liu Chan joined the army, it was his duty to advise Liu Chan. Of course, it was impossible to refuse, so he agreed.

After the two discussed for an hour, it was already late at night.The light of the autumn moon outside the house shone with silver light, and fell quietly outside the study window, which seemed to clear up the thoughts of the two of them.

At this time, Liu Chan himself felt very hungry.When they were in the meeting hall today, no one had much appetite, and they just ate a few bites in a hurry for dinner.It has been a long time now, and it is really amazing that my stomach can wait until now to be hungry.

So Liu Chan called Xia Houyun and asked him to order someone to go to the kitchen to make some supper for him and Yu Jin.After the two finished eating, Yu Jin seemed to have thought of a plan.

Yu Jin asked Liu Chan to take out a battle map of Jingzhou and spread it on the table.Yu Jin stood up from his seat, walked to Liu Chan's desk and stood still.After looking at Jiangxia County for a while, his eyes shifted to Xiangtan, but he quickly shook his head again.Finally, Yu Jin turned his attention to Yiyang City.

Then, Yu Jin suddenly pointed to the south bank of Dongting Lake, and with a little excitement, he said to Liu Chan, "My son, please look here."

Liu Chan looked at the place indicated by Yu Jin's finger, and the combat map indicated that Liao Hua's troops were stationed there.

Liu Chan felt a little incomprehensible.Liao Hua's army was used to control the security of the southern part of Dongting Lake, and to suppress the water thieves who became eager to move again after Dongting Lake lost its presence in the water army.He asked, "Why does General Yu pay attention to there?"

Yu Jin explained: "The purpose of General Liao Hua's troops stationed here is self-evident. But correspondingly, his troops have almost become the only army that can be quickly mobilized closest to the battlefield. !"

Liu Chan asked: "General Yu means to recruit General Liao Hua to lead the army to join the battle? However, the battlefield from Yiyang City to the south of Jiangxia County also has a long detour, and the time is not suitable for a quick battle. principle."

Yu Jin smiled slightly, knowing that Liu Chan had misunderstood what he meant.He pointed to Puqi City, and said: "If you want to increase troops directly to General Gai Meng, the entire army in Puqi City is enough. The reason why the last general thought of using General Liao Hua's troops is because It is because of a place that is easily overlooked by everyone.”

As Yu Jin spoke, he pointed to the area east of Sha Xian, where Fan Zhuang's troops were fighting with Han Dang's troops!
At this time, Liu Chan indeed almost forgot the battle in that completely inconspicuous place in the whole battle situation.Now being reminded by Yu Jin, he suddenly came to his senses, and said: "General Yu wants to let General Liao Hua's troops go by water, and go secretly to support Fan Zhuang's army. Facing the Jiangdong army both front and back, right?"

Talking to a smart person is simple, as long as the other party can understand the whole meaning.Yu Jin laughed and said, "Your Majesty is indeed intelligent, that's exactly what the last general means."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Such an arrangement is indeed the best strategy. But the problem still exists. General Liao Hua's army is about 6000 people, which is considered a large army. If we go by water, the delay may not be long. Less. General Yu, how long do you expect them to complete this task?"

Yu Jin thought for a while and said, "The most time-consuming part is the journey from Puqi City to Yiyang City."

Liu Chan began to think about it, and said, "If that's the case, I should try to get Xu Xiang to send a secret order to Liao Hua through the messenger pigeon of the spy."

"If this approach is successful, the general will be able to ensure that General Liao Hua's troops can join General Fan Zhuang's troops within ten days. The prince can even give advice to General Liao Hua, and take advantage of Han Dang's ignorance of Fan Zhuang's troops. Now that the general's reinforcements have arrived, General Liao Hua dispatched a surprise attack on Han Dang's troops, which should be able to defeat Han Dang's army in one go."

Liu Chan felt that Yu Jin's arrangement was really good, and said, "If that's the case, I'll send someone to summon Xu Xiang back immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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