The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 763 The Battle Is Set

Chapter 763 The Battle Is Set (Part [-])

As for Cao Wei, even though the military system is already the most advanced and complete among all countries, the literati left behind by Cao Cao can still have an important influence in the army.However, among the Sima clan that Liu Chan has always regarded as dead, Sima Yi is gradually changing, from a simple scribe to a soldier.

Perhaps, it was precisely because of this change that the Sima clan was able to firmly control the army, successfully seized power from Cao Wei, and finally defeated the Shu Han and Soochow Wu with military strength to dominate the world.

Having said that, Sun Huan immediately commanded the assembled army formation behind, divided it into two parts, and detoured from the left and right wings respectively, and soon surrounded the forbidden troops.The troops on Yu Jin's side immediately fell into a bitter battle, and the number of casualties also increased rapidly.

Even so, Yu Jin knew that he and the men under his command had no way out now, and the only thing left for them was to persevere.Therefore, while commanding the army to fight, Yu Jin shrunk the army towards the center. Only when they gathered together more closely could they reduce casualties as much as possible.

So, Sun Huan couldn't help but smiled smugly.Suddenly, a very sellable heroic mind could not help but grow in his young heart.He imagined that later when Yujin was at a loss, he would suddenly appear in front of Yujin, reprimand Yujin for not knowing his destiny in the sharpest language, and then solemnly swear to Yujin how benevolent his lord Sun Quan is, and finally It was Yu Jin who grabbed and understood and sent him to Moling, which was a great contribution of his Sun Huan!

It should be said that Sun Huan's luck has always been very good, but this time may be an exception, and he is destined to be disappointed.

Just when Sun Huan was obsessed with himself, and even laughed foolishly before the battle, the situation on the battlefield had changed, and a big change that he did not expect appeared.

Half of the Jiangzhou army that was left behind, with a size of nearly 3000 people, finally appeared on the edge of the battlefield.When they saw that Yu Jin's men had been surrounded by Sun Huan's army and were in a bitter fight, they immediately went into battle without saying a word.

With the appearance of this support army, the situation on the battlefield was indeed disturbed.At this time, Sun Huan had to immediately send out part of the army to hold back that part of the troops first, and wanted to wipe out the enemies on Yu Jin's side before freeing up his hands to deal with these new enemies.

But Sun Huan's response plan was quickly shattered, and the Jiefan Army with more than 4000 soldiers and the Jiangzhou Army who fell to the rear finally arrived at this time.

Therefore, the army of more than 1 people that Liu Chan handed over to Commander Yu Jin had all appeared on the battlefield at this time.In fact, the appearance of these people can almost be said to be decisive.Because with their appearance, the number of Yu Jin's troops finally surpassed that of Sun Huanjun.

As all the troops on Yu Jin's side gradually entered the battle, not only was the siege on Yu Jin's side untied, but Yu Jin's army had even begun to launch a counterattack against Sun Huan's army.

After all, the pressure on Sun Huan's army was getting bigger and bigger. Sun Huan finally realized that his side might not be able to withstand it soon, so he suddenly wanted to run away as soon as possible.

Moreover, the battle situation on He Jing's side once again dropped another heavy bomb on Sun Huan's gradually weakened heart: Gai Meng's combat goal was finally achieved.His cavalry broke through He Qi's army and successfully cut He Jing's central army into two halves.

But Gai Meng's previous worries and Sun Huan's confidence in He Da were indeed realized at the same time. In order to save He Jing's dangerous situation, He Da really turned his army around immediately and began to attack Gai Meng's cavalry. anti-encirclement.

Gai Meng's cavalry immediately fell into a bitter battle.

But such news, it should be said that it is not too bad news, but things vary from person to person.Maybe it wasn't bad news for He Qi and He Da, but it was indeed bad news for Sun Huan.Because of this, Sun Huanjun's retreat was almost cut off, and he could only wait until He Jing and He Da's troops wiped out Gai Meng's cavalry team if they wanted to retreat.

But judging from the current situation, the prospects are worrying.Even the worst case scenario is that when He Jing and He Da finally see that things are beyond their control, they may choose to continue to withdraw troops, and he will become the object of abandonment, and become a man named Tian Tian Ying Ming. A tragic figure whose land is not working well, and his army will eventually be surrounded and wiped out.

Thinking of such dire consequences, Sun Huan had no choice but to lower his stance immediately, and sent someone over to ask He Jing and He Da to destroy Gai Meng's cavalry as soon as possible, otherwise with the collapse of his resistance, Then today they will really lose.

Today is destined not to be Sun Huan's lucky day.Because soon, the army of Wuxi barbarians appeared.After unfolding, the figures of the soldiers in the cross-section were black and dense, as well as the lines that kept undulating like colorful waves, completely shattering the last hope in Sun Huan's heart.

At this time, a question arose in Sun Huan's mind inexplicably, how did these enemies catch up?Especially the Wuxi Man, they obviously left Gai Meng from the battlefield long ago and they fled for their own lives, but now not only have they returned, but they have also worked tirelessly to catch up.Is this a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement?What is Wuximan trying to do by doing this?
For Sun Huan, these are now almost unanswerable questions.However, the answer to the clearest question in Sun Huan's mind was that if he dared not lead the army to retreat now, it would be too late when Wuxi Man's army surrounded him.

So, Sun Huan immediately sent someone to tell He Da and He Jing about the appearance of the Wuxi barbarian army, and asked them to help his army retreat.Then, Sun Huan changed the battle order, only a small number of troops resisted Yu Jin's army, and he himself led most of the troops to turn around to help He Jing's troops defeat Gai Meng's cavalry.

However, everything seems to be too late. Wuximan is really serious this time. After all, they can no longer work as before, and Zhang Bao's army is sharpening their knives behind them!

As a result, Sun Huan's troops failed to retreat after all. Together with half of He Jing's troops, they were completely surrounded by the Wuxi barbarian army who had caught up.Gai Meng's cavalry was finally liberated from the encirclement.

Therefore, the overall situation of this pursuit battle has finally been settled.

At this time, the sky has reached dusk, and the sky has turned orange, and the color is gradually fading.

Yu Jin's serious face finally became relaxed, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath.He was already dripping with sweat, and the armor on his body was also stained with a lot of blood.

However, judging from the current results, all these risks seem to be worthwhile.

(End of this chapter)

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