Chapter 747

The time when Sun Huan's army appeared was so timely, and the direction in which it appeared was so tricky, it can really be described by the word "born out of nowhere".As a result, when Sun Huan's army rushed to the rear of Zhang Bao's army, they were unprepared, and the army behind suddenly became chaotic.

In terms of Zhang Bao's personality, he had already led the troops to charge ahead at this time.Therefore, when he looked back and saw the rear of his army, it was actually not only the rear of his army, but also the Wuxi Man's army. In fact, Sun Huan's army also collapsed because of the appearance of Sun Huan's army.

The reason for such chaos was not because the fighting power of Sun Huan's army suddenly skyrocketed overnight.

The reason is that when the soldiers of the coalition army saw the army of the Jiangdong Army suddenly appearing behind them, they subconsciously mistakenly thought that their army had been surrounded by the enemy, and they inevitably became flustered.Now that the soldiers were flustered, they would naturally think of fleeing; as soon as someone escaped, a group of people would follow.As a result, there will be more people fleeing, and a collapsed situation will appear.

Seeing this, Zhang Bao was furious.He immediately turned the horse's head, and rushed towards the rear with only a group of people and horses.But in fact, no matter how hard he tried now, he was almost powerless, because the range of the army behind was getting bigger and bigger, and it was so big that he couldn't clean up the situation!
Shamoko also saw that his army was attacked from behind.There were many people on his side, which made the situation even more chaotic.So much so that Sha Moke, like ordinary soldiers, thought that his army had been surrounded by Jiangdong Army's ambushes.

Sha Moke made an emergency, but it was quite a bad move for the overall situation.Sha Moke actually thought of leading the army to retreat.

In fact, as long as Sha Moke calms down and observes the situation on the entire battlefield, he can know that Sun Huan's army actually only has a small number of 4000 people.For a great war involving more than 4 people, that is less than one-tenth of the total: an ant can never crush an elephant, even if it is a cow or an elephant. Even a sheep can't be crushed to death.

Moreover, Shamoko should also look in the direction of the camp in the distance.Maybe with his unusually tall figure, he should be able to see farther than others.In front of their camp, Meng Xi was leading his troops and Wuxi Man's camp guards to encircle and wipe out Zhu Huan's troops.Once Meng Xi defeated Zhu Huan's army, he would be free to join the battlefield ahead.

Of course, the battlefield is already a little far away from the camp, and Meng Xi really needs time to get there.However, it is more calculated to repel the enemy in exchange for defending, than to be defeated by the enemy on the battlefield, right?
But Shamoke didn't have such awareness, he decided to lead his army away.So, he issued an order to the surrounding troops to break out to the south.This is really an almost stupid decision, because it means that the Wuxi barbarian army will suddenly abandon their camp.

Gai Meng and Xiong Ping had actually discovered the appearance of Sun Huan's army.

Seeing that the rear of the infantry had been scattered and fled in all directions by Sun Huan's army, Gai Meng was really anxious.Of course he wanted to immediately lead his troops to turn around and go over to give Sun Huan a hard lesson.But he couldn't do it just yet, because his men were now engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy's interdiction forces.If they want to get out, it will take some time to operate.

What's more, it is impossible for the enemy to let Gaimeng's cavalry escape like this now.Now that Sun Huan's troops have appeared, He Da's intercepting troops have now turned into entanglement troops, and they must drag Gai Meng's cavalry in place so that they cannot return to the infantry.

The situation Xiong Ping is facing now is actually exactly the same as that of Gai Meng.

Moreover, what was even worse was that the movement of Shamoko's troops suddenly changed, and they began to retreat towards the south.

Seeing this, Gai Meng couldn't help but feel terrified.Shamoke didn't even notify himself, so he was going to run away alone like this?He originally led the army out to support him, but he wants to leave his army alone to die?
In fact, Ge Meng understands better than Samoko.Sun Huan's army is so small, as long as he or Xiong Ping's cavalry fights back in time, the outcome of this battle is still unknown.

Therefore, what Ge Meng immediately thought of was to send someone to organize the retreat of Shamoko's army.

With great difficulty, Gai Meng's herald finally found Sha Moke among the rebellious army, and conveyed Gai Meng's meaning to Sha Moke.

The expression on Sha Moke's face at this time was a little panicked, so that the whole person looked a little embarrassed.But he snorted coldly and said: "I can't control so much now. Since my army entered the war, it has suffered great losses. I will never make fun of my army again. That big camp I don’t want it either, so go back and tell General Gai so that he can also lead the army to retreat! It seems that this battle can’t be fought any longer.”

Saying that, Sha Moke ignored Ge Meng's herald, and didn't give him a chance to convince himself.Before the herald could speak again, Shamoke had already turned his horse's head and yelled loudly for the soldiers of Wuximan to retreat southward quickly.His yelling voice was so loud that the herald suddenly closed his mouth automatically, because no matter how hoarse he was, it was impossible for his voice to be louder than Shamoko's.

Shamoko ran away, and the herald could only watch his figure go away.He sighed, and hurried back to report to Gai Meng.

In fact, there was no need for the herald to go back and report to Gai Meng. Gai Meng had already seen the situation of the Wuximan army clearly.He was really furious in his heart.

However, there is actually another person who is more violent than Gai Meng.

That is Zhang Bao.

He originally led an army of less than 4000 people to fight the Jiangdong Army from the front together with the Wuxi Man army.Moreover, in terms of numbers, Wuxi Man's army is of course in the position of the main force.Now Wuximan's army suddenly retreated southward gradually, but he only left his small army in place to continue fighting?

What makes Zhang Bao even more angry is that his army now seems to have difficulty getting away if they want to run.Because they have been targeted by the enemy army in the front and Sun Huan's army in the back at the same time.

In Sun Huan's view, although the Wuxi Man's army is particularly large, it is by no means the main enemy.They only fought with Shu Han's army because they were encouraged and lured by Shu Han or Liu Adou.Such an army that only fights for profit and has no loyalty at all can indeed be the icing on the cake when it wins, but once there is a failure, they will definitely be the first to leave.

Now, Shamoke is actually using his own actions to prove this idea in Sun Huan's mind.

Therefore, of course, Sun Huan could temporarily let Wuximan's army go, and unceremoniously pointed the finger at Zhang Bao's army.Sun Huan wants to encircle and wipe out Zhang Bao's army!

The current situation, for the army of the Shu Han, is really bad and cannot be worse.

(End of this chapter)

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