Chapter 745 Seven Inch Kill ([-])

Sha Moke faced so many enemy troops on the frontal battlefield that he felt that these troops should be put together by Shuang Huan and He Qi.Therefore, Samoko took it for granted that if the commanders of the enemy army in front were not those three, at least two of them would be there, and the last one was guarding their camp.

But is this really the case?
He Qi was well-dressed as usual, and the luxurious equipment made people feel that he was out for a tour rather than a war.And his style is indeed very great, surrounded by a large number of brightly armored soldiers as his guards.

The armor worn by these guards is not only in style, but also in craftsmanship and fineness. Not to mention compared with ordinary armor, even if you search all the guards under the generals in Jiangdong, you will never find it. Which one would be more luxurious than He Qi's.

He Qi's life style is as extravagant as ever.

Moreover, just like in the past, He Qi is not going to personally go to the battlefield to command the army's operations.In fact, for He Qi himself, apart from specifying the strategy of dispatching troops, it has been some years since he personally rushed to the battlefield to fight.He has two well-known generals in Jiangdong, one is his younger brother He Jing, and the other is his eldest son He Da.

There is a saying that goes, "Brothers fight tigers, and fathers and sons fight in battle." He Qi is really a very lucky person, because he has all of them.So much so that every time he went out, it was almost as if he was traveling with a group of escorts, and all the things about putting on the hard work were handed over to his younger brother and eldest son.

This He Qi's fight is really enough to save worry and effort.

Therefore, He Qi is now only standing far behind the entire battlefield, and the distance from the battlefield is also very far.In this battle, he had high expectations for He Jing and He Da, and hoped that they would be able to fight the battle he expected.

As the battle gradually unfolded, He Da and He Jing immediately led their respective troops to fight and retreat, as if they had already lost the battle and were about to retreat slowly.But the problem is that the two men and horses are closely coordinated. Even if Sha Moke led the army to launch a violent attack on it, he still could not defeat them.On the contrary, the two armies still maintained their retreat rhythm steadily.

Shamoke was really annoyed by this.However, it is precisely because the cooperation between the enemy troops is so good that it further deepens a thought in Sha Moke's heart: the enemy army in front of him may really be under the joint command of Shuanghuan.

Because as far as he knew, the two generals in the Jiangdong Army who were called "Shuanghuan" by the eldest son Liu Chan were named Sun Huan and Zhu Huan.Although there are many conflicts between these two people, they are also the two people who are most familiar with each other, and the cooperation between them is not once or twice.Therefore, Shamoke thought that probably only the two Huan could cooperate with the army like this.

Now that he knows the identity of the enemy's chief general, Shamoko is not afraid anymore.Because he had just confronted Zhu Huan not long ago, and the other party was just a bone of a barbed wire, so he had no choice but to run away.Facing such a person, Samoko has no reason to be timid!

Therefore, at this time, Samoko had already given up the vigilance he had maintained when he attacked at the beginning.He began to lead his own army recklessly, and launched a fierce pursuit of the Jiangdong Army.

Facing his younger brother and eldest son, the army commanded by the two could only retreat steadily under the attack of Shamoke's army, He Qi just watched quietly from a distance, appearing unusually calm.Even later, as his own army retreated more and more, when he was chased by Sha Moke's army for a very long distance, he almost stopped watching the battle between He Jing and He Da.

Is He Qi being too open-minded, or is he pretending to be unrestrained?At least his performance like this is not what an army commander should do on the battlefield.

He Qi immediately called his guard captain over, and said with a little seriousness: "Immediately call the scout captain to report the situation."

Soon, He Qi's scout captain rushed over.

He Qi then asked, "Why hasn't there been any movement in the camp of the Shu Han army?"

The scout captain replied: "The enemy suffered a disadvantage in the investigation last time, so they have recently shrunk the range of activities of the scout team and concentrated them in the surrounding areas of their camp at a high density. Therefore, our scout team is now It is very difficult to get close to the enemy's camp to do reconnaissance."

He Qi frowned, and there was a rattling sound on the bright red and gorgeous armor on his body.He said displeasedly: "How did this general explain to you before the war? Did you ask you to investigate the situation in the Shuhan camp at any cost!"

Seeing He Qi getting angry, the scout captain immediately fell to his knees in fright, and his face immediately became pale as death.It can be seen that He Qi's behavior seems to be harsh, otherwise his subordinates would not be so afraid of him.

In fact, in normal times, if something like this happened to He Qi's subordinates, he would unceremoniously dismiss him and investigate.But now that his army is facing a major war, it is impossible for him to remove such an important person as the scout captain immediately.

Just when He Qi was about to tell the scout captain to get out loudly, the scout captain suddenly spoke again: "General He, although our scout members can't get close to the enemy's camp for a while, but they have eyesight A very good man, he said that he saw the enemy army gathering in the camp. According to speculation, it may be a sign that the Shu Han army is about to leave the camp."

He Qi nodded.

Moreover, soon, the cavalry team commanded by Gai Meng and Gai Meng was dispatched.Their war horses rushed out of the gate of the camp quickly, and their hoofs trampled the ground violently, making a messy and rumbling noise, and kicking up dust.

Such a scene saved He Qi's scout captain.If he had said that sentence a little later, he would have been scolded bloody by He Qi by now.

The captain of the scout let out a long sigh of relief. Under He Qi's instruction, he stood up from the ground with the support of the guards beside him, but he still wanted to thank He Qi for his generosity.

He Qi's mood seemed to be getting better at this time, seeing the enemy's reinforcements appear, but the general felt in a good mood, it really was a very strange thing.He admired with great interest the yellow dust rising above Guymon's cavalry, as if it were the yellow clouds reflected in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Then, Zhang Bao's infantry team also pulled out the gate of the camp after Gai Meng's cavalry team attacked.

After He Qi saw this, a very bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, but he looked so greedy.

He Qi immediately called his messenger and said loudly: "The main force of the enemy army has come out, send out the signal!"

The herald hurriedly took orders and ran away.Soon, a large banner was erected on a small hill, fluttering in the wind.But in fact, this big flag is so far away from the battlefield that it is impossible for unintentional people to notice it.

He Jing's people first saw the appearance of the Dazhuqi.They immediately found He Jing who was commanding the battle in the middle army.

He Jing's age is a few years younger than his elder brother He Qi, but in fact, judging by his appearance, he looks older than He Qi.In addition, the armor on his body was not as good as He Qi's, which made him even more age-disparate with He Qi.But in fact he is He Qi's younger brother.

He Jing has always been very serious, but now that he is on the front line of the battlefield, there is no expression on his face anymore.After he received the report from the soldiers, saying that all the reinforcements of the enemy army had been dispatched, he immediately responded accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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