The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 750 Whoever Blocks Me Dies

Chapter 750

Suddenly, Liu Chan turned around and called Zhao Feng over, and said, "Immediately convey my order to my second uncle, let him contact all the armed forces of the five thousand and five barbarian troops in Puqi City immediately, and put them all under strict surveillance!"

Zhao Feng was stunned for a while when he heard this, but when he saw the irresistible look on Shizi's face, he immediately went back and sent someone.

At this time, Yu Jin was still waiting for Liu Chan's reply to him.But Liu Chan's current resentful application made him feel a tremor in his heart.

Then Liu Chan said to Jin: "General Yu, immediately command the army to advance quickly according to the current army formation, and then occupy a favorable terrain."

As soon as Yu Jin heard that he was occupying a favorable terrain, he knew that Liu Chan was going to fight Wuximan, so he hurriedly persuaded him: "My lord, it's better to go quickly, the army of Generals Gai Meng and Zhang Bao is the most important thing! As for Shamoke With the Wuxi Man army, it will not be too late for us to settle accounts with them in the future."

But Liu Chan said: "No matter how bad the situation at Gai Meng's side is, it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out. General Yu, don't worry for now."

Yu Can't help wondering: "Why?"

Liu Chan calmly explained: "This son only got information about the troops of Ge Meng, Zhang Bao and Xiong Ping, but the scout team missed one person: Meng Xi. Meng Xi has always acted cautiously. Since his news It has not been reported yet, which means that his army did not appear on the battlefield. In terms of his talent, Ge Meng and his army are in a tight siege, and he will definitely try to help them out. Even if he does not have enough strength To break the siege, there must be a way to get out of the surrounded army."

Yu Jin nodded, but his brows were actually furrowed.Of course he knew about Meng Xi's talent, but he didn't have such strong confidence in face of his son's full confidence in Meng Xi.

but.Now that Shizi's order has been issued for a long time, and he spent a lot of time explaining to himself. In order not to hurt the dignity of Shizi's coach, Yu Jin knew that he could not continue to discuss this matter with Shizi at this time. He should immediately execute the order and strive Resolve the conflict with the Wuxi Man as quickly as possible, and then rush to rescue General Gai Meng's army.

However, for the first time, Yu Jin suddenly prayed devoutly to God in his heart: I hope God blesses everything goes well.

Then, Yu Jin bowed his hand to Liu Chan, and issued Liu Chan's latest order to the whole army.Then, under the protection of the guards, he led the army and marched forward. All the weapons of the soldiers had been unsheathed at this time, and they were shining coldly under the sun!
Facing the allied forces with all their weapons out of their sheaths and coming towards them with a murderous aura in the form of an army formation, the soldiers of Wuximan immediately became commotion.The mentality of these people just now is almost a group of "local hooligans". They are completely sure that the army of the Shu Han will abide by the etiquette of the Han people, and will still treat foreigners like them in a civilized or "death to save face" kindness—— People of other races always enjoy special treatment that is much higher than that of ordinary Han people.

So, that is to say, they are determined to eat the Han people, so what!It's you Han people who like to suffer. They barbarians don't need to be grateful to the Han people at all. When the time comes, should they rob the Han people or rob them.Afterwards, no high-level Han people would stand up for the common people.Because the face of high-level people is the most important thing, regardless of the indignation in the hearts of ordinary people, the voice of ordinary people in their hearts!
But those people in Wuximan suffered disaster this time, because what they faced this time was not someone else's army, but the army led by Liu Chan himself.Liu Chan is usually not a tyrannical person at all, but because he uses his own rationality to force himself not to kill people, it does not mean that he has no desire to kill people for revenge.

So, as Yu Jin's troops passed by with a murderous look, some people moved quickly, exclaiming and fleeing backward.Those who reacted too slowly just watched Yu Jin's army pass by stupidly.

At this time, Yu Jin gave the first order to kill.The bow and arrow team in his army shot, and as soon as the arrow rain passed, hundreds of Wuxi barbarian soldiers who had no time to escape were shot into a bunch of hedgehogs!
As for those injured, Liu Chan will definitely not treat them kindly this time, and ordered to kill them on the spot without mercy.

Therefore, Yu Jin commanded the army to move forward quickly, and many of the defeated soldiers of the Wuxi Man encountered along the way were killed on the spot.Then, the army just occupied a relatively dangerous location, blocking the retreat route of the Wuxi Man to the south.

The army on Liu Chan's side no longer moved forward, but waited quietly for the main force of Sha Moke to come.

Sha Moke soon received information from a young commander, saying that their escape route had been completely blocked, and some soldiers who ran ahead had been killed.

Shamoke was shocked when he heard that, and asked, "Whose army is that? Why did it appear on the road of our army's retreat at this time?" Shamoke's dark face suddenly turned pale s color.What he actually thought was that his escape route had been completely blocked by the Jiangdong army, but he never thought that it was actually the army commanded by Liu Chan himself who did this.

The young commander immediately replied: "According to those who ran back, it seems that the opponent is not the enemy, but the Jingzhou Army and the Jiangzhou Army, but it is very strange that they did not show any weakness when they killed our people. Yes. This is really very doubtful, whether the other party is Jiang Dongjun pretending to be."

Sha Moke nodded, and muttered to himself: "What should we do now? It seems that the Jiangdong Army is not only preparing for He Qi's lurking army, but also other armies that have just appeared now. Ah! It seems that this battle is really impossible to fight. I really regret it, I shouldn't have been encouraged by that bastard Zong Yu back then, and now I've come back to this end!"

But Sha Moke was discouraged, but the most important thing now is to escape first.Therefore, after he thought about it for a while, it was impossible for him to turn around and go back. It is estimated that Gai Meng's army had suffered heavy losses and could no longer cooperate with him.

So for Shamoko himself, now he has no choice but to continue to move forward and break through the enemy's interception, and the time and action must be fast, otherwise once the enemy destroys Gai Meng's army, the next thing to be encircled is own army.

So, Shamoke once again showed his natural bravery, and ordered the whole army to follow him to rush forward, and must break through the enemy!

Sha Moke then led the army of the Wuxi Man, and killed Liu Chan in a mighty way.

But when Sha Moke came to the front of Liu Chan and Yu Jin's army, he saw that the army in front had already formed a huge formation according to the favorable terrain.This is not a particularly strange thing at all, what made Sha Moke feel the most dumbfounded was that the soldiers of the other party were all wearing the autumn uniforms of the Jingzhou Army and Jiangzhou Army!

But what Sha Moke couldn't understand the most was that many of the banners played by the opponent's army were written with the word "Yu".Shamoke doesn't know if there is a general surnamed Yu in the Jiangdong Army, but the general surnamed Yu under Liu Chan's command, according to what he knows, is the famous general Yu Jinyu Wenze.

Just when Sha Moke was hesitating, a passage suddenly opened in the opponent's army formation, and it must be that some big shot of them was about to appear.

Sha Moke's eyesight has always been excellent, and a pair of huge tiger eyes opened even bigger as the opponent's big man appeared on the stage - he was indeed familiar with the first character who appeared, Liu Chan, the son of the Prince of Hanzhong!
Behind Liu Chan by a horse's head is Yu Jin Yu Wenze!

At this time, Samoko can finally be sure that the banner of Yu Zi flying in these troops is indeed the banner of his army banned by Yu Wenze!

Then, behind Yu Jin were Zhao Feng and his white-eared guards.

Seeing Liu Chan appearing leisurely and blocking the retreat of his army, Samoke suddenly stopped being as frightened as before.His courage suddenly became stronger again, it seemed that the fear of being blocked by the Jiangdong army in his heart just now had never appeared in his heart!
A person like Sha Moke is definitely a bullying bastard who pushes forward.It's a pity that there are people like this all over the place in the Heavenly Dynasty. If you catch someone casually on the street, nine out of ten people are people with Samoko's virtue.So much so that people like Shamoko actually seem to be particularly representative.

The anger in Sha Moke's heart surged, and he suddenly wanted to gallop over immediately and insult that little Liu Chan who dared to make trouble with him.But just as he was about to act, he suddenly realized that it was not right to do so, and it was a bit too risky, so he immediately stopped thinking about taking risks.

At the same time, Liu Chan turned his head and said to Jin: "General Yu, you stay here to command the whole army. I'm going to talk to that bastard Shamoke. Then you will follow my orders before acting."

Yu Jin nodded, and agreed: "Your Majesty, don't worry, there is a general in the army here!" The reason why Yu Jin agreed so happily is because Liu Chan is now in the east of the army, they have discussed it before, and now Just act according to the plan.

So, Liu Chan took Zhao Feng, Shi Hui, Zuo Fu, and Huang Quan who had been staying with Yu Jin as his personal bodyguard all along, and the five of them walked slowly towards Why's army together.

(End of this chapter)

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