Chapter 758 Mid Road Raid ([-])

After setting off from the original assembly point on the edge of the battlefield, Ge Meng didn't dare to delay any longer, but since the forbidden army hadn't appeared yet, he didn't dare to force the cavalry to go as fast as possible.

It wasn't until later, after the flag of the forbidden army appeared, that Gai Meng issued the order to attack at the fastest speed.

After Gai Meng's cavalry had traveled three or four miles, the messengers sent by Yu Jin to deliver new combat orders to Gai Meng rushed over to find Gai Meng.In the order, Yu Jin asked Gai Meng to immediately change the direction of travel and turn to the northwest for a detour of about eight miles.

Since Liu Chan handed over all the command of the entire army to Yu Jin for this pursuit operation, he had already been sent to Gai Meng's side, so Gai Meng took it for granted that Yu Jin came to issue orders to him. .

But facing Yu Jin's latest order, Gai Meng's brows suddenly frowned.Of course, he was not dissatisfied with accepting Yu Jin's command for the first time, but he was puzzled by Jin's latest order.

The battle request given to him by the eldest son Liu Chan is to use the speed advantage of the cavalry to catch up with the retreating Jiangdong army, drag them in place and cannot move, and wait until the army led by Yu Jin arrives, and then give them a head-on attack. Whack.

However, Yu Jin's latest order seems to contradict Shizi's intentions. After all, it is an incredible thing to detour to the west. Not to mention that the journey of the cavalry has become much farther, and more importantly, it has delayed the pursuit. enemy time.Isn't it a time-saving and labor-saving thing for him to directly catch up with the Jiangdong Army's rear troops and launch a surprise attack like this?

But Gai Meng thought about it again, Yu Jin is a battle-tested veteran, it is impossible not to understand Shi Zi's intentions, and it is impossible not to know what to do is the best strategy to kill the enemy.So Gai Meng immediately thought that there must be some other ingenious arrangement for General Yu Jin to issue such an order.

Gai Meng immediately asked Yu Jin's messenger, "Did General Yu explain the specific reason for such a detour?"

The messenger immediately replied: "General Gai, yes. General Yu asked the villain to tell General Gai that after General Gai led the cavalry to make a detour, you will directly attack the Jiangdong Army's central army without mercy." .”

Gai Meng's face couldn't help but change, Yu Jin's arrangement was really unbelievable.

Generally speaking, when chasing the retreating enemy army, one must rush directly to the front of the enemy army and block the enemy's retreat route.However, doing so is very risky, and the main purpose is to encircle all the enemy troops.Since the enemy army at this time has become a catch in a urn, their morale will inevitably be stimulated, and the intercepting troops will inevitably be hit by them frantically.Therefore, such a battle must require an extremely large number of troops, otherwise it would be impossible to trap a group of desperate beasts.

Another way of pursuit, of course, is the trailing pursuit method that Gai Meng had planned to adopt earlier, directly launching a surprise attack on the enemy's rear.

It should be said that such a pursuit method has many advantages.When the enemy retreated, it should be said that the army's will to fight was weakest. In addition, they launched a surprise attack from the rear, and it was easy for the enemy's rear troops to collapse, and then scattered and fled towards the front.

In this case, the troops of the rear army may also attack the enemy troops of the central army.As a result, the entire enemy army immediately began to appear in chaos, which made it easier for the raiding troops to launch further attacks on it.

However, Yu Jin's request that Gai Meng detour the cavalry first, and then launch a surprise attack on the enemy's central army, in Gai Meng's view, it is really a bit ignorant.Originally, after his cavalry team experienced a fierce battle just now, the horsepower and the physical strength of the soldiers were exhausted. It should be possible to catch up directly and carry out a surprise attack on the Jiangdong Army.However, if such a detour with a distance of eight miles is carried out again, the combat power of the cavalry will be consumed even more.

Furthermore, no matter how mobile the cavalry is, how much higher its combat effectiveness is compared with the general infantry, or even how powerful the raid can be on their side, as long as it is a surprise attack from the central army, it will inevitably It's a risky attack.

Because at that time, the Jiangdong army's rear army will definitely be able to catch up, and the enemy's central army will definitely receive a lot of support. After all, the enemy's rear army will not allow their way forward to be blocked by the enemy .On the other hand, even if the front army of the Jiangdong Army is under attack, as long as the Chinese army can survive with the support of the rear army, they will definitely turn around and fight back.

At this time, the situation is self-evident: the raiding troops, on the contrary, have been surrounded by the enemy in the center.

Raid troops, not only were unable to deal a severe blow to the enemy, but were trapped by the enemy and needed others to rescue them.In such a situation, it is really as embarrassing as you want to say.

Gai Meng is also a long-time battle veteran, and has extremely rich experience in fighting against the enemy, so he can deduce a lot of things that may occur on the battlefield as long as he moves his mind.

Therefore, Gai Meng thought in his heart that Yu Jin's attack arrangement was obviously inappropriate.He wondered to the messenger: "Why did General Yu make such an arrangement? It's obviously inappropriate, and it's a very risky move!"

The messenger saw that the expression on Gai Meng's face had changed, so he didn't dare to say any more nonsense, and immediately reported: "General Yu means that General Gai should use cavalry to break into the Jiangdong Army's central army, and use the cavalry The high-speed surprise attack ability cuts the enemy army into two sections at one stroke. Although General Gai's doing so is not a small risk, it can definitely drag the entire enemy army in place."

When the messenger said this, Ge Meng suddenly couldn't help but let out a long groan, because he finally figured out another deep-level intention of Yu Jin's arrangement.

If Ge Meng pursues from the tail and directly enters the enemy's rear, in fact, as long as the enemy's supervisor is decisive enough, or if he is ruthless enough, he will directly refuse to save the rear and treat it as a whole. If the broken army of the main army is in use, Shizi's intentions may indeed be defeated.

It's not that the Shu Han army has never encountered such a situation.When the Jingzhou Army was fighting at the White Bull Fortress in Nanyang County, the Cao Wei Army once deployed an intercepting force by issuing orders to fight to the death.If it weren't for Liu Chan's persuasion to surrender at that time, I don't know how much time it would have been delayed to wipe out such a broken army.

Therefore, once the enemy's chief general is really willing to part with his own capital, there is a possibility that Gai Meng's surprise attack method will fail.

(End of this chapter)

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