Chapter 748
Meng Xi quickly discovered that something was wrong in the battlefield ahead.His heart skipped a beat, knowing that something was wrong.

Therefore, it can be said that Zhu Huan's luck was too good, and he deserved his fate. In order to rush there to support Gai Meng and Zhang Bao's battle, Meng Xi suddenly issued an order to get out of the encirclement of the army in front of him. made a hole.

When Zhu Huan saw such a god-given opportunity, he couldn't miss it, so he led the remaining 2000 people and rushed out of the gap.Zhu Huan's men then turned and fled to the north, where their camp was located.

Meng Xi immediately led an army of almost 9000 people, of which more than 4000 belonged to the Wuxi Man army.After a period of rapid travel, they finally reached the edge of the battlefield.

At this time, Sha Moke's Wuxi barbarian troops had already fled without a trace.The number of troops of the Shu Han army is at an absolute disadvantage.So the consequences of this are serious.

Although Gai Meng and Xiong Ping's cavalry could leave the battlefield quickly, they couldn't leave Zhang Bao's army alone?No matter how serious the feud between them is, this is a battlefield, not an officialdom for power struggles.

Therefore, the cavalry of Gai Meng and Xiong Ping, who were dragged down, had no choice but to do this: they fought and retreated, and gradually approached the central position where Zhang Bao's army was located.As a result, the three parts of the people finally joined together.

But this situation is actually very bad.Because this also means that the army of the Shu Han willingly chose to be encircled by the Jiangdong Army on all sides.They were tightly surrounded by the Jiangdong army in the center of the battlefield!
In fact, Sha Moke suddenly led the Wuxi barbarian army to retreat, leading to such a big turning point on the battlefield, which was definitely beyond He Qi's expectation.He first stared blankly at the retreat of Wuxi Man's army, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Because this change was so sudden, he couldn't help thinking that this was definitely God's favor for He Qi, and it was a huge surprise gift for him.

Then, what surprised He Qi even more was yet to come.The cavalry of Gai Meng and Xiong Ping chose to be surrounded by the Jiangdong Army.This was absolutely beyond He Qi's expectation.

What does it mean to be able to destroy a large cavalry force of the enemy?It means that he, He Qi, will break Jiangdong's record of successfully encircling and annihilating the enemy's cavalry with infantry on the battlefield!

For He Qi, this honor seemed too great, so much so that his body couldn't help shaking because of his over-excited mood, even his face was already flushed red.He even felt that he couldn't control himself anymore, and began to talk to himself, speaking too fast and too vaguely, it was impossible to hear what he was muttering.

But it should be said that the army of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao is not the army of Wuxi Man, let alone a group of pustule.The previous chaotic and disintegrated situation, as the enemy army approached layer by layer, had forced them to have no way to retreat.As a result, everyone suddenly had the determination to fight to the death, and the entire army formation suddenly became united and organized.

Facing the frenzied attack of the enemy from all directions, they used their strong fighting power and fighting will to fight back powerfully.

Seeing the performance of the soldiers, not only Ge Meng, but also Xiong Ping and Zhang Bao were all temporarily relieved: the soldiers have such a strong performance, which shows that they still have time to fight before they are defeated!
Nearly half an hour later, Meng Xi's rescue force finally arrived at the edge of the battlefield.The first thing they have to face is definitely Sun Huan's troops.

Meng Xi already knew Sun Huan like the back of his hand, and this was not the first time they had fought each other.

Sun Huan was first surprised by the appearance of Meng Xi's army.He never expected that Mengxi's troops would be dispatched so quickly.In fact, in his opinion, Mengxi's camp should be in chaos now, or all the camps have been occupied by Zhu Huan's army.

Therefore, it should be said that Sun Huan had never expected that Meng Xi would lead an army to appear on this battlefield, and what was even more unexpected was that it was actually a huge army, nearly three times the number of his troops!
As a result, the situation of Sun Huan's troops suddenly became as embarrassing as Zhang Bao's troops before.That is to become an enemy!
However, the current situation of Sun Huan's army is much better than that of Zhang Bao's army just now.Because Meng Xi's army is still on the edge of the battlefield, at least three miles away from participating in the battle.Therefore, Sun Huan still has at least a little time to think about how he should command his army to deal with the current situation.

As for the current situation of Zhu Huan's army, he didn't care at all whether they had already captured the enemy's camp, or whether they had been wiped out by Meng Xi's troops.

Sun Huan's brain is very good, and he turns very fast.After thinking for a while, he quickly drew up two plans in his mind:

First, divide troops to intercept.

In other words, Sun Huan could draw some troops from his own army to counterattack Meng Xi's army, temporarily delaying the time for Meng Xi's army to enter the battlefield.But this plan has a big problem, because he has too few troops on hand now, and it is already very difficult to stop the enemy troops in the encirclement from breaking through.

Therefore, Sun Huan's conclusion for this plan is very simple, and his army cannot do it.

So, now there is only the second plan left: retreat your own army and make way for the enemy.Then, after everyone reassembled the army, they continued the battle just now.

For Sun Huan, although this is not a very wise move.But it is also the best policy among the worst.

So, Sun Huan immediately sent someone to convey his meaning to He Da and He Jing.Then, Sun Huan's army quickly retracted and assembled towards the north, which also gave way to the besieged men of Gai Meng and Zhang Bao.

At the same time, the news sent by He Qi also reached He Da and He Jing.Where He Jing was located, it was easier to see the situation on the entire battlefield. Meng Xi's army had already been spotted by He Qi on the way to the battlefield.

He Qi judged immediately that Zhu Huan's actions must have failed, otherwise the enemy's camp would not be so quiet, and the troops sent to support would not appear so calm.

Therefore, He Qi immediately sent a warning message to all the troops participating in the battle.But when He Qi's warning message arrived, Sun Huan had already reacted to it.He has a natural commander's intuition, as if he is directing the actions of all Jiangdong Army troops on the battlefield.

Although both He Da and He Jing are known as good generals, neither of them has the natural talent of Sun Huan.Therefore, in the end, they could only accept Sun Huan's leadership unknowingly, acquiesced to Sun Huan's strategy, began to change the way of fighting, and reassembled their troops to deal with the new reinforcements from the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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