The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 752 Resolutely Withdrawing Troops

Chapter 752 Resolutely Withdrawing Troops ([-])

From Liu Chan's point of view, the next thing will be easier to handle.

After Sha Moke returned, he immediately issued a new order to change the direction of his army and return to the original battlefield.But Sha Moke's order was too abrupt for half of Wuximan's soldiers.Everyone has just escaped from the brink of death fighting with the enemy not long ago, why are they going back now?
As a result, quite a commotion inevitably arose among the soldiers of the Wuxi Man.

Liu Chan and Yu Jin immediately noticed the movements in the Wuxi barbarian army from a distance.After Liu Chan and Yu Jin discussed it for a while, Liu Chan immediately sent someone to see Sha Moke to find out if he needed to send troops to suppress the commotion of the soldiers.

In fact, for Liu Chan, the word "repression" has never existed in his mind, and it is a word he detests endlessly.As a result, even though he commanded thousands of troops under his command, he never had such an idea even in any of the troops that had fought against them.

However, Shamoke is different, and so is the army of Wuximan. They are not Liu Chan's people. It can even be said that they are an independent force, and they are not willing to be subordinate to the securities of Shuhan at all.Therefore, facing such a group of people, Liu Chan has no reason to ask himself to be soft-hearted to them.What's more, he now has a solid understanding of the bullying psychology of this group of barbarians.

Sha Moke was taken aback by Liu Chan's words. The so-called suppression definitely meant killing people to demonstrate.Although these people may not all be members of his tribe, they must all be members of his tribe. It's just that there is such a little commotion, is it necessary to kill people?

Even someone who is as ruthless as Samoco can't afford to let this person down.So, Sha Moke's heart was shocked, and he secretly scolded Liu Chan for being so scheming, is human life really worthless?

So Shamoke immediately asked the messenger to bring a message to Liu Chan, saying that the situation on his side was still very stable, so he didn't dare to trouble Liu Chan to send troops to help, and he would take care of it himself.

Maybe it was really because he was afraid that Liu Chan would send out the army to attack his troops. Sha Moke really didn't dare to neglect anymore, and immediately sent all his cronies and young commanders out to let the army quickly settle down for him. .

Perhaps it should be said that Shamoco's army seems to have some means.With his active operation, and his already high prestige in the various tribes of the Wuxi Man, the commotion in the Wuxi Man army was suppressed relatively quickly.

Seeing such a situation, Liu Chan couldn't help but turned his head and said to Jin: "If Wuximan continues to be led by Samoko, it will definitely be a big trouble for our world!"

Yu Jin nodded and said, "Although Samoke is just a barbarian, Wuxi Man's soldiers are all brave and rebellious. Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, they have rebelled from time to time. Once the King of Hanzhong takes over the world in the future, Wuxi Man may indeed become a destabilizing factors."

At this time, the messenger sent by Sha Moke had arrived, and they came to tell Liu Chan that his army was almost ready. Although the formation seemed scattered, marching was no longer a problem.

Liu Chan immediately decided to put a little more pressure on Sha Moke, otherwise he would not be able to show Liu Chan's means.

Liu Chan asked the messenger to go back immediately and tell Sha Moke that he could lead the troops and set off, and he still had to hurry.And let Shamoke tell his army that his army on Liu Chan's side will follow behind them inexorably. If someone wants to escape or leave behind deliberately, his side will mercilessly kill To kill.

In fact, this also means that Liu Chan's doing this is like using an army of more than 1 people under his command as a supervisory team.If anyone in Shamoke dared to run away or fall behind, Liu Chan would only give them death!This may be regarded as the largest supervising team in history.

But Sha Moke, as the person involved, was of course different from others when he got Liu Chan's reply.Immediately, a strong sense of shame arose in his heart, feeling that his army was like a group of lambs driven by Liu Chan, and Liu Chan's men were a group of shepherds, waving whips and shouting and scolding behind them.

Sha Moke's temper has always been very violent, and at this time he could hardly bear to explode again, and even wanted to immediately change the direction of the army on the spot, and stepped forward to fight Liu Chan's army.

But Shamoko is also cunning.He knew that the consequences of what he did would be fatal. Not only Liu Chan's side would not let him go, but even the Jiangdong Army who might rush over would not let him go.

Therefore, Shamoke knows that he can only endure temporarily and take a step back, which is the most vivid portrayal in his heart now.

Sha Moke suddenly yelled violently on the spot, as if he wanted to vent all the depression in his heart into the endless sky through this yell, but it also scared the hundreds of guards around him one jump.

Then, Shamoko gave the order to the whole army to attack.The Wuximan army immediately started to move again. Of course, the speed at the beginning was not fast enough, and then they began to slowly increase their speed.

Only then did Liu Chan let Yu Jin order the whole army, restructured a new formation, and began to follow Wuximan's army side by side.Moreover, Liu Chan really dared to defend to the death, and he really dared to order all the weapons of the army to remain unsheathed. When encountering Wuxi barbarian soldiers who dared to escape or fall behind, they would be killed immediately on the spot without asking why!
Liu Chan very rarely showed that he also has a side of iron and blood.

So, after this journey, Liu Chan's men beheaded at least a hundred guys who were really short-sighted.However, some of them must have been left behind because they were injured in the battle just now.But in front of such a huge army, individual appeals seem so small, these factors are completely ignored, and it is impossible to give them room for explanation.The world, especially the violent organization like the army, is so cruel and tyrannical, and these people were all killed on the spot as they deliberately left behind.

As for such a situation, Liu Chan, who is in the position of the supreme commander, is too far away from the bottom, and it is impossible to understand that something very inhuman happened or happened along the way just now.

Of course Shamoke knew that someone had been killed on the spot again by the people of Shu Han, of course he was very angry in his heart.But he was actually angry at the disappointment of his soldiers. Even Shamoko certainly did not allow deserters in his army.So if you are angry, you should be angry, Shamoke still agrees that it would be good for Liu Chan's army to kill those people.

However, Liu Chan's actions did have a good deterrent effect on the Wuxi Man's army. Not only did the army speed up, but no one dared to escape anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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