Chapter 746 Seven Inch Kill ([-])

Under He Qi's order, He's reserve team started to move.However, they did not enter the frontline battlefield, but suddenly moved towards the left flank of the warring troops.And what is surprising is that at least one-third of the reserve team members are heavy armored soldiers, and the remaining two-thirds are all sword players!

He Da quickly reacted to the arrival of Shu Han's reinforcements in exactly the same way as He Jing's. Even the staffing and actions of his reserve team were exactly the same as He Jing's. of.

And the reason why they do this can be seen by people with discerning eyes.They want to use a mixed force of heavy armored soldiers and sword players to protect the flank direction of their own army, so as to stop the roundabout raid of the cavalry of the Shu Han army!

He Qi's preparations for this assault were really full, it seemed that they had already made corresponding preparations for any possible situation.However, under such preparations, their army was still retreating steadily when facing the Wuxi Man's army, which was obviously inconceivable.

Therefore, judging from these signs, Jiangdong Army's attack this time must be full of conspiracy and trickery.

In fact, less than five miles away in the southeast of the battlefield, that is, in the opposite direction from where Shuanghuan's camp is located, two troops were quietly lurking there at this time, with a total of about 8000 people.

Judging from the uniforms worn by the soldiers of these two armies, it was clear that they belonged to two Jiangdong Army units.

But problems soon arose.Sun Zhen put all the troops in Jiangxia County into his hands. With the strong appearance of He Qi's army, he no longer has any cards. Why are there two lurking troops here, and the number of them has reached 8000? With so many people, this is definitely a large army.

In fact, the catastrophe is not very complicated.These two armies are the troops of Shuanghuan respectively.But then a new problem emerged: Shuanghuan's camp was in the northeast, why did they hide their troops in the southeast?Could it be that they have already got the news and want to ambush Liu Chan's reinforcements who are coming over there?
The answer is of course impossible.The Jiangdong army now has to deal with the coalition forces on Gai Meng's side. If they want to completely defeat them, it should still be full of difficulties.Therefore, now that the battlefield has been opened, if they still have the strength to ambush Liu Chan's army, they might as well throw them all into the frontal battlefield and try to defeat Gai Meng's coalition forces as soon as possible!
Therefore, it can be judged from this that the two troops of Shuanghuan were definitely not used to ambush Liu Chan's reinforcements on the way they came.

Then, now there is only one possibility left, Shuanghuan's army is actually used to target the front battlefield.The reason why they bypassed the battlefield and turned to the southeast was probably not simple, but they seemed very careful.

Because Shuanghuan's barracks are known to be in the northeast.Then this also means that the enemy army will definitely pay special attention to the northeast direction, and unconsciously relax the attention to the opposite direction.So, if Shuanghuan wanted to suddenly enter the battlefield with surprise soldiers, where would their best attack direction be?The answer is, southeast to the south of the northeast!
When Shuanghuan's army was in ambush, they were anxiously waiting for the signal from He Qi.The field of vision on their side is not as good as that on He Qi's side, not to mention they are still lurking.Therefore, we can only rely on the messengers to continuously transmit various messages between the battlefields.

Finally, Shuanghuan received the news that He Qi wanted them to attack.

Shuanghuan had been waiting several hours for the attack order at this time, and now he finally let out a long breath. Waiting is really a very uncomfortable thing!

So Shuanghuan's army was dispatched.They headed north as fast as they could.About two or three quarters of an hour later, Shuanghuan's army finally appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

At this time, Gai Meng's cavalry was divided into two parts, and Gai Meng led half of them to detour from the north and violently attacked the right wing of He Qi's army.But there was He Da's armored soldiers and sword players in the direction of the troops, and the impact of Gai Meng's cavalry was greatly reduced.

Xiong Ping also led the remaining half of the cavalry back to the south of the battlefield, and violently attacked the left flank of He Jing's troops.However, Xiong Ping's cavalry team was almost the same as Gai Meng's side, and He Jing's intercepting troops were very firmly guarding the flanks of their main force.

The situation on Zhang Bao's side is better.He led the army into the central battlefield, joined forces with Shamoko to launch a frontal attack on the enemy in front.

At this time, Sun Huan's army suddenly rushed into the battlefield.Their target was not the nearby Xiongping cavalry team.In fact, it wasn't that Sun Huan didn't want to eliminate Xiong Ping's cavalry first, but because the cavalry was too mobile and capable of penetrating defenses. Such a task was not something he could accomplish with the few troops on hand.

Therefore, Sun Huan led the army and suddenly rushed to the rear of the two armies of Sha Moke and Zhang Bao.As long as they cause chaos in the enemy's formation, the duel on the frontal battlefield is considered to be over.

However, the actions of Zhu Huan's army are somewhat inexplicable.They did not rush directly into the battlefield, but suddenly turned around and headed west.


Seriously, a serious problem arose.To the west is the camp of the Wuxi barbarians and the Shuhan army!Once the camp is breached by the enemy, it means that all military supplies will be lost.In the current period when the Shu Han army has difficulty in logistical supplies, once such a situation occurs, it is really too bad.

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, the method played by the Jiangdong army this time is really amazing for the coalition forces of the Shu Han!

Zhu Huan's hands were wrapped with cloth belts, which made his hands look awkward when moving.This was the great gift Sha Moke left him at that time, and the wound on the tiger's mouth has not healed yet.It was precisely because of this that it was inconvenient for him to fight in person, and he could only choose the easier task of attacking the enemy camp.

And just when Zhu Huan's army was rushing towards the enemy camp, the scout team under Meng Xi immediately reported the situation on the battlefield in detail.

Meng Xi's face turned cold, and he said, "Good job, I'm waiting for you to come here!" Then, he immediately sent someone to Wuximan's camp to inform the guards there that the enemy army had raided the camp's army At this time has appeared.

Zhu Huan's troops arrived at the camp of the Shu Han army as quickly as possible, and they couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw the enemy soldiers on the wall and the watchtower fleeing in all directions.He immediately led the army and rushed towards the camp of the Shu Han army first.As for Wuxi Man's camp, as long as he gets down here, they will run away by themselves.

Just when Zhu Huan's army rushed into the camp, Zhu Huan suddenly realized that something was wrong, and the inside became completely silent.

Suddenly, countless rustling sounds came from the air, and then countless black spots appeared in the sky.

Zhu Huan turned pale with shock, it was a rain of arrows!

Then, the shouts of killing in the Shuhan barracks shook the sky, and suddenly all Mengxi's men and horses came out from inside.

Zhu Huan knew that he had been tricked, and immediately sent an order to withdraw the army.

At this time, the army from Wuximan's camp also appeared, and they attacked from behind, cutting off Zhu Huan's retreat.

Now Zhu Huan really panicked, the battle in the main battlefield ahead was going on exactly as they expected, he couldn't figure out why such an unexpected situation would happen here?
Zhu Huan knew that his mission was definitely a failure.He had no choice but to run for his life first, and immediately turned his horse's head and rushed towards the rear.

(End of this chapter)

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