The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 753 Resolutely Withdrawing Troops

Chapter 753 Resolutely Withdrawing Troops ([-])

The Wuximan army hurried forward, fearing that if they were one step behind, the blades of the Shu Han army would rain on them and chop them into a pile of flesh.

It was under such pressure that the marching speed of Wuximan's army was much faster than before.

On the battlefield, with the rapid approach of the Wuxi barbarian army, their whereabouts must not be concealed from the enemy's scout team.Therefore, not only Sun Huan, He Jing, He Da and the others learned the information in time, but He Qi also learned about it later.

Facing the capriciousness of Sha Moke and Wuxi Man, all the generals of the Jiangdong Army suddenly felt a headache, and suddenly hated that kind of capricious people in their hearts.

He Qi did some deep thinking.His previous scout team had already found out that Liu Chan's army was rushing all the way here, which could not be concealed.But at that time, the war between the two sides was close to breaking out, and he was unable to make a fundamental rearrangement of the entire war arrangement.Therefore, he expects that the two cavalry of Shuanghuan's army can help him defeat the enemy as quickly as possible and help him win this war.

At that time, even if Liu Chan's army arrives, the war will be over.Then, in the face of such a defeat, it is impossible for Liu Chan to rely on an army of only 1 people to fight against the coalition forces of the three armies of the Jiangdong Army.They had no choice but to retreat, back to Puqi City.Then, the situation of the war will return to the original balance.

Of course, for He Qi, these are the most ideal results achieved under the most ideal calculations.

But the reality is often more brutal.The success of Sun Huan's surprise soldiers really encouraged He Qi, but Zhu Huan's side faced the perfect defense of Meng Xi, a wise general, and the whole army was besieged. Although Meng Xi was limited to the dangerous situation at that time, he let Zhu Huan and his army fought back, but it also made the situation not so optimistic for Jiangdong Army.

With the entry of the army led by Meng Xi, the Shu Han side lost the strength of Shamoke's Wuxi barbarian army, which finally made up for the situation where the stand suffered a huge reduction.

At this time, if the Jiangdong Army wanted to easily defeat or even annihilate the Shu Han army, it had become unrealistic.

But now, the return of the Wuxi barbarian army and the approach of Liu Adou's reinforcements have completely shattered He Qi's dream.Not only was it impossible for him to become the first among the Jiangdong generals to successfully encircle and annihilate a large enemy cavalry with infantry, but it was also impossible to realize the results he had imagined.

After making a frustrating decision, He Qi decided that he had to temporarily withdraw his troops to avoid the attack of the Shu-Han coalition forces, otherwise the one who suffered the most would be his side.In other words, He Qi decided to terminate today's battle, and all the original surprises accordingly disappeared.

But it should be said that He Qi's decision was very decisive, which is enough to show his demeanor as a general. Qi is like this now.

Therefore, He Qi immediately sent someone to convey his order to all the troops on the battlefield, asking all their generals to lead the troops and fight while retreating.Moreover, He Qi also announced the news that Wuximan's army suddenly turned back and that the reinforcements led by Liu Chan were approaching the battlefield, and asked everyone to speed up their actions and withdraw from the battlefield before Wuximan's army returned.

Gai Meng and the others fought so hard that Gai Meng almost couldn't help but want to rush to the front line himself, wanting to use his own charge to boost the morale of his army a little.Of course, if he did this, Ge Meng obviously violated Liu Chan's "command order", but sometimes he can't control so much.

But slowly, the situation among the enemy troops seemed to have changed, and they actually began to retreat slowly while fighting.Although I don't understand why such a thing happened to the enemy, after all, the current situation is still beneficial to them.Now if the other side insists on fighting like this, the side that will eventually defeat and hate will be extremely difficult to be on the side of the Shu Han army.

Therefore, facing such a situation, everyone couldn't help but feel a little joy in their hearts.Some people even began to cheer in some places, as if there was a feeling of escape from death.

Xiong Ping immediately rushed over and asked Gai Meng, "General Gai, the enemy has retreated at this time, should our army organize troops to pursue immediately?"

Gai Meng thought for a while, this is indeed a difficult decision.Let's chase, what if the enemy set up a trick?Moreover, the soldiers are very tired of fighting now; if they don't pursue them, they feel a little embarrassed, and feel that the opportunity is rare.

Just when Gai Meng was having a hard time making a decision, Meng Xi also sent someone over.The man passed Meng Xi's views on the current situation to Gai Meng, thinking that the sudden retreat of the Jiangdong Army must have something to do with the prince's reinforcements.Because according to the calculation of time, Shizi's army is probably about to arrive, and their whereabouts have also been detected by Jiangdong Army, so they will withdraw at this time.

Therefore, Meng Xi's final conclusion is that there is not much need to fight Jiangdong Army at this time.Even if they continue to entangle the Jiangdong Army until Shizi's army arrives, the Jiangdong Army will at most leave a small number of troops to intercept them, and they can just cut their tails to survive, and it is impossible to suffer any more losses.It would be better if the two sides reached a tacit agreement now and let the Jiangdong Army slowly leave the battlefield!

It was only then that Gai Meng realized that Shizi's army had arrived, and he almost forgot about it because of the war, and Meng Xi needed to remind him.Then, he felt that Meng Xi's view was more reasonable, so he asked Xiong Ping to restrain his army and let Jiangdong Army's army retreat slowly.

Of course, Xiong Ping was unhappy with Gai Meng's decision.But he also heard the report from the people sent by Meng Xi, and he had to admit in his heart that it seemed more cost-effective to let the Jiangdong army retreat now.

Therefore, Xiong Ping reluctantly accepted Gai Meng's order.

As for Meng Xi, after staying for a while, he was notified that Gai Meng had adopted his advice.Therefore, Meng Xi began to restrain his troops, let his soldiers leave the fighting area a little bit, and showed the other party a tacit understanding of agreeing to the other party's retreat.

When He Jing and the others saw this situation, they knew that the Shu Han army had already reached a corresponding tacit agreement with them in retreating.Therefore, while organizing an appropriate amount of rear troops, they commanded most of the troops to withdraw from the battlefield at a faster speed.

In this case, when the armies of both sides ended the war, it was almost incredible that there was no major chaos in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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