The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 741 King of the Yangtze River

Chapter 741 King of the Yangtze River ([-])

When Zhao Feng went out from Liu Chan's study to assign people, Liu Chan had only one last thing left to discuss with Yu Jin.

Liu Chan said to Jin: "General Yu, what I want to discuss with you next is just a small matter."

Yu Jin asked, "Could it be that something unpleasant happened between Colonel Meng Xi and General Zhang Bao?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "That's the thing. In fact, I have thought about it. From the result, Meng Xi's approach seems to be right, but from the law, it is indeed wrong. This son is impossible here. Because Meng Xi has achieved good results, he can ignore his violation of military discipline. Otherwise, in the future, anyone can use his own meritorious service as a reason to wantonly violate military discipline. This is the last thing I want to see .”

In this matter, Yu Jin actually favored Meng Xi, and persuaded him: "The son is three or four. If Captain Meng Xi is punished for this, then I am afraid that the morale of the army will be hit. After all, Colonel Meng Xi Wei's actions at that time were still very effective in stabilizing the situation."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Yes, that's why I said that the result of what he did was correct. So, this time, I'm afraid Meng Xi will be wronged a little bit, and I hope he can understand my son's intentions. Of course, the last Fortunately, he has now made up his mind to be punished by me."

Yu Jin couldn't help but sighed, not knowing how to persuade Liu Chan.

At this time, Liu Chan lifted Yu's ban and said, "General Yu, don't worry about how I will punish Meng Xi. In fact, at most, I will give Meng Xi a demerit and ask Meng Xi to put aside his face and go to Zhang Bao personally. I'm just apologizing to seek forgiveness. I believe Meng Xi should still have such a mind."

After hearing what Liu Chan said, Yu Jin was relieved.

Then, Xu Xiang hurried back from Zhang Fei to meet Liu Chan.Liu Chan then asked Xu Xiang to pass on the content of his discussion with Yu Jin to Liao Hua who was far away in Yiyang City through the carrier pigeon.

But at the same time, Liu Chan also ordered Zhao Feng to send the fastest post horse to the post station, and rushed to Yiyang City at the fastest speed with Liu Chan's official call-up order.Of course, this is a backup measure to prevent the carrier pigeon from being able to deliver the secret order to the spies in Yiyang City. At that time, the call-up order will be for Liao Hua.

After dealing with these matters, Yu Jin knew that the matter was over, and it was very late now, so he said goodbye to Liu Chan and went back to rest.

After Yu Jin left, Liu Chan did not rest immediately.Instead, he picked up the pen himself and wrote a letter to Meng Xi.The contents of the letter were words to appease Meng Xi, and he informed Meng Xi of his opinion on how to deal with him in advance, asking Meng Xi to make mental preparations first.It can be seen that Liu Chan's love for Meng Xi is really extraordinary.When had he ever done such a thing to anyone else?
On the second day, with the help of Yu Jin, Liu Chan selected 6000 people from Zhang Fei's troops and put them under Liu Chan's command.These people plus Yu Jin's subordinates also have a Jiefan army of more than 4000 people. Liu Chan can bring a total of almost 1 troops for Gai Meng this time.

At that time, the Shu-Han coalition forces will once again have an advantage over the Jiangdong Army in terms of strength.

On the morning of the third day, Liu Chan and Yu Jin led the troops, and under the escort of Zhang Fei, they slowly drove out of Puqi City, then quickly accelerated their marching speed and galloped towards the north.

At the same time, the war on the Yangtze River waterway has been fought with great joy.

Moreover, in terms of the length of the battlefield, the station here has far exceeded the scale of the battlefield where the Shu Han troops and all the coalition forces are located.After all, they at least swept over from Lukou Port along the way.

Today, the ships of the vanguard of the two naval fleets have even rushed to the vicinity of Qu'a Port and assembled.As long as the time is right, they will go straight to Qu'a Port, the most important port in Jiangdong.

In fact, even though the action speed of the navy is much faster than that of land warfare, it should be said that it is still a bit regrettable.

Quan Cong originally entrusted Zhou Cheng with the task of conducting a decisive battle against the Jiangdong navy that came out of Ruxukou led by Dong Xi.

Zhou Cheng was originally a Jiangdong general who defected, so he is quite familiar with the situation in Ruxukou.But even so, he is not as familiar as Dong Xi, who has been stationed in Ruxukou for many years.

Therefore, in the early days of the battle between the two sides, Dong Xi took advantage of his familiarity with the local river conditions and wind direction, and the Jiangdong navy at Ruxukou was indeed extremely brave. Zhou Cheng's fleet was caught off guard as soon as the battle started.

As a result, Zhou Cheng's navy not only failed to completely occupy the waterway from Ruxukou into the Yangtze River, but retreated and completely gave way to the waterway.

Now the problem has become a little more serious.Once this gap is widened, Dong Xi's fleet can completely cut Zhou Cheng and Jiangdong in the audience into two parts that cannot be connected with each other.

Fortunately, however, Quan Cong dispersed his fleet into smaller armies, and when he went to sweep the ports along the Yangtze River, he still kept a relatively large fleet in his hands.

So after Zhou Cheng's fleet was counterattacked by Dong Xi's fleet, Quan Cong immediately led the fleet back to the division.Immediately, a battle broke out between his fleet and Dong Xi, and the waterway near Ruxukou was filled with blood for a while.

Afterwards, Zhou Cheng's fleet also heard the news and rushed over to help.The two fleets of the Shu Han attacked at the same time, one east and the other west, and finally forced Dong Xi's fleet to retreat behind the exit of the waterway, and for the time being did not dare to act recklessly.

Therefore, after the two sides calmed down for a few days, conflicts continued to occur.However, with Quan Cong sitting here at this time, it was impossible to give Dong Xi any chance to make a surprise attack.

The strength of the Jiangdong water army at Ruxukou was finally successfully suppressed by the Shu Han water army fleet in Chaohu Lake, and it was no longer possible to raid into the Yangtze River waterway.At this time, Quan Cong has rapidly grown into a famous general who is hard to beat.

And at this time, Quan Cong also began to want to expand the results of the battle again.He quickly put his mind on Qu'a Port boldly, and decided to give Sun Quan the most heart-wrenching revenge in Qu'a Port.

Therefore, Sun Quan only recently received a report that many ships from the Shu Han had assembled in the Yangtze River waterway of Dantu, north of Qu'a Port.Their goal is most likely directed at Qu'a Port.

Because Qu'a Port's strategic position is too important, Quan Cong's move not only angered Sun Quan, but even forced Sun Quan to personally lead an army to Qu'a Port to settle accounts with him.

(End of this chapter)

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