The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 751 Whoever Blocks Me Dies

Chapter 751 Whoever blocks me dies ([-])

Seeing Liu Chan come out, he obviously came to talk to him.Sha Moke is anxious now, because he really doesn't understand why Liu Chan's army wants to intercept his own army here, is it because he wants to destroy his own army?However, this idea was a bit too weird, so it was just swept away in his mind, and was discarded by Samoko.

But even so, Shamoko was still very strange in his heart.At least the current situation of his army is not very optimistic, it is better to leave Jiangxia County as soon as possible.

As far as Sha Moke is concerned, he does have a reason to go out to meet Liu Chan.He didn't wait for Liu Chan to send Zhao Feng over to pass on the message, he directly ordered a few guards with high martial arts skills, and then galloped out to meet Liu Chan.

Sha Moke came to a place about ten feet away from where Liu Chan was stationed, stopped his horse, and cupped his hands towards Liu Chan, saying, "I didn't expect to meet His Royal Highness here. I just don't know why you put on such a big pose The formation of the army blocked the advance route of my army?"

Sha Moke was actually annoyed in his heart, but the tone of his words was actually very gentle, as if he didn't care that his army's way forward was blocked by someone.

Liu Chan just sneered, and did not return the salute to Sha Moke at all, saying: "Shua Shuai, you don't have to be surprised by the appearance of my army, because I have notified you a long time ago, don't you?"

The sneer on Liu Chan's face, with a kind of ridicule and contempt, made Shamoke feel very uncomfortable.

Liu Chan went on to say: "Besides, I already know how you fought with the Jiangdong army today. Shuai Sha, you are leading the army to retreat to the south now, it seems that you want to abandon Gai Meng and their army and completely ignore it. Bar!"

Shamoke couldn't think of Liu Chan's information, he understood it so quickly, and couldn't find other excuses for a while, he hesitated and said: "His Royal Highness, this matter, in fact..."

Liu Chan didn't wait for Sha Moke to speak clearly, and immediately interrupted Sha Moke's words, his face was already full of anger, suddenly raised his horsewhip and pointed at Sha Moke, and loudly reprimanded: "Sha Moke, you broke your promise last time! I am too lazy to settle accounts with you again! But this time you actually betrayed the army of your allies in front of the battle, it is impossible for me not to settle accounts with you! Let me tell you, I will only give you one way to go now, you immediately Go back to your own army, order your army to turn around immediately, and drive back to the battlefield for me!"

Sha Moke's eyes widened immediately, and he lowered his head to look at the little Liu Adou opposite him.Liu Chan's anger was not without reason, but his aura made Sha Moke feel a little startled.

Sha Moke suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart, as if he was threatened by such a kid, it was really a very embarrassing thing.

Shamoke immediately said: "Liu Shizi, after a whole day of fighting, my army is exhausted. I think you should let us rest for a while, Shizi, you can take the army to support Gai Meng first." The general and the others. Moreover, the situation is quite critical now, son, you shouldn't waste your time here, you should lead the army there as soon as possible!"

Liu Chan raised his eyebrows upwards, Sha Moke's words ignited the anger in his heart again, and scolded: "Sha Moke, did this son give you the right to choose just now? You have only one way to go now, go back immediately Your army, turn the direction of the army!"

Being called by Liu Chan's name repeatedly, and the other party's words are still so aggressive, not to mention that the person being said is still his "barbarian king" Samoko!Of course Shamoke couldn't take it anymore, couldn't help but exploded, and said angrily: "Tell you Liu Adou, whether I, Shamoke, want to withdraw, or when I want to withdraw is my own business, and it's not your turn." Come tell me what to do!"

Liu Chan burst out laughing when he heard the words, and said, "Do you really think this is the case? Do you still remember Sha Shixun and the 5000 troops who have been staying in Puqi City?"

Sha Moke's face changed drastically. They were his five thousand elite troops, and a large part of them were members of his own tribe. Because he was reluctant to take them to the battlefield and suffer losses, he deliberately handed them over to Sha Shixun's commander to rest The name has been staying in Puqi city to eat and drink.

Sha Moke couldn't help but asked anxiously: "What's wrong with them, what did you do to them?"

Liu Chan sneered and said: "Actually, it's nothing. I just asked my second uncle, General Zhang Fei, to disarm them all and take care of them. Of course, their current treatment cannot be that of an allied army. Can they afford food? It depends on your performance."

Sha Moke's face suddenly turned purple with anger.

Liu Chan continued with a sneer and said, "And I might as well tell you that this son will never kill prisoners. But it doesn't mean that I won't deal with prisoners. Your 5000 subordinates are all physically strong. I either Forcibly incorporating them into my troops, or simply selling them as slaves, I can still raise a large amount of military expenses! It will save them from wasting my military rations!"

Those people are the lifeblood of Samoco, and the capital for him to dominate in front of the various tribes of the Wuxi Man.If Liu Chan really dared to do this, it would be tantamount to digging a hole in the corner of the wall and knocking down his wall!

Now Sha Moke is not just angry, but furious.He has always looked down on the people of Shu Han, but now that he is threatened by a kid like Liu Chan again and again, he finally can't help it.

Sha Moke yelled violently, and suddenly picked up his barbed wire bones and rushed towards Liu Chan.It seems that this guy has lost his mind because of his embarrassment.

Liu Chan had already prepared for Shamoke's reaction, otherwise he would not have been able to leave the white-eared guards behind. Of course, the four masters around him were used to deal with the demon god Shamoke. of.

In fact, besides Zhao Feng, the four masters around Liu Chan, Shi Hui, Zuo Fu and Huang Quan can all be regarded as masters of the rivers and lakes.

With a wave of Liu Chan's right hand, Zhao Feng and the others immediately picked up the guy and killed Shamoke as well.Seeing this, the guards behind Sha Moke didn't dare to be negligent, and they all rushed forward.

Seeing this, the white-eared guards in the rear all mobilized their troops to come back to Liu Chan's side.Liu Chan himself was weak in martial arts, so he turned his horse's head and retreated another two feet before stopping again.

At this time, Zhao Feng had already fought with Shamoke first, and Zuo Fu and the other three fought with Shamoke's guards.

Of course, Zhao Feng is skilled in martial arts, but compared with a demon-like figure like Sha Moke, he is indeed at a disadvantage.At least, Zhao Feng is not at the same level as Sha Moke in terms of strength.If they were singled out, Zhao Feng really seemed to be at a disadvantage.

However, Zhao Feng's martial arts was passed down by Zhao Yun himself. Since he was no match for Shamoke in terms of strength, he had no choice but to use his skills and use clever tricks to defuse Shamoke's attack.Therefore, although Zhao Feng is at a disadvantage at this time, at least he can resist Shamoke for a while.

At this time, Shi Hui saw that her husband was having a hard time dealing with Sha Moke, and was very worried about Zhao Feng's safety, so she immediately showed her aggressive side.Shou Li's long knife slashed vigorously, forcing the enemy back, his left hand suddenly reached out to a small bag hanging around his waist, he took out a few hidden weapons from it, and shot the enemy in front of him as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The guard of Shamoko immediately let out a miserable cry, fell off the horse and there was no movement.In fact, he didn't die, but Shi Hui's hidden weapon was drugged, which made him unconscious.This kind of drug was used by Zhao Feng's people when they exterminated the killers sent by Queen Wu in Shangyong City.

After killing the enemy, Shi Hui cared about her husband's safety, so she couldn't control Zuo Fu and Huang Quan anymore.She immediately turned her horse's head and joined Zhao Feng's fight, and the husband and wife dealt with Shamoke together.

But Sha Moke is brave, such a person is not good enough to join in, and the situation can be reversed.Sha Moke faced the two of them, but the more they fought, the more courageous they became. Zhao Feng and his wife suddenly felt more and more pressure.

Later, Zuo Fu and Huang Quan finally got rid of their opponents, and the four began to besiege Samoke at the same time.

It should be said that both Zuo Fu and Huang Quan's personal strength surpassed Shi Hui's.Therefore, with the addition of these two people, the pressure facing Shamoko has become greater and greater.

Liu Chan was already under the protection of the white-eared guards at this time, so he was naturally very safe.Seeing that Sha Moke had been besieged by the four of Zhao Feng, he knew that he was going to give Sha Moke a stronger warning.

Liu Chan suddenly reached out and snatched a small flag from the white-eared guard, and waved it on his horse.

This is the signal that Liu Chan and Yu Jin have agreed upon.

The sound of war drums came to mind, shaking away the migratory birds looking for food on the ground in the distance.

Yu Jin immediately led the whole army, and began to press towards Sha Moke's army with the current formation.

Faced with such a situation, Shamoke couldn't help being a little stunned.He suddenly turned his head towards Liu Chan and shouted loudly: "Liu Shizi, do you really want to do such a terrible thing?"

Liu Chan sneered loudly and said: "This son didn't give you the right to choose just now, and it is absolutely impossible to give you that kind of power now. Therefore, whether there is war or peace between you and me, it all depends on your own thoughts." !"

Suddenly, Zhao Feng stabbed forward with the tip of the spear, Sha Moke couldn't dodge in time, and a small piece of curly hair around his ear was cut off, which immediately made Sha Moke terrified.

Shamoke finally felt that he and Liu Chan couldn't afford to play anymore.

After the two sneak attacks of Shi Hui and Zuo Fu fell under Sha Moke's barbed wire, he finally couldn't help shouting to Liu Chan: "Liu Shizi just ordered the army to stop, stop quickly. You and I This is an ally, we have something to discuss!"

Liu Chan said coldly: "My son has told you again and again, I don't give you the right to choose!"

Sha Moke was really anxious now, and shouted loudly: "Okay, you are the prince of Hanzhong! I, Sha Moke, admit defeat today, and I will transfer the army back immediately!"

Hearing this, Liu Chan felt a little refreshed, and couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face. The cruel sneer he had been holding on to Shamoko just now finally disappeared.

Therefore, Liu Chan asked the white-eared guards behind him to immediately give Yu Jin an order to stop attacking.Of course, the small flag he waved just now was no big deal to the abnormally strong white-eared guard, but it already made Liu Chan feel a little pain in his hand.So, now there is no passion to wave the flag anymore.

Then, Liu Chan asked Zhao Feng and the other four to stop, and let go of the siege of Shamoke.

Shamoke watched Zhao Feng and the others gallop back to Liu Chan's side very displeasedly, then looked at Liu Chan very dissatisfied, snorted coldly, turned the steamed buns and rushed back to his army.

(End of this chapter)

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