The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 749 Whoever Blocks Me Dies

Chapter 749 Whoever blocks me dies ([-])

With the participation of Meng Xi's reinforcements, the situation that was extremely unfavorable to the Shu Han army finally stabilized gradually.But it should be said that the Jiangdong army must be very unwilling, so they organized troops to continue to attack the Shu Han army.

However, the situation has now changed. Even though the Jiangdong Army is ambitious, it is no longer possible to easily oppress the Shu Han Army's army formation as before, and even gradually compress and surround the Shu Han Army.

The battle then became more and more intense.

Liu Chan's side is now very close to the battlefield, and the distance is actually between twenty and thirty miles.Then, his scout captain sent Liu Chan the first information about the battle between the Shu-Han coalition forces and the Jiangdong army.Of course, this information could not be sent by Gai Meng and his master, but obtained by Liu Chan's scout team after a very difficult investigation.

so.It was only at this time that Liu Chan was able to know that the coalition forces of the Shu Han were already fighting fiercely with the Jiangdong Army at this time.Judging from the current situation, it seems that the situation on the Shu Han side has the upper hand, and the Jiangdong Army's army is being beaten and retreating slowly.

Liu Chan was still a little worried that after the previous defeats, Gai Meng's army would not be able to defeat the Jiangdong Army due to the decline in the morale of the entire army.However, judging from the current situation, such worries seem a bit redundant.

Therefore, Liu Chan just ordered the army to hurry up and go there as soon as possible to grasp the situation on the battlefield.Moreover, Liu Chan also specially ordered the scout team to seal off the surrounding areas more tightly, absolutely not allowing any enemy scouts to infiltrate, lest the march on their side be known by the enemy too early.

When Liu Chan's men and horses had advanced about seven or eight miles, the scout leader came back to report to Liu Chan the information his men obtained from the spying on the battlefield.

But what surprised Liu Chan was that the information sent by the scout captain this time was completely opposite to what he had just sent, so that Liu Chan couldn't help but think that among the two pieces of information the scout team got, One copy must be fake, or both copies are actually fake, but it is used by the enemy to confuse himself.

The latest intelligence shows.The coalition forces of the Shu Han are facing collapse at this time. A large part of the army has fled. Although the rest of the troops are continuing to fight, the situation is precarious. In the worst case, they may eventually be defeated by the Jiangdong Army. The possibility of encirclement and annihilation.

It can be said that Shujian has undergone such a huge mutation on the battlefield. Of course, it is impossible for Liu Chan not to feel astonished.

In fact, it should be said that the scouting team's spying on intelligence has not yet achieved a very detailed level.A complete and simple statement of the crisis that Ge Meng's army is facing now should be: Sha Moke led the Wuxi Man's army to flee, and the troops of Gai Meng, Xiong Ping, and Zhang Bao fought to the death and were almost on the verge of death. Fell into the situation of being surrounded and wiped out by the enemy.On the other side of their camp, Meng Xi has already led his troops to encircle and wipe out Zhu Huan's troops.

Therefore, judging from the situation at this time, it was precisely because of the incomplete information that Liu Chan was unable to make a clear judgment on the current battle situation, so that he felt a little confused.

However, at this time, Yu Jin helped Liu Chan.As a member of the army, he also quickly got the information on the battlefield ahead, and rushed over to see Liu Chan immediately.

Seeing Liu Chan's puzzled expression, Yu Jin persuaded: "My lord, no matter what the current battle situation is, General Gai Meng and the others are always fighting with the Jiangdong army. Therefore, our army is now fighting at the fastest speed. If we drive over, we should still have time to join the battle, so things will become clear by then."

Liu Chan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said to Jin: "General Yu, the Jiefan Army under your command is now at the forefront as the vanguard of our army. Now hurry to the front and command them personally Speed ​​up and rush to the battlefield. I will bring the remaining 6000 Jiangzhou Army to the battlefield."

Yu Jin nodded and immediately took orders to leave.

When the army moved forward for about ten miles, the third intelligence was sent to Liu Chan by the scout captain.

The scout leader quickly ran over to report to Liu Chan that his scouts had detected a large army in front of them. Judging from the clothes they wore, it should be Wuximan's army.This should be the Wuxi barbarian army that retreated from the battlefield.

The detection of this part of the news has indeed proved one point: the information sent by the scout captain just now should be correct, and the information on the battlefield should have undergone a shocking reversal.

Otherwise, it should be impossible for the coalition forces of the Shu Han to defeat the Jiangdong Army in such a short period of time.Even if they were able to defeat the Jiangdong Army in such a short period of time, the Wuxi Man's army should either be chasing the defeated enemy army or cleaning up the battlefield. It is absolutely impossible to come from the south and south.

As for the situation on the battlefield, it was also transmitted along with it.At this time, the situation of Zhang Bao and Gai Meng's army has become more critical. It is said that they have been surrounded by layers of Jiangdong Army. If no one comes to rescue them, it is very likely that they will really be surrounded by the enemy .

Sha Moke led the Wuximan army to escape, but the army of Gai Meng and others fell into the enemy's siege and ignored it!Faced with such news, Liu Chan became furious on the spot and couldn't help but yelled and cursed: "Shamoke really deserves to die, Wuximan really deserves to die...!"

Just when Liu Chan was feeling depressed, Yu Jin's vanguard suddenly sent someone to send a message to Liu Chan, saying that they had already met the Wuxi Man's troops who were the first to escape from the battlefield. , the distance between the two parties should not exceed three miles.Yu Jin asked Liu Chan, what should he do next?
Liu Chan couldn't help but sneered at this moment, and sternly said to the forbidden messenger: "What should I do? What else can I do? You go back immediately and convey my order to General Yu, asking him to immediately deploy the formation of the Jiefan Army, All the troops of the Wuxi Man stopped, and no one was allowed to pass, and the troops on my side would rush over immediately."

Seeing Liu Chan's stern voice, the messenger was already stunned. After Liu Chan yelled at him, telling him to leave quickly, he regained his composure, got on his horse and ran away in a hurry.

Liu Chan immediately sent an order to go down, and all the troops left all the luggage on the spot, and only carried the necessary weapons to follow him.

Therefore, the rear army led by Liu Chan rushed towards the vanguard at the fastest speed.

Soon, Liu Chan took the lead and was protected by the white-eared guards, and the army behind Yu Jin's Jiefan army could already be seen.They have fanned out into a blocking formation.But because this is a plain area, with a strength of less than 5000 like the Jiefan Army, the width of the cross-section is obviously not enough when it is deployed.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately allocated the troops of the rear army on the spot, and each divided two troops of 500 people, marched towards the two wings of Yujin's Jiefan army, and also spread out horizontally outside the two wings.Then, the remaining 1000 people stayed at the back as a reserve team.

After assigning the order, Liu Chan was anxious, so he didn't check that they had completed their formation, but immediately rushed towards the Jiefan army's formation with the white-eared guards.

Liu Chan soon saw Yu Jin.

Then, he also saw some Wuxi barbarian soldiers in strange costumes standing sparsely not far ahead.They had obviously recognized the uniforms of the Jingzhou soldiers blocking the road and the flags of Yu Jin's army, so they all stopped and did not move, instead of seeing the army blocking the road ahead like ordinary defeated soldiers He immediately turned around and continued running in another direction.

Yu Jin had been observing the soldiers of the Wuxi Man for some time, and he probably had some understanding of the situation of the Wuxi Man's army in his heart.Those people in front must be the Wuxi barbarian soldiers with the fastest hands and feet or the first to escape, so there are not many people now.However, judging from Yu Jin's experience, since these people appeared, the army of Wuxi Man should not be far away from here.

After Liu Chan heard Yu Jin's judgment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said to Jin coldly: "General Yu, now the command of the first line of the whole army is entrusted to you. All the orders I give will do.”

Of course, Yu Jin's experience in front-line battles is much richer than Liu Chan's. He doesn't know how many battles he has personally participated in in his life.Yu Jin obligingly agreed.

"The first order I give you is to immediately lead the army to press forward. If anyone dares to block, they will all be killed!"

As soon as Liu Chan finished speaking this order, his tone was full of extremely strong murderous intent.

On Yu Jin's usually expressionless face, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise at this moment.Because the order of the prince is understood from another aspect, those who may hinder the advance of the army are nothing more than the soldiers of Wuxi Man, and it is they who the prince wants to kill!

Yu Jin couldn't help but change his expression, and asked: "My lord, they are our allies, are they really going to be killed?"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "Allied army? Since when did Shamoke have been loyal to the role of an ally of our army! Since he can't bear it today, don't blame me for being unrighteous to them!"

Then, Liu Chan suddenly looked up at the sky, the sky was very blue, the sun was a bit dazzling, and there were a few white clouds floating boringly and alone in the sky, like ice cubes floating on the blue ocean.

Liu Chan sighed and said: "It seems that this son has always been too simple, and he was too polite to Sha Moke!"

(End of this chapter)

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