The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 757 Attack Against the Trend

Chapter 757 Attack Against the Trend ([-])

Judging from Yu Jin's military experience for so many years, it is impossible for him to support Liu Chan's point of view. Shizi's point of view is indeed a bit extreme, probably because he is not in a good mood now.

In fact, from Jin's point of view, the theory of "tacit understanding" generally only occurs when there are famous generals on both sides of the enemy and us.Either they admired the strategy and talent of the opponent's general, and they showed sympathy; He quickly understood the other party's intentions, and responded with kindness accordingly.In this case, the results obtained are of course better and much better than the two sides continuing to fight to the death.

If the leader of one side is a famous general between the enemy and us, the leader of the other side is a mediocre general.Then this war should be able to determine the outcome in the end, why do the two sides have to make corresponding "tacit" actions?

After thinking so much, Yu Jin maintained his neutral position and decided to speak for Ge Meng, Zhang Bao and others.

Yu Jin said to Liu Chan: "Your Majesty, it should be said that General Gai Meng and the others have indeed lost two games in a row. However, there are no generals who are invincible in all battles in this world. In addition, their losses are still within the acceptable range. It can only be regarded as a small defeat, as long as they can regain their strength, I believe that with their abilities, they will soon be able to make contributions to the son again."

Liu Chan nodded, and after Yu Jin's persuasion, his mood seemed to become a little more relaxed, and he said: "Actually, this son only thinks so, otherwise it would be impossible to continue to let Gai Meng lead the army to go out to pursue the enemy first at this time." Jiangdong Army."

Yu Jin nodded, it seemed that Shizi really had a very broad mind.It's just that he has been in a high position for a long time at a young age, so his thoughts have gradually become deeper. Many of the things he said and did need to be carefully understood by the people under his command.

Therefore, in fact, Liu Chan has not lost confidence in Gai Meng and the others. The lesson he taught Gai Meng and others just now can actually be regarded as a severe spur.

"Speaking of which, since the enemy army will think that our army will not pursue them, but in fact, with our arrival, and I can forcibly and severely Gai Meng lead the army to go out to pursue them and catch them by surprise, then the Wuximan army can also Forced to enter the battlefield, when the time comes, it will definitely turn defeat into victory. In other words, victory is worth looking forward to, and there is no need for us to reach a tacit agreement with them to live in peace like Ge Meng and the others."

When Yu Jin heard the words, a look of surprise appeared on his face.Although the prince's actions have a strong sense of iron and blood, and even seem to be indifferent to the soldiers, he has indeed firmly grasped the minds of the enemy generals and found the enemy's loopholes!

Yu Jin couldn't help but admire Shizi's talent in his heart.He also had contacts with Shi Guangyuan, and he also knew about Shi Guangyuan's art of war. It seemed that Shizi really deserved to be Shi Guangyuan's disciple. Many methods of using troops were really good at grasping the enemy's psychology.

However, Yu Jin is not an ordinary person, and he quickly thought of something while admiring him.It is definitely not an easy thing for Shizi to make the decision to pursue. The most important point is that Shizi can swallow being betrayed by Samoko twice in a row at the age of 15!
Sure enough, Liu Chan sneered at Jin and said, "Actually, this prince is thinking right now, He Qi must be convinced at this time that this prince is too young, and after joining forces with Gai Meng and Zhang Bao's army, his strength has also increased. I will definitely settle the score with Shamoke immediately, but this son is not doing it on purpose. The so-called "resisting the outside must first secure the inside", the Jiangdong Army is "outside", and Samoke's army is "inside", of course I have to first Let's fight with the Jiangdong Army!"

When Liu Chan said this, Yu Jin admired Liu Chan even more. He cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is truly magnanimous, and I really admire you! I will rush back to the army immediately, and I will definitely live up to your expectations."

After Yu Jin finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Liu Chan again, and then turned his horse's head and rushed back.At this time, Samoco's Wuxi barbarian army had already made a big passage for Yu Jin's army.

But Liu Chan stopped Yu Jin, and said meaningfully: "General Yu, in fact, I also know that whether it is the soldiers on Gai Meng's side or those under your command, they are already very tired. .But I have to order this forcefully because I really have a last resort.”

When Yu Jin saw that Liu Chan said this, he couldn't help being shocked. He quickly lowered his head and listened respectfully to Liu Chan's continuation. This is the etiquette.He is still on the horse now, it can be said that it is because Liu Chan is informal.

Liu Chan continued: "As you know, General Yu, we have already discussed the current situation when we set off, and we don't have much time left. So you must not hold back in this battle, and you can fight with the greatest strength. You don’t have to worry about what kind of attack method you want to achieve the greatest result. The more you beat He Qi’s army, the sooner our side can end the current war!”

Yu Jin's face was serious, and he immediately cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty is concerned with the overall situation, he will not be taught, and he will definitely do his best to achieve the greatest results."

Liu Chan smiled gratifiedly, and said: "General Yu, don't be nervous. I think that the next battle will be entrusted to you to command. For Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, I will send someone to convey the order and let him accept it unconditionally." Your command. Also, if you can do it, you can help me to clean up the morale of the army, so as not to cause the morale of the army to fluctuate because of my forceful order for them to attack."

Yu Jin nodded and said, "Your Majesty is really thoughtful, and I will definitely do my best in the end."

Although Yu Jin said so, of course Liu Chan did not think that Yu Jin would be able to do it.The army is about to start a forced march. How will he clean up the morale of the army on the way?Liu Chan's words, it should be said, are just destined to be an unrealistic expectation, to relieve himself of some guilt towards those soldiers.

However, Liu Chan still said gratefully: "If you have more for the general, then I will leave it to you to command the next battle. I will let Zhao Feng lead all the white-eared guards to protect the safety of the general, as long as Zuo Fu is left behind." Just with Huang Quan and the others by my side."

At this time, the army handed over to Commander Yu Jin had already begun to pass through the passageway that Wuxi Man let out, while Gai Meng's cavalry had already rushed a long distance, and a lot of smoke and dust rose from behind.

Time was running out, not to mention Liu Chan's claim to let Yu Jin command the entire army to fight, which meant that Liu Chan would stay and not go to the battlefield in person.Therefore, as the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Yu Jin needs to at least communicate with Sha Moke and Zhang Bao behind him.These also take time.

Therefore, Yu Jin has no time to be polite to Shizi now.What's more, it was not the first time that the prince sent Zhao Feng's white-eared guards to protect his personal safety, so he immediately accepted Liu Chan's kindness.

So, Yu Jin immediately bid farewell to Liu Chan, returned to his army, and asked the herald to send someone to send Samoke and Zhang Bao to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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